Glossary of Terms, People and Places
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Updated 10/14/23 14:07:50 PT
A run mo chroé: Gaelic for love of my heart.
A'pelur: Campiaan Alliance world and home to criminal kingpin Mebbers and his hidden fortress (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ace: White werewolf, in the Dallas Pack. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Acrimus, the lieutenant: Rogue god once of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. He breathed the beginnings of Solar Red into the ears of humanoids. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Adahi: Also known as the Phantom; well acquainted with former King Thorn. Dreamwalker, who has a long history with Kyri and events in Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Adam Chessman: From old Earth. Born in 1763. Turned by Xavier in 1790. 6' 4" tall. Dark-brown hair, gray eyes. Former chief of Enforcers for the Vampire Counsel. Chosen to become a member of the Saa Thalarr. Shapeshifter (black gryphon). Mated to Kiarra, father to Justin. Lives at NorthStar on Avendor. Also a member of the Al'Riyu (see Hierarchy of the Gods). (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Addah Desh: Owner of Desh's Restaurants on Tulgalan. Head of the Desh family. Father of twenty-seven (actually twenty-six, see below) children, by eight wives. It was originally thought that he was Reah's father, but it is revealed that Reah's mother, Raedah, was raped by Edan, resulting in Reah's birth. (High Demon Series)
Adele Evans: Shapeshifter (peregrine falcon). Ashe Evans' mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Adem: Villager who refused to join the Republic of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Adrixx: A town on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Aedan Evans: Vampire, Ashe Evans' father. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Af te Jufaleh: (aff-tee-joo-fal-uh) High Demon term for go to the flames. High Demons can only die at the hands of one stronger than they or if they leap into Baetrah (volcano) in their humanoid form. (High Demon Series)
Affa-Gannis: Mountainous area where Kaakos gathers his new army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ai yevu: Falchani for my only.
Akashic Records: "The Telling Winds," referred to as the Akashic Records on many worlds. A rare seer can tap into them and see forward and backward in time. (High Demon Series)
Aklus: Rogue Karathian warlock. Lead twenty-seven rogue witches and warlocks in an attempted coup to ursurp the Karathian crown from Rylend Davan Morphis. They committed heinous acts, murdering children to terrorize the population. Deceased. (High Demon Series)
Akrinn Lemm: Native of Jaledis, best friend of Fergue Bing. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Al Flint: U.S. Vice President to Amelia Sanders. Assassinated by a sniper in Detroit. (R-D Series)
Alan: James Rome's driver. (God Wars Series)
Aldah Desh: Third-born son of Addah and Farla Desh. Full blood brother to Fes and Rane Desh. Imprisoned for the murder of his father. (High Demon Series)
Aldevik Foth: (Lord Aldevik Foth) Eldest and Head of a High Demon House. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Alex Thompson: Shapeshifter, White Buffalo. Amos Thompson's brother. Killed by Zeke Tanner. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Alexi Kuznetsov: Ilya Kuznetsov's son. Murdered by Baikov for questioning activity around Chernobyl. (R-D Series)
Alf: Worker in the berry farms under Az-ca's southern domes. Spy for Ruarke and then Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Alim'deru: A transfer of power. The power of Gaelar N'Seith, the Elven lands. A power that made and kept Kaldill Schaff King of the Elves. The Prince-Heir after the transfer would also be able to draw upon that power, should it be required.
Alken Wilker: Fourth-level Karathian warlock, and Uncle to Perri and Pauley Wilker-Ironsmith. Abused both children after they were abandoned by their parents. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Alrenardo: (Alren) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Alun: New hire for the King's palace in Az-ca. Spy for Kaakos, sent to kill Thorn II. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Alvin Wright: a.k.a. Bear Wright. Shapeshifter (bear), wishes to establish a Shapeshifter council. He is huge, almost as tall as Trajan with broad shoulders, thick light brown hair, warm brown eyes and a slightly crooked nose, as if it were broken a couple of times. Was the Principal of Star Cove Combined, a shapeshifter school. Eventually became co-Captain of BlackWing I. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Alynne Nicholls: Employee of Edinburgh castle in Scotland. Tricked into allowing terrorist into the castle. Mary Evans posing as Denna Philpot seduced her. (R-D Series)
Amara: Healer for the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Griffin, until she left him and was mated to Edan Desh. Mother of Wyatt Arden. Eventually elevated to a member of the Powers that Be - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Amelia Sanders: U.S.President. Her husband and first gentleman is Graye Sanders. She inherits the Cloud Dust Program from the previous administration and is very involved with it. (R-D Series)
Amlis, Prince: Second, and less favored, son of King Tamblin and Queen Omina of Fyris. 21 years old, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Prince of New Fyris. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Amos Thompson: Shapeshifter (white buffalo) self-appointed day guard for Cloud Chief. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Currently, the captain of BlackWing I. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ana: North Camp Instructor, Second Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Anari: 17-year-old Black Rose girl with mindspeaking ability and stepping talent. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Anna Kay Griffin: Adam and Kiarra's daughter, declared Dragon's mate while still in the womb, by the Larentii Wise Ones. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Annabelle Taylor: Shark Shapeshifter. Associate at Gruber, Taylor and Worth Law Firm. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Antiani: Wolf's (of the Saa Thalarr) Healer. Not human. He only has three fingers and a thumb, skin the color of pale coffee, and green eyes. He smiles a lot and loves to cook. (Saa Thalarr Series) Secretly mated to Raheela.
Ar'pex: (a.k.a. Ar'pexi) A nature spirit which has chosen to bond with another being, giving that being their power and cooperation. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ardalin: Teeg's cook on Campiaa. She is obsessed with Teeg and jealous of Reah. Partnering with three others to have Reah abducted and Teeg forced, by magic, to become a willing husband. She dies in the kidnapping attempt. (High Demon Series)
Ardis: Avii, Black Wing, captain in the Guard. Dark hair and gray eyes. Mated to Dena. Queen Quin's personal bodyguard. Daughter: Dara. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Aris: Commander of the Rangers on Mandil. See Aurelius. (High Demon Series).
Armon: Colonel in Az-ca's army, currently serves as First advisor to Prince Commander. Chosen by Caral to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Arresh: The name chosen by Sherra's dreamwalker. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Arvil San Gerxon: Gambling Magnate and Crime Kingpin from Campiaa, a gambling planet located outside the Reth Alliance. (High Demon Series)
Aryn: Helped Lissa build the university and a library on Le-Ath Veronis and taught history. Dark brown hair, gray eyes, 6' 2". Gabron was reincarnated as Aryn. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series)
ASD: Reth Alliance Security Detail.
Ashe Evans: Son of Adele Evans and Aedan Evans. The Ir'Indicti and the Mighty Hand. Owns SouthStar Groves on Avendor. SouthStar is a haven, and those who reside there will never age because of the power wielded by Ashe. Mated to Kay and Breanne. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Aspe: Warrior-priest and favorite of Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Astralan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of the four Starr Brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Mated to Queen Reah. Member of the Nameless Ones. See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series)
August Hunter, Colonel: (Auggie) Former Marine. Left the military to be a handler for the Cloud Dust Program. He is Corinne's handler. Tall, erect posture, handsome black man in his late 40's. (R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Aunt Shelby: Cassie Randall's aunt, who left Cassie her home. Aunt Shelby was murdered by Cassie's relatives, Morton and Dalton King. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Aurelius: Roman vampire. Sire to René and Gavin. A tall, wide-shouldered lion of a man with dark-blond hair. A fair and open-minded person, he was responsible for many of the laws governing the treatment of humans by vampires. Spawn hunter for the Saa Thalarr. See Reah's Mates. a.k.a. Aris. Also, a member of the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Blood Destiny Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Avendor: The planet where the residents of Star Cove relocated. Location of EastStar and SouthStar Groves on the Southern Continent. Known for their gishi fruit. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Averill: King of the Earth Sprites. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Avii: A race of winged humanoids, created by the god Liron, who live on the planet Siriaa. The Avii live in a caste society, with every occupation dictated by the color of their wings. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Avii Wing Colors: As described to Quin by Daragar (First Ordinance Series):
Aviia: Avii Castle.
Avilepha: High Demon term, meaning my love. "Hala Avilepha, m'seidra camethei refieoru" is the phrase a High Demon male whispers to his mate after the claiming. It means my heart's love, you are mine forever. (hall-uh av-il-lef-uh, muh-seed-ruh cam-uh-thay ref-ee-or-oo)
Az-ca: Desert country ruled by King Wulf; always at war with barbarians from Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ba'Moru: Small vacation resort on Pyrik and home to Caille Morr. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Baarkann: A young member of the Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Baetrah: Active Volcano on the Southern Continent of Kifirin. If a High Demon wishes to end his/her immortal life, they throw themselves into the fire while in humanoid form. If they jump in while in Demon form, they just walk out again. Like taking a fire bath. Sort of. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Baetrah an Hafei: City closest to Baetrah on Kifirin Southern Continent. Literally means Below the Fire Mountain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Baikov: Russian General, involved in the Russian Cloud Dust Program and also a recipient of the drug. Ruthless murderer. (R-D Series)
Balsom: Village in eastern Az-ca, roughly twenty miles south of Sa'wann. There, the terrain is relatively flat. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Baltis: (King Baltis) King of the Dark Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Ban: Village Headman, Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bandelif: Greater Demon. Father of Nedrizif. Uncle to Zendeval Rjjn. (High Demon Series)
Barc: Got the wasting disease at age 6. He was placed in stasis at the age of 8. Commander Bleek is his father. (First Ordinance Series)
Bardelus: A non-Alliance world with six commonwealths, each running its own governments. It's core was tapped by rogue wizards. Bardelans are often notorious liars and expect to haggle over everything. Home world to Ploval. (High Demon Series)
Bardelus Prime: Capital city of United Bardelus, a commonwealth on the planet Bardelus. (High Demon Series)
Bargel: President of Pyrik. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barkins: Charla Dare's fluffy, white canine best friend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barney: (Barna) Black Rose Escort trainee and former washout. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Barra Kend: Wife of Ruther Kend, mother of Sabrina Kend. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barrigar: Larentii, Protector for Graegar, Larentii Wise One. Mated to Conner, father of Connegar. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Barry Stokes: Director of Mercy Crossings in Los Angeles, California, a charity that arranges for health professionals and volunteers to help wherever needed. (God Wars Series)
Barth (Diviner): King Wulf's Chief Diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Barth (Master Cook): Master Cook at Aviia on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Barton: Police officer in Fresno, California. Questioned Justin after an attack at a student party. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Barun: Addah Desh's assistant at Desh's #1 Restaurant on Tulgalan. (High Demon Series)
Baxter: Vampire Enforcer for the UK Council, then later on Le-Ath Veronis. Works with Dmitri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Baxter Indis: Trusted assistant to Erland Morphis. He works on Campiaa assisting with the security and management of Erland's Sea Spray Casino. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Bayar and Rayab: Reservation names used at the Tidal Wave restaurant in San Francisco, California by Saxom and Moxas. Reversed letters, a play on their own names. (God Wars Series)
Bearcat: Retired Saa Thalarr healer for Tiger. Mated to Erland, Joey and Norton. His shapeshifting animal is a bear and cat mix. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Beatrice Chaumont: An identity assumed by Cassie when she is assigned the role of Princess of Alabama. Beatrice Chaumont was a real person, who died in a skiing accident at age 10. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Beatris: Rodrik's Lady wife. She has dark hair and blue eyes. She is pretty but has a sadness about her. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Becker: One of The Five in the Cloud Dust Program. He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. His only gift is muscle. (R-D Series)
Beckley: Warrior, chosen by Reena. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Beels: Warrior-priest; mindspeaker and spy among warrior-priests for Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bekzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Mated to the Breanne (Mighty Heart) and to Zaria. Member of the Nameless Ones - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Bel Erland Morphis: Karathian Warlock. Son of Rylend Morphis and Reah Desh. Mated to Quin. Fifth-level warlock and skilled at scrying and spells. (God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bela: Former Black Rose Escort washout, reinstated with the help of Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Belancour Wizards: From Shaaliveer. They are first mentioned in Blood War as having done good work for Viregruz, leader of Black Mist. Marid is the Chief or head of household of the Belancour Wizards and quite powerful. Melida is Marid's daughter. Her first husband was killed in a raid on Cloudsong. Marid offered Melida in marriage to Shadow Grey. Glendes Grey agreed. Trikleer is Melida's son. He has severe physical handicaps from his mother's drug use while pregnant with him. Morid is Marid's son. Wymarr is Marid's younger brother. He is grasping and ambitious. Marid kicked him out of their home after the ASD placed a bounty on his head for "a few minor misdeeds." He is now employed by the Lyristolyi. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, First Ordinance Series)
Belarok Lith: (Raona Belarok) Now deceased, former High Demon Queen. Mated to Lendevik Lith, also deceased, former High Demon King. Belarok is Glindarok's mother (High Demon Queen). (Blood Destiny Series)
Belen: A Nameless One, one of the light gods. He is Thorsten's (see Thurlow) supervisor. He doesn't often resort to corporeality. Mated to Corinne. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, God Wars Series,, Saa Thalarr Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series, First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Belifindus: A dead world, destroyed by greed and the Ra'Ak. Considered a world not worth saving by the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Belinda: Blonde bombshell with shocking pink highlights in her hair. Her upper arms are tattooed with a snake crawling through a skull. Jayson Rome's BDSM playmate. (God Wars Series)
Beliphar: Once a member planet of the Reth Alliance, it lost its membership after it was taken over by a renegade political party. Afterward, everything was owned and run by the state, and vampirism was dealt as a punishment to criminals. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Benjamin Billings: Werewolf and Principal of Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Benjamin Stokes: A rare black werewolf. Working with Cassie to locate and destroy Morton and Dalton King. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Bennall: A Campiaan Alliance world orbiting the same star as Kev'Ril. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Berel Charkisul: When we meet him he is 16 and dying. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. His father is Edden Charkisul. Mated to Quin and serves as a liaison/ambassador for her after he was granted the blue wings of an Avii scholar by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Beri: From Ny-nes. Klete's mother. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Berthias Tayde: A Reth Alliance employee who accepted bribes from Arvil San Gerxon to allow drakus seed to be shipped. (High Demon Series)
Bertram Goodhue: Architect in the early 1900s who built a mansion in what was intended to be the most beautiful mining town in the world. The mines failed and the town was abandoned, becoming a ghost town. Located near Tyrone, New Mexico. (God Wars Series)
Bespalov: Ambassador to the U.S. from Novosibirsk, Russia. He secretly helped to free Ilya from a Russian prison. He passed information to Ilya. Assassinated in the U.S. (R-D Series)
Beth Walters: Werewolf, mated to Teddy Williams who is Second in the Sacramento pack. Father, Martin Walters, Sr.. Brother, Martin Walters, Jr. (Mack). (Saa Thalarr Series)
Beverly Stokes: Benjamin Stokes' human wife. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Bexari: A destitute and isolated planet. Governed by Prime Minister Vyris. Its only source of income is blackmail money from Grey House. (God Wars Series)
Bill Gordon: Werewolf, married to Kirby Lee. Murdered, and his boat was used to access an offshore oil rig. His wife was an accomplice. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Bill Jennings: Former Director of NSA/HSD from Earth. Human mate to Breanne. 5' 10", brown hair and brown eyes. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Birimera: A planet where Arvil San Gerxon grew drakus seed. A pod of one thousand Spawn were dropped here for a battle with the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Black Myth: AKA Shakkor Agdah. A race of demons attempting to destroy the human population on Earth by releasing a deadly toxin. The Mystic War has been attempted in the past and failed. It takes them decades to regroup and launch another attempt. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Blake Folie: United States Senator. V'ili placed an obsession on him at Calhoun's command. (God Wars Series)
Blane Grove: Former Council member, and Merrin's ally. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bleek, Commander: Leader of Cayetes' Storm. He is Blevakian, a four-armed race. He is a hulking giant with black hair and black eyes. Father of Barc. Mated to Corinne. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Bob Sullivan: Private detective in California who is unscrupulous when on a case and seeking information. Works for Ross Gidion and James Rome, Sr. (God Wars Series)
Bogey's Bar and Grill: In San Francisco outside the Castro District and close to Hank's club. A decent menu and is open late. Frequented by Hank and Breanne. (God Wars Series)
Bones of the Prophet: A drug given to those in Ny-nes' army and its clerics, to ensure their compliance. Also secretly given to Merrin and his cohorts when Az-ca was infiltrated by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Boodreatis: A planet, and the site of a Spawn attack on a college campus resulting in many deaths. (High Demon Series)
Book of the Rose (The): A book in the King's library, describing talents and duties of Black Rose Escorts. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bordok: Rogue Blood Warlock with sharpened front teeth, worked for rebel Commander Cephas on Falchan. He had to kill to produce his spells. Deceased. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Borell Gant: Patriarch of a family chosen randomly by the Prophet for his experiments in employing food to spread the Prophet's disease. Deceased. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bornelus: Non-Alliance world taken by the Prophet and guarded by mutant Ra'Ak. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Brade Deplan: Half-Bright Elemaiyan. ASD operative secretly working for the Bright Elemaiya Queen. Sent to Earth to investigate the Cloud Dust program and its survivors. Deceased. (R-D Series)
Braden Reynolds: Rogue werewolf from Phoenix, Arizona. Hired by Ross Gideon as a tracker. He and his brother, Rafe, were both under obsession, and are now deceased. (God Wars Series)
Brakkus: A Campiaan Alliance world, and chosen meeting place between Alken and Gillen Wilker. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Brandl Gage: Father of Randl Gage. Homeworld is Vogeffa II, until attack by Vardil Cayetes forced the population to relocate to New Fyris. Employed by Prince Amlis and later by Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis and Queen Quin of the Avii. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Braxlin Ironsmith: Karathian warlock. Father of Ilya Rafael Ironsmith. (R-D Series)
Bray: Barth's secondary Diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Breah-mul: (bree-uh-mull) means my breath in the language of the Elves.
Breanne Hayworth: Lissa's half-sister, taken from Earth to the future on Le-Ath Veronis, made Vampire. Her appearance is altered so she can sit in for Lissa as Queen. a.k.a. Love—the Mighty Heart, the Vhanaraszh, and a Q'elindi (God Wars Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Breanne's Mates:
- Henry Hank Bell / Hanlekidus Frebell a Ko'Ahmari / Li'Neruh Rath
- Trajan: Werewolf, Ashe's second
- Salidar/Sali DeLuca: Werewolf
- Sheriff Trevor: vampire
- Kooper Griff: Lionsnake shapeshifter. Vice Director of the ASD.
- Kevis Halivar: Doctor
- Bill Jennings
- Corent River: half Green Birth Fae
- Fes Desh: master-cook
- Stellan Starr: Karathian Warlock
- Kalenegar: Larentii. Vhilrilaszh.
- Graegar: Larentii
- Barrigar: Larentii
- Jayson Rome (a.k.a. Matthew Michaels)
- Ashe Evans: the Mighty Hand, the Ir'Indicti.
- Charles Hoffman: vampire
- Ildevar Wyyld: Founding member of the Reth Alliance. Ra'Ak
- Chazi
- Perzi
- Bekzi
Brenevik Lith: (Bren) High Demon. Bren was put to death with his brother, Tarevik, for the coup that caused the death of their parents, Belarok and Lendevik. (High Demon Series)
Brenton Arden: See Griffin.
Breszca Loffus: Lives on Tulgalan. Divorced from Graumil Loffus. Mother of Raedah, whom she put up for adoption after lying about who was Raedah's father. Later married Denevik Lith, Raedah's real father. (High Demon Series)
Breth: A comesula officer in a common demon cohort. (Blood Destiny Series)
Brett Walker, Captain: Dying soldier that Dr. Richard Farrell brought into the Cloud Dust Program with President Sanders' approval. Given Nick's blood and became a clone and werewolf. Originally had red hair and blue eyes. A good man. (R-D Series)
Briar: Servant in the King's palace, Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Briden: A Refizani vampire; Gabron's vampire child. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Bridgett Moss-Murphy: Water Demon. Wants to be a Chancellor's wife. Social climber, jealous, possessive, insane. Guilty of murder and attempted murder. Helped kidnap Destiny King. Died in attempted coup. (A Very Paranormal Holiday, Anthologies)
Brig Andlen: Warden at the prison on Tulgalan where Marzi Desh was incarcerated. (High Demon Series)
Brin: Personnel servant, page and food taster for Prince Timblor. Ordered by the Prince to stab Yevil Orklis to death. He accepted a bribe from Yevil to stab the Prince instead. After assassinating the Prince, Yevil kills him. (First Ordinance Series)
Brinelodus (Brin): Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series)
Brock: Merrill's vampire child; curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Was a documentary filmmaker and licensed pilot before becoming vampire. Eventually became an Enforcer for the Vampire Council. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, God Wars Series)
Brothers Hardlow: Wilffin and Wilffox are two of the most notorious criminals in and out of the Alliance. Wilffox being older and more murderous than his murdering younger brother. They are partners with Arvil San Gerxon in the drakus seed business. (High Demon Series)
Bryan Kellogg: Lawyer practicing in Silver Springs, MD. He works for author Carol Dane. (R-D Series)
Bryan Riley: Vampire, On Old Earth, worked as assistant to the night news producer for a London news station. He has since become the head of the News Conglomerate on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bulldog: See Yasa. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ca'Lex: Abandoned world; David's Ar'pex. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Caille Morr: Trail guide at a mountain resort on Pyrik. One of many hidden servants of the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Calezia: Capital city of Fren'Ell, a Reth Alliance world, where Jewl Yarro had a home and a better reputation. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Calhoun: Rogue godling pretending to be human to escape notice, while helping to try to destroy Earth. Plotted to capture Kiarra for Saxom. After Acrimus' death, he moved to the first position of the General's army. Calhoun has dirty-blond hair, a slightly crooked nose, brown eyes and a medium build. Now deceased. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Calli: Black Rose Escort who, with her warrior, deserted the army and joined with Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Camala: Female Falchani warrior. She fights with two blades and has competed in the Solstice Trials. Prefers women. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Campiaa: A small planetoid outside the Reth Alliance. Formerly, it was home of the largest (and most popular) gambling city outside the Reth Alliance. Adhering to no laws, it still attracted wealthy Reth Alliance clientele, along with crime kingpins. Campiaa was also known as the clearing house for drug trafficking, the place to hire assassins and thieves, and the place to plan almost any criminal activity. Now, the home of the Founder of the Campiaan Alliance.
Campiaan Alliance: A new alliance founded by Teeg San Gerxon. Modeled after the Reth Alliance and adopted many of its laws. Many member planets were rogue and lawless prior to joining. (High Demon Series)
Camryn: Red Wing, King of the Avii and husband of Elabeth. He and his wife were murdered by Tamblin. (First Ordinance Series)
Captain Indus: Officer in Az-ca's army; chosen as one of the King's elite troops. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Captain Neele: Ranking officer often left in charge of Secondary Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Caral: Fourth Cohort Black Rose Escort trainee at North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Carek Prime: A non-Alliance world ruled by King Devarr, until it was destroyed by Vardil Cayetes. The population was subsequently moved to Cloudsong. BlackWing Pirates Series)
Carol Dane: See Corinne Watson.
Casimir: Vampire. He is almost as old as Wlodek. He is about 5' 8" tall, with dark blond hair carefully brushed back from his forehead. Wlodek sent him to Cloud Chief to spy on Ashe and to perform the turning when the time came. Gavin insisted that he pose as Breanne's approved suitor. Lissa set aside the engagement. Trajan thinks he is an honorable vampire. Ashe thinks he is like an old-world gentleman. He watched over, and has feelings for, Kathleen Rome when she was taken to SouthStar. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Casino City: Located ten miles west of Lissia on the dark side of Le-Ath Veronis. Built specifically for gambling, tourism, shopping and entertainment. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Cassandra King: See Cassie Randall.
Cassie Randall: Her real name is Cassandra King. Female Fire Demon. Works as a personal assistant to Parke Worth at Gruber, Taylor and Worth, a law firm in Seattle, WA. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Caylon Black: Falchani warrior and the best Falchani blademaster ever produced on that world. Caylon Black trained Dragon, Crane and Salidar DeLuca. Mated to Corinne and Cleo. Member of the Saa Thalarr and the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Cecil: Member of the Vampire Council on Old Earth; Italian. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Cedar's Falls: The capital city on Falchan. An old city with narrow cobblestone streets. Home to craftsmen and the finest sword makers on the planet. Known for its restaurants and noodle stands. Home to Flyer. (High Demon Series)
Ceerah Kade: a.k.a. Bynda Wark and Cedrah Dane. Also referred to as Nurse Nasty. Used her medical career in the theft and distribution of controlled drugs. Captured on Refizan after selling patient information (about Reah) to a reality show, while working for Kevis Halivar. She was tried and convicted for smuggling drakus seed and received a life sentence on Evensun. Deceased. (High Demon Series)
Celestan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cephas: Commander of the rebel forces on Falchan. Used a Blood Warlock to ensnare the minds of the Falchani people. He intended to rule Falchan. Now deceased. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Chad Daniels: A young werewolf whose father was killed in a challenge against the Cloud Chief Packmaster. Bullies younger students at Cloud Chief Combined, with help from his shapeshifting best friend, Jeremy Booth. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Changer: See Ri'Kita.
Charla Dare: Wealthy Campiaan resident who has been working as a smuggler and committing other crimes quietly while passing as one of the planet's elite. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Charles Hoffman: Wlodek's personal assistant. Turned in the late 1700s by Flavio, Charles was an acrobat and performer for one of London's famous circuses. He was practicing a trick dive off London Bridge when he hit the water at a bad angle and broke his back. Flavio likes to tease his only living child that he ruined a very expensive suit going into the Thames after him. a.k.a. The Mighty Mind and Wisdom. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chash: See Gavril. Tulgalan nickname meaning a tall curious bird.
Chazi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, quietest of eight brothers. Mated to Breanne. Became a Pan'Warha - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Cheah-mul: (chee-uh-mull) means my heart in the language of the Elves.
Cheedas: Comesula chief cook at the High Demon palace. When the move was made to Le-Ath Veronis, he became Lissa's Chef. (Blood Destiny Series)
Cheel: Resident of Gis, a non-alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chen: Wolter's chief assistant in the palace kitchen of Lironis. He is short and thin with dark hair and deep-brown eyes. (First Ordinance Series)
Chimera: Fire-breathing shapeshifter. (God Wars Series)
Chleroa: A Reth Alliance planet. Skiing as a recreational sport is very popular there. (Blood Destiny Series)
Chlind: Contractor supplying women to work at the main desert outpost. Business partner is Seval. Planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Chloe: Naturalized Amterean Dwarf, originally from Old Earth. Owl shapeshifter. Mated to Morwin Quiffilis. Sister to David Hiboux. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chuck Marshall: U.S. Secretary of State. Contacted by the British to assist in the investigation of a British airliner shot down over Columbia. (R-D Series)
Claire Fabre: Louvre museum employee. Along with Jean Caillot took a bribe to allow art work to be stolen and terrorists to enter the museum. Both were killed by burglars. (R-D Series)
Claude: Former sergeant in Az-ca's army. Mindspeaker who worked as a messenger after his retirement. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Cleaster Leech: Campiaan space station employee who has been infected with the Prophet's spreading obsession. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cleo: Griffin's granddaughter and Lissa's niece. Twin sister to Kyler. Cleo is a powerful healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Cloud Dust: A drug found in three extraterrestrial crash sites on Earth. Engineered by the Lyristolyi for use on their own ships. When crew members neared the end of their lives they would take the drug and be reincarnated with their memories intact. If the drug were used on a world with a different atmosphere, in most cases the individuals would die. The ones who survived were usually transformed. Eventually outlawed by the Lyristolyi government, the drug and its users are hunted and destroyed. Multiple governments on Earth began to experiment with the drug in what became known as the Cloud Dust Program, resulting in serious and unexpected consequences. (R-D Series)
Cloudsong: A world recently accepted into the Campiaan Alliance and ruled by King Devarr. Has a spotty, checkered past, and was once rendered barren and useless by a rogue warlock who tapped the planet's core. Restored by Zaria and others, to become home to all the refugees from Carek Prime. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cole: A refugee from Ny-nes. Born with power, he was tortured as a child until he escaped by stepping to Kyri's City at her invitation. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Colonel Kage: Training Instructor for warrior trainees in the King's City—becomes a King's assassin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Colonel Weren: Training Instructor for warrior trainees in the King's City. Becomes General of the army in Rose and Thorn. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Comesuli: Plural of comesula, referring to the original inhabitants of Le-Ath Veronis, and considered vampire young. They live to be six hundred years old on average before dying, and at that point, the Queen Vampire and her Inner Circle would determine whether they would be made vampire or not.
Commander Alden: Post Commander for Secondary Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Connegar: Larentii, son of Barrigar and Conner. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Conner: The Guardian. Former member of the Saa Thalarr. Now serves as an advisor in some capacity. Sees ghosts and spirits, and escorts lost souls to the other side. Mated to Barrigar, Graegar, Russell, Will, Lynx and Martin Walters. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Cord'ilus: An empty world, devoured by Ra'Ak long ago. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Corent River: Half-Green Fae with light blue-green hair that changes color with the weather or his mood. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, High Demon Series)
Cori Anderson-DeLuca: Panther Shapeshifter. A pretty blonde with green eyes. Sister of Dori Anderson and daughter of Lavonna and Nathan Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Co-Captain of BlackWing VIII with her husband, Marco DeLuca. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Corinne Alford: Werewolf. Found baby Tony while on a run in the woods as a werewolf. Corinne adopted Anthony Hancock with the help of the Grand Master, George Chapman. (Blood Destiny Series)
Corinne Watson: (Real name, Harriett Majors.) An unwilling participant in the US Government's Cloud Dust Program, Corinne struggles with unexpected abilities while under the oppressive thumb of her handler. Corinne was an author (originally as Harriett Majors) before being forced into hiding. She still writes, but under the pseudonyms Sarah Fox and Carol Dane. Corinne is also known as Corinnelar (her Larentii name), sometimes shortened to Rinnelar. Corinne has one son, Darin Majors, Jr. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Corinne's Mates:
Corolan: Karathian warlock. Special advocate to the throne and one of Wylend's trusted loves. He is tall with wide shoulders, blond hair and an easy smile. Mated to Reah, who nicknamed him Cory. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series)
Crane: Falchani, twin brother to Dragon and older by a few minutes. Once General to the Dragon Warlord, he is now Saa Thalarr. His fighting animal is a Wyroc, a giant, slate-gray bird with deadly beak and claws. More than 15,000 years old. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Crane Trevor: Son of Crane and Grace. Saa Thalarr. Shapeshifter fighting animal is a Silver Eagle. (Blood Destiny Series)
Cridel: Minor Prince of the Bright Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series)
CSD: Campiaan Security Detail.
Dale Saylor: Owner of the Sub-Mariner, a BDSM club in the Castro District of San Francisco, California. (God Wars Series)
Dalfar: Young Falchani warrior. He has a single panther tattoo on his right bicep, earned in battle. Lost early in his first Solstice Trial and returned to his unit. He is planning to try again in two to three sun turns. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dalroy: Vampire, once a Texas Ranger, he'd been severely wounded in a battle on the Texas-Mexican border when Clancy, a well-respected vampire, found him and made the turn. Sadly, Clancy walked into the sun twenty years later. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Dalton King: Homicidal ice demon, related to Homicidal ice demon, related to Cassie. Murdered Cassie's mother and aunt. His father is Morton King. Works for Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Dalton Parrish: Ilya's handler. Informant and spy. Caught passing classified information to General Cutter. Removed from his position. Later found murdered. (R-D Series)
Dan Kelsey: FBI Director, working with Bill Jennings and the Joint NSA/Homeland Security Department in the San Francisco / Fresno area of California. (God Wars Series)
Dana Yarbrough: Twenty-four-year-old grad student. Helps to identify rogue vampire Keir Arthur after her friend is murdered. (God Wars Series)
Dandril Wond: Gishi fruit and gishi fruit ice cream distributor for EastStar Groves on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Dane: Recruit at the military station in Crown City on Mandil. Endured bullying and hazing with Reah. (High Demon Series)
Daniel Carey: Werewolf Second in the Corpus Christi Pack. Tall (6' 6") and lean. Merrill's friend, he helped in the war with Saxom. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Daniel Frank: Ice Demon with unusual shielding ability. He is an investigator for Gruber, Taylor and Worth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Dantel Schuul: A wealthy minor politician on Quezlos. He and his family manufactured controller chips with the intent of enslaving and taking over both the Reth and Campiaan Alliances. He has one daughter, Darletta Schuul. He is now deceased. (God Wars Series)
Dar-den: A villiage in Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Dara: Avii—daughter of Dena and Ardis. Named after Daragar of the Larentii. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Daragar: Larentii. Has visited the Library at Avii Castle for years, studying Siriaa. Mated to Quin. (BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series)
Daria: Doret's sister, killed by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Darin Majors, Jr.: Only child of author Harriett Majors and Darin Majors, Sr. Was shot by an unknown assassin in Cambridge, MA. (R-D Series)
Dark Realm: Created by Kifirin to balance the Light Realm. He set the laws governing the Dark Worlds and their inhabitants. The planet Karathia's orbit is along the line separating the Dark and Light Realms. Werewolves, vampires, High Demons and Greater Demons are among the Dark Realm races. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Darletta Schuul: From Quezlos. Work with her father, Dantel Schuul, as a front for his dealings. Involved in kidnapping, slavery and controller chips. Divorced from Tory. Now deceased. (High Demon Series)
Darryl Harper: Werewolf son and Second to Weldon Harper, Grand Master. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darsen Strand: Twin brother to Ansen, cousin to Lersen Strand. Abused and then murdered young girls. Worked with rogue Ra'Ak, and eventually arrested by the ASD. (High Demon Series)
Darthin: Alliance world with long nights. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darthough: Capital city of Darthin. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darvul: Comesula healer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, one of eight brothers. Ran the shuttle station on Campiaa. Likes to cook. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Davan Falthis: Lissa's uncle, one of Narissa's quarter-blood sons who was left on Beliphar. Falsely accused of a crime, he was made vampire as punishment. (Blood Destiny Series)
David Hiboux: Naturalized Amterean Dwarf, originally from Old Earth. Southern Boobook owl shapeshifter, who works as the ship's engineer for BlackWing X. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
David Lang: Werewolf. A doctor who works as a paramedic for the Denton, TX fire department. Brother of Glen Lang. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Davis Stone: Werewolf, member of Winkler's Dallas Pack. Davis is tough and reliable, and Winkler leans more on him than on his actual Second, Phil. After Phil's death in Blood Wager, Davis is selected as Winkler's Second. Wavy brown hair, golden-brown eyes, just under 6' with a muscular build (works out with weights). Lissa gives Davis the Boise Pack after she takes down P.J. Pitt, Karl Johnson's temporary Second. (Blood Destiny Series)
Davis Stone Jr.: Werewolf agent for the Joint NSA/HSD. Medium height, light-brown hair and copper eyes. Member of the Salt Lake City Pack. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Dawn Smith: Werewolf, mother of Randy Smith. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Dayl: General Linel's personal messenger. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Deah-mul: (dee-uh-mull) means my soul in the language of the Elves.
Deandrus: A lawless planet of pirates and cutthroats. (High Demon Series)
Dee: See Dormas.
Deeds: Prince Amlis' man-at-arms on Siriaa. Self-appointed guard to Quin. On Le-Ath Veronis, he helps to run the boat tours to Aviia. (First Ordinance Series)
Del City, Oklahoma: Location of Don's Restaurant, famous for its chicken-fried steak. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series)
Demon Types:
- High Demon (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
- Greater Demon (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
- Fire Demon
- Truth Demon
- Elemental Demon
- Ice Demon
- Rock Demon
- Water Demon
- Half Demon (rarest) (Entries 3-9, Seattle Elementals Series)
Demonnet: Internet site for demons. (A Very Paranormal Holiday - Anthologies)
Dena: Formerly a Yellow Wing, now has multi-colored wings like most Avii. She is one of Quin's first friends, and now her bodyguard. Mated to Ardis. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Denevik Lith: a.k.a. Denus Lithik and Denny. Youngest son of Lendevik and Belarok Lith. Father of Reah's mother, Raedah and grandfather to Reah. Escaped Kifirin when his brother Tarevik Rath made a coup. Liaison for Kifirin with the Reth Alliance and Campiaan Alliance. Mated to Breszca. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Denise DeLuca: Werewolf, married to Marcus DeLuca, mother of Sali and Marco DeLuca. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Denny: See Denevik Lith. (High Demon Series)
Denton Kemp: Former black ops, working for the CIA. (R-D Series)
Denus Lithik: See Denevik Lith. (High Demon Series)
Deonus Wyyld: See Ildevar Wyyld.
Derdris Hazlan: Rogue Karathian warlock. He was involved in the coup attempt on Karathia to overthrow Warlend Arden. Brother to Nidris, son of Fardris. Derdris was arrested on Tulgalan. (High Demon Series)
Derik: Prime Council of the Sirenali. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Derik Thompson: American involved with terrorists at the Louvre Museum. (R-D Series)
Derissa: Caral's older sister, from Dar-den. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Derk Beadl: Former Council member, and ally of Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Deryn Alford: Werewolf, half-brother to Tony Hancock. Natural son of Corinne and Lucas Alford. Four years younger than Tony. (Blood Destiny Series)
Destiny King: Ice Demon. Younger sister to Cassandra King. See Cassie Randall. (A Christmas Feral, a short story contributed to an anthology called A Very Paranormal Christmas. This story is part of the Seattle Elementals Series.)
Destroyers: Four brothers who are the elite guards and enforcers for the Dark Elemaiyan king, Baltis. The chief Destroyer is Rend, followed by Slash, Grind and Crush. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Devarr: King of Cloudsong. Husband to Hulce. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dex: Paymaster for the main desert outpost on planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Diagar: Larentii. Worked with Evagar in Fresno, California to guard Kiarra. (God Wars Series)
Didge: A small village on Karathia. Home to three hundred witches and warlocks who preferred the old ways of living. Abandoned after a Ra'Ak attack. (High Demon Series)
Difik: High Demon term for fool or idiot (derogatory).
Divil San Gerxon: Arvil San Gerxon's brother, who ruled Campiaa before his death. Arvil took over after Divil met his end. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dmitir (Ambassador): Acting Soviet Ambassador after the assassination of Ambassador Besplov. Possibly involved in Besplov's murder. Actively searching for Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Dmitri (vampire): UK vampire, and an Enforcer for the Vampire Council. Often worked with Baxter. Eventually became a guard for Lissa on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Dom Bell's: Hank Bell's BDSM club in San Francisco, co-owned by Breanne Hayworth. (God Wars Series)
Don: (Donald Gene Workman) Lissa's husband, who died shortly before she was made vampire. Had a heart condition all his life. Later reincarnated as Reemagar. (Blood Destiny Series)
Doret: Former Queen of Az-ca; more than 200 years old. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Dori Anderson: Ocelot Shapeshifter. Curly, dark-blonde hair and green eyes. Sister of Cori Anderson and daughter of Lavonna and Nathan Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Now Captain of BlackWing VII (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dorlan Ritt: Rogue warlock. Powerful and can throw fire blasts. (God Wars Series)
Dormas: a.k.a. Dee. Vampire from Mharpool. He owned a large construction company. He is 5,000 turns old. Teeg's Vampire foster father and his assistant in running the Campiaan Alliance. Considers Teeg "the son of his heart." (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dorthil Crasz: Working with ten military officers and Marid Belancour, he attempted a coup to take the High President's office in Kondar on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Dragon: Falchani, twin brother to Crane and former Dragon Warlord on Falchan. Dragon is a master strategist, and you never want to play games (including poker) with him. It's best to just hand over your money beforehand and go have a drink instead. Member of the Saa Thalarr, fighting animal is a Red Dragon. More than 15,000 years old. Daniel Carey, a member of the Saa Thalarr and a former werewolf, is the only person brave enough to play poker with Dragon. He calls Dragon "you old reptile," when he's losing. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dragon Taylor: (Tay) Falchani. Oldest son of Dragon and Grace. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is Gold Dragon. (Blood Destiny Series)
Drake: Falchani, twin son of Dragon and Devin. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Black Dragon. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Drakus Seed: In an old Alliance language, Drakus means Dragon. Drakus seed is a highly addictive and lethal drug. Crushed and drank as a tea, it brings dreams and visions to life, causing the user to believe they are real. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Drecksau: German term, means filthy pig.
Drenn Wulfson Meris Rex: Former Crown Prince of Az-ca, now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Drew: Falchani, twin son of Dragon and Devin. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Silver Dragon. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dria: A kind, but damaged, soul. Hired by Adam, Kiarra and Merrill to work at NorthStar Groves on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Drith and Croth: Rogue High Demon houses, who conspired with the Copper Ra'Ak against the High Demon crown. It was their desire to rule instead. They did not know that the Ra'Ak never intended to give them anything. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Drix: President of Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Du'Ferias: A jungle planet, and the location of one of Hordace Cayetes' strongholds. An explosion destroyed the planet. (God Wars Series)
East Camp: One of four training camps for Black Rose Escort trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Edan Desh: Son of Addah Desh. Manages Desh's Restaurant #2 with an iron fist, frequently beating Reah, who worked in the kitchen. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Edden Charkisul: Former High President of Kondar. He is a good man, a fair leader and loves his son Berel very much. Now serves as Ambassador for the Avii after he was given the blue wings of a scholar by Zaria, to whom he is also mated. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Edward Desmarais: Vampire that made the bet with Sergio Velenci on how long it would take Lissa to make the turn. He was more than 300 years old, had blond hair that curled slightly and gray-blue eyes. (Blood Destiny Series)
Edward Pendley: Owner of EastStar Groves on Avendor. He is 6' tall with thick dark brown hair that curls slightly and has bright hazel eyes. Mated to Reah. Member of En'Nurifi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Elabeth: Red Wing, Queen of the Avii and wife of Camryn. She and her husband were murdered by Tamblin. (First Ordinance Series)
Elemaiya: Often referred to as travelers, or (erroneously) elves or fae. Elves and fae are separate races and do not wander as the Elemaiya do. The Elemaiya originated in the Dark Worlds, and were one race in the beginning. They now refuse to discuss the rift that occurred, splitting them into Bright and Dark factions.
Elias Garber: Petty criminal hired by Karl Johnson to steal Winkler's van, with Lissa sleeping inside it in a body bag. Karl intended to kill Lissa and Winkler, but some timely intervention by Griffin saves the day. (Blood Destiny Series)
Em-pah: Slang term for Grampa or grandfather.
Emmett: Werewolf bodyguard from the Fargo Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
End-War: Crippling event that occurred 600 years ago that changed and destroyed nearly everything on the planet. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ephu: High Demon term for evil one; one that brings harm intentionally. (Blood Destiny Series)
Erithia Cordan: Mother to three sons with V'ili; Gerrett, Morrett and Terrett, all mute Sirenali. She held V'ili in such contempt that she only pretended to like him to get her way at times. Each time she bore V'ili's child, she sold that child into slavery at an early age, after removing his tongue so he could never place an obsession. (God Wars Series)
Erland Morphis: Karathian Warlock. Extremely handsome, very powerful. See Lissa's Mates. Father of King Rylend of Karathia. Fifth-level warlock with strong spell-casting skills. Member of the Ba'Mirha. See Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Escort: a.k.a. Black Rose Escort. A woman with a Black Rose tattoo on her left wrist, paired with a warrior from Az-ca's army to provide protection and a source of power should the warrior need replenishment during battle. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Evensun: Deserted planet, which was once home to the Bright Elemaiya. It now serves as a penal planet for the Reth Alliance. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Everett Hancock: Believed to be Tony Hancock's father. Retired army. Was married to Tony's mother, werewolf Corinne Alford, until he could no longer handle her disappearing one night a month. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ex'ero Plumb: Crillie resident of Horlak, and owner of seventy-six scrapyard warehouses. Formerly a business associate of Jewl Yarro. Crillie men have two functional penises, which is often the source of sexual jokes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
F'nexscot: a.k.a. the King's City. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Faith: Beverly Stokes' sister. Also married to a werewolf in the same pack as Benjamin Stokes. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Falaca: Woolly animals resembling a cross between sheep and llamas. Highly-prized for their varied colors of wool. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series)
Falchan: A non-alliance world. Has one habitable continent. Rest is desert or underwater.
Faldill Schaff: Third son of Kaldill Schaff, King of the Elves. Brother of Lendill Schaff. Died in battle. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Falia: Instructor at North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Farisa: Avii guild master who has persecuted Quin in the past. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Farzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, leader of the eight brothers. Once ran guest services for Teeg's casinos. Now Co-Captain of BlackWing II with his brother Nenzi. Mated to Reah. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Fergue Bing: Former boyfriend of Sabrina Kend. Native of Jaledis. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ferni: One of two young troublemakers at the training camp for girls. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ferrigar: Oldest known living Larentii (more than 3 million years) Head of the Larentii Council and Circle of Elders. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series)
Fes Desh: Master cook in the Desh family. First born son of Addah and Farla Desh. Reah's uncle. Mated to Breanne Hayworth. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Fi'Gu: A Southern race on Avendor. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Finder: See Quin. (First Ordinance Series)
Flakkar: Large, foul-smelling flying reptiles, who have the ability to shield themselves, rendering their bodies invisible to the eye and to technology. Feed voraciously on humanoid flesh. (Blood Destiny Series)
Flavio: Vampire child of Wlodek. More than 1800 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Persian by birth. Took over as Head of the Vampire Council when Wlodek vacated the position to join the Saa Thalarr. Now a high-ranking Council member in Queen Lissa's court on Le-Ath Veronis. Mated to Kyler. Auxiliary member of the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Flossie Thompson: Wife of Amos Thompson. Shapeshifter (swan). (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Flyer: Falchani warrior, member of the Saa Thalarr and member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Four Horsemen: Four wealthy business partners turned terrorist. Owners of Civilian Security Services. Responsible for three acts of terrorism in Colfer, Montana, Afghanistan and Georgia.
(R-D Series)
Fox: 1/4 Elemaiya, given name Bernadette, which Wlodek loves and she hates. Fox is the Ka'Mirai, or True Mirror, something highly sought by the Elemaiya. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr, her fighting animal is the Trellian Fox. Mated to Wlodek, Weldon Harper, Steve, Gilfraith and Veykan. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Franc: One of two trusted bodyguards and emissaries who work for Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Frank Dodd: Werewolf, history teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Franklin Wright: Merrill's adopted human child. Refused the turn (many times) and died at the age of eighty-three from a heart attack. Reborn to Merrill and Kiarra, has architecture degrees and is a healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Fredevik Greth (Lord): Eldest and Head of the High Demon House of Greth. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Friesianna, Queen: Bright Elemaiyan Queen. Some call her the upstart Queen, as she managed to oust the former Queen and force her way into the rule of the Bright Elemaiya. Friesianna was always ambitious, but lacked foresight. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Fyris: The smallest continent on Siriaa. It is hidden from all but the Avii. It is being poisoned by a virulent toxin that is killing the people, the animals, the plants and the soil. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gabron: Head of the Refizani Vampire Council. Oldest Refizani vampire (more than 9,000 years). Was reincarnated as Aryn. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gaelar N'Seith: The garden of the Elves. The Realm of the Elves, located on the planet Wyyld.
Galaxsan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series)
Gale: Armon's former Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gant Family: First family to turn against and kill one another in the Prophet's experiments with tainted food. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gardevik Rath: Deceased. Former High Demon Prime Minister to King Jaydevik Rath (deceased) of Kifirin. Mated to Queen Lissa. One son: Torevik Rath. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Garegar: A Larentii Wise One. His protector is Lanigar. Second born to Conner and Graegar he took a variation of his fathers name. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Garek: Karathian Warlock and special advisor to Wylend Arden when he was King of Karathia. Special love interest to Wylend Arden and Corolan. Father of Radolf. Mated to Keetha. (High Demon Series)
Garkus: Drill instructor at Secondary Camp—became a King's assassin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gart: Rogue Karathian Warlock. (Blood Destiny Series)
Garth: Outpost Commander. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Garwin Wyatt: Son of Gavril Tybus Montegue and Reah Desh. Reincarnation of Wyatt, Lissa and Gavin's grandson. He is born vampire, like his father. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Garwin Wyatt San Gerxon: Son of Teeg San Gerxon, Founder of the Campiaan Alliance. Goes by Wyatt most of the time, and acts as an ambassador for his father in Alliance dealings. Mother: Queen Reah of Kifirin. Grandmother: Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gaull: Far northeastern village in Az-ca. Jubal lives outside the village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gavin Montegue: Roman, originally, his name was Gaius Livius Montanus. Nearly 1700 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Sired by Aurelius, along with his cousin, René de la Roque. Gavin is strictly by the book. Has dark hair, dark eyes, a straight nose and a strong chin. See Lissa's Mates. Head of palace security for Queen Lissa. From Old Earth, he acted as the Vampire Council's chief assassin for centuries. Roman by birth, he served in the Roman army until his near-death in battle. Turned by Aurelius afterward. Mated to Queen Lissa. One son: Gavril Tybus Montegue, aka Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gavril Tybus Montegue: Born a vampire to Queen Lissa and Gavin Montegue. Reah's best friend. (High Demon Series)
Gearin: Falchani warrior. Won the Solstice Trials three sun turns ago. Not as good a fighter as Pheran Tiger. Lost this trial to Devin in the second bout on day two. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Geb: Retired warrior—now works as a traveling instructor for all trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
General Linel: Chief Commander of the army in the Prince Commander's absence. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
General Tern: Officer in Ny-nes' army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Geoffrey Gruber: A short, squarely built and balding Pig Shapeshifter. Associate at Gruber, Taylor and Worth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Georgia Daniels: Werewolf, Chad Daniels' mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Gerrett: A mute Sirenali rescued by Corinne and then became her mate. His brothers are Terrett and Morrett. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gervais: Vampire mister for the Council. Brother to Henri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Giff: Comesula. Roff's oldest child. One of the rare Infilathi that will become winged vampires. Deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Giles: Instructor from Cole's village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gilfraith: Former Ra'Ak, now a healer for the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Fox. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gillen Wilker: A strong, Fourth-level Karathian warlock, Perri and Pauley's biological father, and brother to Alken Wilker. Employed by Mebbers, a criminal kingpin. Married to Qatti, a Third-level witch. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Giryoth: Wealthy Liffelithi dwarf who owned the ranos cannon. Took payment from Black Mist to destroy Trell. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gis: A non-Alliance world, raided by Mebbers in his search for hulls and scrap to build his fleet of starships. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Glen Lang: Werewolf member of Dallas Pack. One of Winkler's trusted wolves, he works security for Winkler. Brother to David Lang. Brown hair, blue eyes, strong. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Glendes Grey: Eldest and Chief of the Grey House Wizards. Father of Raffian Grey, Kyler and Cleo. Wears the Black in Grey House. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, High Demon Series)
Glindarok, Raona: High Demon Queen. Member (auxiliary) of the Saa Thalarr. Turns to White Thifilatha to fight. Once worked as bodyguard to Erland Morphis. As any High Demon is immune to spells and magic, they can also protect anyone within a twenty-foot radius from magic and spells. Glinda is swift and ruthless. Her favorite weapon is a knife. Once mated to Jaydevik Rath, now deceased. Has twin daughters, Jase and Jehrie. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Gord: Sabrina Kend's bodyguard, before she became an agent for the ASD. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Grace: Co-First in the Saa Thalarr with Dragon. Also known as the Avenging Angel. She shares eleven mates with Devin. She has honey-blonde hair and is the mother of five children including Graegar, Dragon Taylor and Kevis. Her shapeshifter fighting animal is a Lace Feathered Eagle. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Grae: Kerok's deceased Black Rose Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Graegar: Larentii Wise One. Son of Renegar and Grace. Mated to Conner (with whom he has a son, Garegar) and Breanne. Protected by Barrigar. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Gram Plicton: Former Council member, who became Merrin's ally after Drenn's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Grand Alliance Council: Made up of Twenty Charter Members of the Reth Alliance and Ildevar Wyyld, the Reth Alliance Founder.
Grant: A somewhat shy vampire from Earth, with dark hair and green eyes. He is first assistant to Queen Lissa. Co-owner of Niff's Sweets and Goodies with Lissa and Heathe. Turned at age 29 by Sarita (who was turned by Merrill, making him Merrill's vampire grandchild). (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Greg: (Gregory Allen) Franklin's human mate. Died at the age of sixty-four, of complications from pneumonia after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Greta Rocklin: Werewolf, Transformational Arts teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Greth, House of: One of the High Demon Houses. Lord Fredevik Greth is Eldest and its Head.
Grey House: A clan of powerful Wizards. They reside on a small planetoid outside the Reth Alliance. The planetoid is surrounded by spells placed by Grey House Wizards through the years and appears as a large asteroid to those outside it. To anyone capable of seeing through the spells, it is quite beautiful. There are several divisions within the Wizard clan, and they wear the colors assigned to their trade. The Wizards have five classifications, with Fifth level being the weakest, First level being the strongest. Several bar fights have occurred between Warlocks and Wizards due to the this difference.
- K'Shoufa Jewelry Division: Color-Royal Blue. Master Wizards are Shadow Grey and his father Raffian.
- Armor Division: Color-Red. Master Wizard is Harvel, Cleo's mate.
- Weapons Division: Color-Yellow. Master Wizard is Calebert, his wife is Xendra.
- Art Division: Color-Green. Master Wizard is Killien, his wife is Penelope.
- Eldest of Grey House: Color-Black. Glendes Grey holds this position and oversees all the Divisions. His wife is Lira (Raffian's mother).
Griffin: (Gryphon, Brenten Arden) Oldest member of the Saa Thalarr (more than 100,000 years) 1/4 Elemaiya and former King Vampire. After his 1/2 Elemaiyan mother abandoned him on Cemdris, he grew up and married there. His wife was pregnant when he contracted a terminal illness. Cemdris controlled vampirism and required anyone to petition the government to be turned. Griffin was turned with permission of the government in power at the time. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Gryphon Hall: Adam Chessman's ancestral home, Old Earth. (Blood Destiny Series)
Grz-gitch: Reptanoid word meaning illegitimate in every way (bastard).
Guli: High Demon Truth Seeker. A Guli always recognizes the truth when he/she hears it. Jayd and Glinda, High Demon King and Queen, are both Gulis. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Gungl: Largest city remaining on Vogeffa II. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gurnil: Blue Wing Avii. Master of the Scholar's Guild. Chief Librarian and Scholar. He is also a member of King Jurris' council. He is tall and thin with brown hair. Quin's mentor. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
H'Morr: An ancient Elemaiyan book of prophecy, written shortly after the schism occurred within the race, separating them in Bright and Dark factions. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Halimel: (Hal) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. Turned by Rigo. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Halthea: Red Wing, Princess of the Avii. She is greedy and cruel. King Jurris wants to make her his queen but Justis insists that Elabeth refused to name her heir. (First Ordinance Series)
Hank: a.k.a. Henry "Hank" Bell. Club Dom Bell's co-owner and Breanne's first lover/mate. Also mated to Corinne. The corporal High Demon persona of Li'Neruh Rath. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Haral Lebbon: Newly-elected president of Pyrik, after President Bargel's demise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harel: Messenger who was burned by Merrin's warrior allies before escaping to take the news of Merrin's location to the Crown Prince. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Hari: Black Rose Escort abandoned by her warrior (Narris). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Haribauld: An ancient city, long thought a myth, until Nari and Tiri uncovered its remains on an abandoned world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harifa Edus: The werewolf planet. Six moons revolve around it, giving the werewolves several days per month to hunt.
Hariki: Nature spirit and Dori's Ar'pex. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harlee: BlackWing X's new Engineer, after David transferred to BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harmon Worth: Truth Demon, lawyer and partner at Gruber, Taylor and Worth, Paranormal Chancellor. Murdered by Geoffrey Gruber, Annabelle Taylor and Bridgett Moss-Murphy. Wife: Kate, Son: Parke, Daughter: Louise. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Harnn: Bela's warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Harriett Majors: See Corinne Watson.
Harvel: Master Wizard of the Armor Division of Grey House. Mated to Cleo. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hayla: Black Rose Escort trainee. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Heathe: A vampire from Refizan, he worked as Gabron's assistant before going to work at the palace as Lissa's assistant. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Henri: Vampire mister for the Council. Brother to Gervais. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hepturna: Second Level High Priest for Solar Red. (Blood Destiny Series)
Herel: Messenger who was burned by Merrin's warrior allies before escaping to take the news of Merrin's location to the Crown Prince. (Deceased.) (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Hierarchy of the Gods: Members of the Hierarchy have strict rules of noninterference in the everyday happenings of mortals. Only the Three can completely override those rules, and they will only give permission for others to interfere when all the universes are in danger. For more information on the Hierarchy of the Gods, click here.
High Commander Finn: Supreme Commander of Ny-nes' army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
High Lord Andwill: Married to Lady Rinda. Together they had a daughter almost two years old. Andwill was found dead by Yevil of a supposed hunting accident. From Fyris, on planet Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series).
Hirill Mast, Lord: Member in good standing in King Tamblin's inner circle of advisors. He would be handsome if he weren't so cruel. Close-cropped blond hair, blue eyes and an easy smile with a cruel twist at the corners. (First Ordinance Series)
Hirzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Supervised farming on Campiaa. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Hordace Cayetes: He had graced the top of both Alliances' most-wanted lists for many years. He was also the pedophile who bought Kay/Kalia when she was 9 years old. Older brother to Vardil Cayetes. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Horlak: Reth Alliance world and home to Ex'ero Plumb. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Horoth: Comesula guard in common demon cohort. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hraede: One of the most stable worlds belonging to the Reth Alliance, and it's all due to the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Hulce: Prince of Cloudsong, Chief of Sciences and husband to King Devarr of Cloudsong. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Hunter Lattham: King Wulf's advisor, Uncle to Merrin, Drenn and Kerok. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ilaisaane: Asian in origin, one of two female members of Earth's Vampire Council. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Ildevar Wyyld: High Chancellor of Wyyld and Founding Member of the Reth Alliance. A Copper Ra'Ak, before the fall of the Copper Ra'Ak. Honest, trustworthy and of impeccable character. Member of the Ghi'Yisi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ilvan Desh: Son of Addah and Marzi Desh. Brother of Edan Desh. He stole money from his niece Reah with Radolf. As punishment he was banished to Surnath and told not to contact Reah. (High Demon Series)
Ilya Kuznetsov: A Ukrainian citizen who became a KGB agent. Ilya was nicknamed the Blacksmith. He joined the U.S Cloud Dust Program after being betrayed and imprisoned by the KGB. Mated to Corinne Watson. Aliases: Rafe Black, Trey Henson. Reincarnated as Ilya Rafael Ironsmith. (R-D Series)
Ilya Rafael Ironsmith: A powerful Fifth-level Karathian Warlock who has studied bladework and blademaking extensively on Falchan. Son of Braxlin Ironsmith. Reincarnation of Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Indis-Banuu: A transparent, light gathering precious crystal. (Blood Destiny Series)
Indu nera: High Demon for round breads.
Infilathi: High Demon term for winged ones. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ir'Indicti: (ear-in-dik-tee) A legendary person mentioned in the H'Morr, the book of prophecy belonging to the Bright Elemaiya. At this time, the term cannot be defined (Major Spoiler Involved).
Irdith: King Tamblin's spy in the kitchen of the palace in Lironis. A cranky old woman with a mean streak. (First Ordinance Series)
Irzu: A popular strategy game played on Falchan. The game can go on for days. (Solstice Trials, Other Worldly Ways, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jacob: Council member for Dar-den, Caral's former village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jae: Black Rose Escort trainee—Sixth Cohort, North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jak: One of two Blevakian brothers who were hired by Jewl Yarro as bodyguards. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jaledis: A planet in the Reth Alliance. Home of Ruther Kend's private research facility. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series).
James Draper, Colonel: Formerly August Hunter's Assistant. Curly brown hair and blue eyes. Is now a pilot for BlackWing X. Mated to Nathan Cross, Navigator for BlackWing X. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jarl: Member of the Vampire Council; Scandinavian. (Blood Destiny Series
Jase Rath: High Demon female. Daughter of Jaydevik Rath and Glindarok. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Jason Landers: Werewolf, member of Winkler's Dallas Pack. More than 150 years old at time of Bumble. Reddish hair, square face, just under 6' tall. Worked as a farmer/rancher for much of his life. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jaydevik Rath: (Deceased) High Demon and third born in the House of Rath. Chosen as Glindarok's mate when she was an infant and therefore destined to rule as King of the High Demons. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jayna Dayle: She is pretty, with deep-blue eyes set in an oval face framed by dark-brown hair. ASD agent. Born on Vic'Law, a planet destroyed by Vardil Cayetes and his minions. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jayson Rome: Second son of James Rome, Sr. and Kathleen Rome. Vice president in Rome Publishing. Once a dominant in the BDSM lifestyle, in San Francisco. Agent for the Joint NSA/HSD under the name Matt Michaels. Mated to Breanne Hayworth and Belinda. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series)
Jean Caillot: Louvre museum employee. Along with Claire Fabre took a bribe to allow art work to be stolen and terrorists to enter the museum. Both were killed by burglars. (R-D Series)
Jeen: One of two young troublemakers at girl's training camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jeff Chambers: A Captain, and Maye's handler in the Cloud Dust Program. Deceased. (R-D Series)
Jeff Garner: Originally one of Merrill's vampire children; he died in the war waged against Saxom. Reborn to Merrill and Kiarra and became a physician and healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Jehrie Rath: High Demon female. Daughter of Jaydevik Rath and Glindarok. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Jennifer Campbell: Shapeshifter (leopard) social studies teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jeral: Lissa's uncle and one of Narissa's quarter blood children. Left on Beliphar long ago. Now a Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Jeremy Booth: Shapeshifter (wildcat). He and his best friend, werewolf Chad Daniels, bully younger students in Cloud Chief. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jerigar: Larentii. White hair. A Healer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Jerr: Council member from Wildtree Village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jerra: Avii daughter of King Justis and Queen Quin. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jett Riffler: Once the Ku'Ri of the Avendoran Fi'Gu tribe, a dark-skinned race that tattoos the left sides of their bodies as a spiritual offering to their gods. Jett was named Director of the Campiaan Security Detail because of his bravery in the Campiaan Regular Army, where he rose to the highest position in its ranks. Jett is more than capable in his job, and is a good friend of Kooper's, as well as the Founders of both Alliances. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jewl Yarro: One of the Big Three criminal kingpins since the demise of Vardil Cayetes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jincus: Originally from Vic'Law, escaped before its destruction with his brother and made a home on Horlak. Worked at a scrapyard for Ex'ero Plumb on Horlak's moon, before the scrapyard warehouse was destroyed by a spell laid by Stone Wicke. Now works as Engineer's Assistant on BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Joey: (Joseph David Showalter) Vampire. Computer expert. He is 5' 7" with reddish-blond hair that curls slightly. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Jonas O'Neill: Shapeshifter (Bald Eagle) Wynn O'Neill's father. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jubal Raime: Disabled warrior and mindspeaker who became a spy for Ruarke and then Kaakos. Lives just outside of the village Gaull. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jurris: (Deceased) Red Wing Avii. Former King of the Avii. Younger half-brother to King Justis Father of Liron, who was named after the god Liron before it was discovered the god had gone rogue. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jusef: An Amterean Dwarf. Denevik's loyal companion and valet. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Justin Adam Griffin: Adam and Kiarra's son. His animal is a red-gold wyvern. He is 6' 4" tall and looks like his dad except that he has sandy blond hair. His best friend, Mack, calls him JAG. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Justis: Formerly a Black Wing Avii and Captain of Queen Elabeth's guard. He chose to be the Commander of the Avii Palace guards after Elabeth's murder. He is tall with black hair and black eyes. Older brother to Jurris. Now, the Red Wing King of the Avii. Mated to Quin. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ka'Mirai: Elemaiyan term for True Mirror. A powerful member of their race who could reverse events for them. Many legends have grown up around this person. Fox is the Ka'Mirai, and as a quarter-blood, she was rejected by the race. (Blood Destiny Series)
Kaakos: The name taken by the Sovereign Leader of the Free Nation of Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kage: See Colonel Kage.
Kaldill Schaff: King of the Elves. Long golden hair, green eyes and pointed ears. Mated to Quin. Father to (in order) Naldill, Reldill, Faldill and Lendill. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series,First Ordinance Series)
Kalenegar: The Vhilrilaszh. Son of Ferrigar. Cobalt-blue eyes, deep red hair. What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together the Vhilrilaszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Vhanaraszh. Mated to Corinne and Breanne. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Kalia: See Kay Zahn.
Kapirus: Water demons; scaled amphibians that prefer fresh water, but they'll swim in saltwater if forced to do so. The Everglades has both, posing no problem for these creatures; they normally drink the blood of wild mammals. To them, the blood of a humanoid is preferable to anything else, but they'll take whatever they can get if humans aren't available. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Karathia: A planet that sits on the boundary between Dark and Light worlds. Any inhabitant of Karathia holds some power, but there are five classifications, with First level being the weakest, Fifth level being strongest. Erland Morphis is a Fifth level Warlock, but only a few are aware of the extent of his power. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Karathian Cycle: Every one hundred sun-turns, the Karathian's sexual orientation changes. They can also change their gender if they choose. When this occurs, their love for their mates and lovers does not change, regardless of either person's orientation or gender. (High Demon Series)
Karl Johnson: Werewolf Packmaster of the Boise Pack. A trial lawyer and very ambitious, he is also Kellee's father, and pushes his daughter to capture Winkler in wedlock. He then challenges Winkler in what he feels is an unfair fight, with the odds weighted in his favor. (Blood Destiny Series)
Karzac Halivar: Physician originally from Refizan. He is more than fifteen thousand years old, served as a healer for the Saa Thalarr and is mated to Lissa, Devin and Grace. One son with Grace—Kevis Halivar. Member of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kay Zahn: The Changer. Alter ego to Kalia. See Ri'Kita. Mated to Ashe Evans. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ke'Leru (skull) Pirates: A group overseen by the Prophet, to further his plans and desires. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kellee: (Kellee Marie Johnson) Werewolf daughter of Karl Johnson, the Boise Packmaster. Spoiled and anxious to get her hands on Winkler's extensive empire. Married Winkler in Blood Sense (Blood Destiny Series). Divorced shortly after Winkler's twins were born.
Kellik of Abenott: Kell. Former noble in the Hraedan Court; became vampire before his natural death occurred. He was responsible for turning Rigovarnus I, who formed the Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. A master spy, Kell taught the Order everything he knew, including a few things about the fine art of poison-making. Kell is mated to Opal. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ken Harvey: Tech geek with acquired physical abilities. Before Cloud Dust, he and Kevin were identical twins, now they look nothing alike. (R-D Series)
Kend Industries: Supplies the ASD and CSD with much of their weaponry and surveillance equipment. (First Ordinance Series)
Kerok: a.k.a. Thorn Wulfson Kerok Rex, King Wulf's youngest son and Prince Commander of Az-ca's army. Becomes Crown Prince after Drenn's death, then King after his father's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ketchi: The village where Cole and many other refugees from Ny-nes live. All were born with power and were sentenced to death by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kev'Ril: World destroyed long ago by nuclear warfare. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kevin Harvey: Tech geek with acquired physical abilities. When he survived the Cloud Dust drug his twin brother Ken was brought into the program. (R-D Series)
Kevis Halivar: A successful doctor on Refizan. Runs a clinic for patients with serious mental health issues. Son of Karzac. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Khos'Mirai: Dark Mirror. Saxom's brother and half Bright, Half Dark Elemaiya. Nearly successful at destroying the Worlds of Light. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Kiarra: Became First among the Saa Thalarr after Griffin was demoted. Fighting Animal is a Unicorn. Strongest member of the Saa Thalarr. Father: Wisdom. Mated to Adam Chessman, Merrill Leopard and Pheligar of the Larentii. Also a member of the Ghi'Yisi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kifirin: Once a Nameless Ones, of the Hierarchy of the Gods, he volunteered to bring balance by creating the Dark Worlds. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Kifirin (planet): Home planet of the High Demons, named after the god Kifirin. (High Demon Series)
King Wulf Carlson Alexander Rex: King of Az-ca. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
King's Eagles, The: An elite force within Az-ca's army, proficient in flying bubble shields and forming pods to combine blasts against the enemy. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kipp North: Werewolf bodyguard from the Fargo Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
Klancy: A Martial Arts professional before becoming Vampire. More than 200 years old. Accepted a job in the joint NSA/Homeland Security Department. Later became a modified Vampire. Mated to Corinne. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Klete: Formerly of Ny-nes; a nine-year-old who has formidable divination skills—a dream diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kondar: Continent to the north of Fyris. It is seventy times bigger than Fyris and is divided into five sectors. Kondar and Yokaru used to be a single continent that broke apart when Siriaa was in its infancy. The Kondari people are technologically advanced. (First Ordinance Series)
Kooper Griff: Director of the Alliance Security Detail (ASD). 6' 7" or 8", brown hair and golden-brown eyes, sensuous mouth and nice features. Lion snake shapeshifter about 20 feet long. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kordevik Weth: (Korde) High Demon Crown Prince. Mated to Lexsi, Crown Princess of Kifirin. Father: Lord Nedevik Weth. Mother: Lady Verarok. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ku'La: Law Chief of the Fi'Gu. (God Wars Series)
Ku'Ri: Warrior Chief of the Fi'Gu. (God Wars Series)
Kull: Council member who imagines himself to be chief of that body; Leader in the Republic of Az-ca movement. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyal: 11-year-old warrior boy with the ability to mindspeak. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyler: Member of the Saa Thalarr. Able to duplicate the power signature of the Larentii. Chief of Staff on Le-Ath Veronis. Twin sister to Cleo. Father, Glendes of Grey House. Mother, Ardith Endres. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Kyri: Female Diviner—believed to be a legend or myth. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyri's City: A city established by Kyri as a refuge for Ny-nes escapees who were born with power, and a safe haven for Black Rose girls who are too young to begin training as Escorts. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
L'on-Alberr: Foreign city, whose non-talented citizens were destroyed by Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
La'Re'Qitzi: Neaborian for forever balanced, in equilibrium. Name of the universe in which Connie's books take place. The name comes from the "Name the Lissaverse Contest" held Oct-Nov 2012 on Winning entry submitted by Larry O.
Laci Hunter: Wife of August Hunter, Colonel. (R-D Series)
Lafe: See LaFranza.
LaFranza: A Falchani swordmaster and famous tattoo artist. Mated to Quin. Also called Lafe. (First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lara'Kayan: Neaborian term for forever love.
Laren: 16-year-old warrior boy with the ability to mindspeak. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Larentii: The first race created by The Mighty, Larentii are tall, blue humanoids who feed on sunlight and have a policy of non-interference. They are the record keepers of the Universes; Nefrigar, Chief Archivist of the Larentii Archives has seen time revolve and turn back on itself many times.
Larentii Wise Ones: There are five Larentii Wise Ones and each has a Protector. Working together they are able to change what was, for an individual or incident, reversing any impact on the time line that should not have occurred. They also advise the Larentii Counsel. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
The Five Larentii Wise Ones are:
Larevik: High Demon military captain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lavonna Anderson: Shapeshifter, mother of Cori and Dori. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lawrence Frazier, M.D.: Research scientist for the NSA. (Blood Destiny Series)
Le'meruh: Unbreakable compulsion. If the one placing it doesn't remove it, it remains until one of the two dies.
Le'Vestar Limn: Engineer and weapons expert; Or'myr wyrm-dragon from Campiaa, kidnapped by the Prophet alongside Mae'Sandar Keel. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Le-Ath Veronis: Heart of the Vampire. The name given to the vampire planet. A Reth Alliance world, and home to most of its vampire population.
Le-Ath Veronis Imperea: Heart of the Vampire Queen. The name the Comesuli use for Queen Lissa.
Lee'Qee: An abandoned city on Pyrik, quarantined because of a nuclear accident centuries earlier. Home to the Ke'Leru Pirates, who became the Prophet's minions because they were hidden from the regular population and made themselves convenient for his takeover. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Leigh Williams: Thomas Williams, Jr.'s younger sister. (Blood Destiny Series
Len: Captain of the Furrow, a ship hauling food and supplies. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lenden Stone: Reah's bodyguard whom Teeg hired for her. See Denevik Lith.
Lendevik Lith: Former High Demon King (deceased). Father of Glindarok, once High Demon Queen. (High Demon Series)
Lendill Schaff: Vice-Director of the ASD, and one of four of Kaldill Schaff's sons. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Lenigar: Larentii. An excellent healer specializing in humanoid mothers and babies. Younger brother to Lanigar. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Lenk: Captain of the Palace Guard on Cloudsong. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Leo Shaw, Dr.: Lt. Colonel in the Army before joining the Cloud Dust Program. He is the Program's principal psychiatrist. (R-D Series)
Lera: Black Rose Escort abandoned by her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Levi: Captain, serves as Secondary Advisor to Prince Commander. Chosen by Misten to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lewus: Council representative for Merthis and five other villages. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lexsi Silver: Lexsi is the youngest daughter of Reah and Torevik Rath. She looks much like her mother, with long, silver-blonde hair. Her eyes are blue, however, like her father's. At 5' 7", she is taller than her mother. She is also an accomplished cook, as she has spent many summers working at her mother's and her Uncle Fes' restaurants in Targis on Tulgalan. Grandmother: Lissa. Grandfather: Gardevik Rath (deceased). (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Li'Neruh Rath: One of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. Asked to take over supervision of the Dark Realm and the god Kifirin. (High Demon Series) a.k.a. Hank. (God Wars Series)
Liam: Kaakos' Chief of Technical Sciences. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lieutenant Marc: Chosen by Wend to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Liffel: Planet outside the Alliances and home to warring races of dwarves. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lilya: North Camp Instructor, Fourth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Limrok: Refizani city near the river. Lies north of Ordinandis, Refizan's capital city. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lion Kleander: Original seven of the Saa Thalarr. Lion used to be a motivational speaker. Shifts into a black lion. Mated to Marliana. Father of twins Rush and Rachael. (Saa Thalarr Series) He is a huge black man. 6' 7" tall and built of solid muscle. Before he joined the Saa Thalarr, he was a warrior priest on Pterak. It was his duty to protect the innocent. (Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series)
Lion Snake: The deadliest snake in the Alliances. Its poison paralyzes immediately, and the victim is dead before an antidote can be administered. They are one of three species of snakes that can blink.
Liri: Chief instructor from Cole's village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lirokalif Cordrifith: Norian Keef's given name. (Leer-ock-uh-leef)
Liron (god): Rogue god, created the Avii race and Quin to keep the Avii and Fyris safe, in the event of his demise. Quin was rescued from Liron's clutches by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Liron (son): Avii; son of Jurris (deceased), former King of the Avii. (First Ordinance Series)
Lissa: a.k.a. Lissa Workman. Turned vampire against her will by Edward Desmarais and Sergio Velenci. Against all odds, she became a rare Vampire Queen on Earth, but had to conceal that information in order to protect her life. Eventually became Queen of the vampire planet Le-Ath Veronis. Is also one of The Five, and Breanne's half-sister.
Lissa's Mates: In alphabetical order.
Lisster: A Leopard shapeshifter who, in his humanoid form, has spots on his back, legs and neck. Retired from the Saa Thalarr and works as a Crown Investigator on Le-Ath Veronis. Mated to Grace and Devin. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Lofflin: Jeweler to the King of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lok: Falchani warrior who served twenty years in the Warlord's army before turning to the Solstice Trials, winning the Trials eleven times. In deference to his ancestor, Dragon Warlord, he received red dragon tattoos. Joined the ASD. Mated to Reah. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Lorvis Verll: (Deceased) Native of Jaledis and former best friend of Sabrina Kend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Louis: Former resident of L'on-Alberr; victim of Kaakos' blood spell. Rescued by Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Louise Worth: Rock Demon. Park's pretty, younger sister. She is studying veterinary medicine. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Luc: Resident of village near L'on-Alberr. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lucas: New Grand Master of the werewolves of Harifa Edus. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lucas Alford: Werewolf. Denver pack's Second. Married to Corinne Alford. Raised Tony Hancock as his own. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lusern: Resident of a city in Swee'n. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lynx: (Lynx Elan Rifkit) Originally from Reliff, a member planet of the Reth Alliance. A playboy and a member of the Saa Thalarr, Lynx has sandy brown hair, brown eyes and is 6' 6" in height. His fighting animal is a Lynx, and he was single for more than 17,000 years before Conner reeled him in. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Lyristolyi: They are related to the Sirenali, but they don't have the ability to place obsession. If they fight or want to appear aggressive, they wear scales. Otherwise, they appear humanoid. (R-D Series)
M'chestr: Foreign city taken by Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
M'Fiyah: Neaborian term for mate recognition.
Mae'Sander Keel: Engineer and Or'myr Dragon Queen from Campiaa, kidnapped by the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mak: One of two Blevakian brothers who were hired by Jewl Yarro as bodyguards. Now serves as bodyguard for Randl Gage aboard BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mandil: A non-Alliance world that shares a sun with Tulgalan. Crown City is the largest city. They have Ranos technology and a cannon large enough to destroy a planet but otherwise it is mostly a strange mix of technology and archaic skills. (High Demon Series)
Marc: See Lieutenant Marc. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Marco DeLuca: Marcus DeLuca and Denise DeLuca's oldest son. Werewolf from Old Earth. Co-Captain of BlackWing VIII with his wife, Cori Anderson-DeLuca. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Marcus DeLuca: Werewolf Packmaster for the Cloud Chief Pack. Married to Denise DeLuca, father to Marco and Salidar. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mari: Black Rose girl. Romma's daughter. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Mariana: Married to Brandl Gage, mother of Randl Gage; from Vogeffa II. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Markoff: Roff's younger brother. Dark-haired Comesula. Parent to Dariff. Formerly a winemaker on Kifirin, he now assists Roff at his winery on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Markus: Chief of the local ASD Department in Turbak, on Jaledis. Now serves as Chief of Security aboard BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Marliana: Healer and wife of Lion. Mother of twins Rush and Rachael. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Marra: Daria's chosen warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Marta: General Weren's wife. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Martin Walters, Jr.: a.k.a. "Mack". Werewolf. Dark hair and eyes. Justin's best friend. His father is Martin Walters, Sr., Fresno Packmaster. (Saa Thalarr Series, Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Martin Walters, Sr.: Fresno Packmaster. Mack's father. Dark hair, brown eyes and an easy smile. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Matthew Michaels: (Matt) See Jayson Rome.
Mayarok, Lady: High Demon, mate of Lord Fredevik Greth. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Maye Canton: An alias. She was originally Asian and still speaks fluent Japanese. She has unruly red hair and green eyes. Her ability is to hear thoughts. (R-D Series)
Mebbers: Criminal Kingpin from A'pelur. He has successfully hidden from his criminal rivals for decades, behind walls filled with Sirenali bones. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Meerius: Nature spirit; Ar'pex to Vik Roth. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Melis Norwal: Chief of security for High President Edden Charkisul. He has close-cropped dark hair, alert green eyes and a steady hand. (First Ordinance Series)
Melody Patterson: Werewolf, science teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Melton Timble: Native of Pyrik; Shella Karp's fiancé who killed her in a fit of jealousy. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mendacium: Ny-nes' capital city, renamed after Kaakos took over rule of the country. He named it that in a private jest. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Mendenath: World where Lissa took the quarter blood and innocent Elemaiya in Blood Queen. The surviving Elemaiya, with only a few exceptions, now live in a colony on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Merrill Leopard: Roman by birth, he is more than 2000 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Turned by Wlodek after the battle of Teutoberg Forest in CE 9. A King Vampire (not susceptible to any vampire compulsion), Merrill's Roman name was Titus Marius Merula. Has jet black hair, piercing blue eyes and a bit of Elemaiyan blood. Mated to Lissa and Kiarra. Member of the Saa Thalarr, and member of the Al'Riyu—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Merrin: Nephew of Hunter and King Wulf; cousin to Drenn and Kerok (on mother's side). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Merthis: Small village where Sherra was born. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Micah Rocklin: Werewolf, Second to Marcus DeLuca, Cloud Chief Packmaster. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mirazal: Rogue Refizani vampire. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Miri: North Camp Instructor, Fifth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Miriasu: Elemaiyan Seer or prophet. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mirisa of Firith: Amlis' fiance (early in the First Ordinance Series). She is quite high-handed and cruel. She is pretty enough, with pale hair and brown eyes, but thinks herself more beautiful than she is. (First Ordinance Series)
Misten: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Miz'Sandar Keel: Comp-vid Engineer and Or'myr wyrm-dragon from Campiaa. Brother to Mae'Sandar Keel. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Montrose: Member of the Vampire Council; French. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Moonstone Casino: A casino on Campiaa, owned by A&M Consortium (Adam and Merrill)
Mora: Comesula in her sixties who serves as Lissa's dresser and suite manager with Taff. (Blood Destiny Series)
Morningsun: Deserted planet, which was once home to the Dark Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Morrett: A mute Sirenali rescued by Corinne and then became her mate. His brothers are Terrett and Gerrett. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series)
Morton King: Homicidal ice demon, related to Homicidal ice demon, related to Cassie. Murdered Cassie's mother and aunt. Father to Dalton King. Works for Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Morwin Quiffilis: Commonly referred to as Master Morwin, he works as a private tutor to the children of Kings, Queens and other important people. Amterean Dwarf by birth, Morwin served twenty years in the Amterean military before becoming a scholar and teacher. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Naldill Schaff: First-born son of Kaldill Schaff. Older brother of Reldill, Faldill and Lendill. Betrayed the Elven Laws. As punishment, he was stripped of his immortality and imprisoned on Cloudsong, forced to live out a mortal life. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Nari: Powerful relic hunter. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Queen's Holiday short story.)
Narimalan Cordrifith: (Nuh-rim-uh-lan) Norian's mother. (Blood Destiny Series)
Narris: Warrior-turned-traitor who left his Black Rose Escort behind (Hari) when he deserted the army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Narval: Copper Ra'Ak Prince. (Blood Destiny Series)
Narvin: Army deserter who, along with his Escort Willa, chose to follow Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nathan Anderson: Vampire, father of Cori and Dori Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Nathan Cross: From Old Earth. Now works as the navigator for BlackWing X. Mated to James Draper, pilot for BlackWing X. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Neaboria: A dead planet, the first planet destroyed by rogue Copper Ra'Ak. The Neaborian language was adopted by the Saa Thalarr to honor that peaceful world. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Nedevik Weth, Lord: High Demon and Eldest of the House of Weth. Father to Kordevik Weth, mated to Lady Vararok. (Latter Day Demons Series, God Wars Series)
Nefrigar: Larentii Chief Librarian and Archivist. Older brother to Pheligar. Mated to Reah. A.k.a. Honey Blue. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Neka: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, First Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nelimalu: High Demon word for the claiming. (High Demon Series)
Nenzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, one of eight brothers. Oversaw the maintenance of Teeg's fleet of vehicles. Now Co-Captain of BlackWing II with his brother Farzi. Nenzi is mated to Queen Reah. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Nestor: Member of the Vampire Council; Spanish. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
New Fyris: A kingdom established on Harifa Edus after Siriaa's destruction. (First Ordinance Series)
Nexus Echo: A Larentii trick of listening for key words or names making it easy for them to follow up at a moment's notice.
Nguyen-Mei: Resident of Kyri's City. Caretaker for Mari, a Black Rose girl. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Niff: Name used for Lissa when she wasn't aware of who she was. (Blood Destiny Series)
Niff's Sweets and Goodies: A popular bakery and ice cream parlor. The first store is located in Casino City on Le-Ath Veronis. Many of the recipes used are Lissa's from Old Earth. The business is owned by Queen Lissa, Heathe and Grant. (Blood Destiny Series)
Niles: Cleric who became Ruarke's second-in-command upon Ward's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nina: North Camp Instructor, First Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Noah: Former resident of M'chestr. Joins Az-ca's army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Noff: Comesula healer's apprentice. (Blood Destiny Series)
Norian Keef: See Lissa's Mates.
North: Healer in Ny-nes. Changed his name to hide a past identity. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
North Camp: One of four camps where Black Rose Escort trainees are taught. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Northon: Home of WildTree Industries. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Norton: Saa Thalarr healer, originally from Old Earth. He is tall, has brown hair and kind eyes. Mated to Joey, Bearcat and Erland. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Ny-nes: Land of barbarian enemies. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nyles Abernathy: Vampire. 5' 9", thick blond hair, stocky build. Sire to Edward Desmarais. (Blood Destiny Series)
Nyra: Levi's deceased Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
O'Tunne: Presidential candidate on Pyrik, who lost the election to Lebbon. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Olan: Chief Diviner for the Az-ca army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Old Broom: A fat, shaggy, brown gelding Finder rode to an inn with Amlis and Rod for a meeting. Lironis City in Fyris, planet Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Oluwa: Member of the Vampire Council; African, from an area in what is now modern day Kenya. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Ooblerik: A very poor, non-alliance world. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Opal Tadewi: Opal is from Old Earth—a Native American shapeshifting velociraptor. She was a member of the Old Ones—a line of long-lived shapeshifters on Earth who held a place of honor among all shapeshifters. Opal has served in many capacities, including law enforcement. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. Mated to Kell. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Order of the Night Flower: An Order comprised of former kings of Hraede, who have had their steady hand guiding the monarchy through millennia to ensure the safety and stability of that world. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Ordin: Green-winged Avii master healer. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ordinandis: Refizani capital city. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Oren: Messenger for Crown Prince Thorn. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Orliff: Comesula healer's apprentice. (Blood Destiny Series)
Orpali: Planet where Saxom originated. (Blood Destiny Series)
Oskar: Winged guard at Avii Castle. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
P'loxett: A world destroyed by nuclear warfare; home base and hideout for the Prophet and his army. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
P.J. Pitt: Werewolf, Second to his father, who was Packmaster for the Cleveland Pack. His father owned a dojo there and taught Martial Arts, specializing in Kendo. P.J. is a master with a blade, and is hired by Karl Johnson to act as temporary Second in Karl's challenge against Winkler. P.J. meets his demise in Blood Sense. (Blood Destiny Series)
Pa-sen: A small village in southwestern Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Parke Worth: King of the Demons. Chancellor of the Paranormal and Supernatural. Truth Demon. (A Christmas Feral)
Paul Harris: Werewolf, English teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Paul Winthrop: Welsh werewolf policeman who helped Lissa solve the child murders in the U.K. (Blood Destiny Series)
Pauley Wilker-Ironsmith: Born a void on Karathia—without even a trace of power. This condition is highly unusual among the citizens of Karathia, and is considered quite debilitating. Brother to Perri Wilker-Ironsmith. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perdil: Advisor to Zendeval the King of Nrath. A Liffelithi dwarf and possibly the last of a nearly immortal race. Master Pastry Cook from Liffel II. Mated to Queen Lissa. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Perill: A highly-placed officer in the Prophet's army. Born on Pyrik, in the poisoned, abandoned city of Lee'Qee. Father: Vrak. Brother: Varok. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perri Wilker-Ironsmith: Fourth-level witch with a power-scenting talent. Abandoned by her parents and abused by her uncle, she completed her degree at the University of Le-Ath Veronis before going to work for the Crown of Karathia, tracking down rogue warlocks and witches. Sister to Pauley. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Handled supply requisitions for Teeg. Mated to Breanne. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Phantom: See Adahi. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Pheligar: Larentii Liaison to the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Kiarra. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Pheran Tiger: Falchani, former Lord Marshall to the Dragon Warlord. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is the Falchani Tiger (it had to be, he has them tattooed everywhere). (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Phericia: Planet attacked by Ra'Ak. (Blood Destiny Series)
Phil: (Philip Moody) werewolf, Winkler's Second. Accepts a bribe to betray Winkler in Blood Wager. Lissa takes him down. (Blood Destiny Series)
Phillip: Originally a half-Elemaiyan child born on Old Earth, Phillip was a mountain lion shapeshifter. The tennis ball Ashe Evans once handed to Lissa belonged to him in his ghostly alter ego, as he was killed on Earth and brought back to life by the Mighty Heart. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Phorde Gaster: Imposter placed in WildTree Industries by the Prophet to carry out his plans. Now deceased. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Phrinnis Tampirus: President of the Podl'Morphs. Mated to Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pierre: Resident of smaller city near L'on-Alberr. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Podl'Morph: Rare Immortal beings, more rare than female vampires. Immune to obsessions and compulsion. They are able to morph into any form, animal, vegetable or mineral. Trees and other plant life are favorite forms. Very dangerous when angry or attacked. Home world is Revalus, in the Campiaan Alliance. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Poll Endicutt: Small-time criminal from Campiaa, who is in love with his boss, Charla Dare. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pottles: Blind pot seller and friend to Sherra (see Doret). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Poul: Assassin for King Wulf. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Preliminary (or Prelim): An interim stage before the demon type fully manifests itself. In this stage they are taller and thicker skinned. (A Christmas Feral) [This title is currently unavailable.]
Prophet: a.k.a. V'dar. Born on Vogeffa II. Parents deceased. Has skills of a sorcerer and necromancer. Not much is known about him otherwise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pyrik: A Reth Alliance world with a dark secret—buried nuclear waste dumps and a hidden stronghold inside the abandoned city of Lee'Qee, destroyed years earlier by a massive, nuclear accident. Lee'Qee is where the Prophet's mutant pirates work to do his bidding to destroy Alliance leaders and their laws, leaving them ripe for his takeover. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Q'elindi: A Karathian Witch with the talent to read people - know everything about them. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Qatti Wilker: Third-level Karathian witch; Perri and Pauley's mother, strongly motivated by money and employed (with her husband, Gillen) by Mebbers. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Querl: Army deserter and Merrin's chief ally. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Quin: Queen of the Avii, a winged race from Siriaa. Began her life as a construct of the rogue god, Liron. Served as kitchen servant and page in Fyris, a small continent on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Quin's Mates:
- Daragar
- Justis
- Kaldill Schaff
- Berel
- LaFranza (a.k.a. Lafe)
- Terrett
- Yanzi
- Bel Erland
Quislus: Acrimus' child. Kifirin's parent. Created the Sirenali, Elemaiya and Ra'Ak. He originally made Thurlow. He helped Acrimus recruit and maintain the Hidden, a group of rogue Gods. (God Wars Series)
R.J. Pitt: Werewolf and P.J. Pitt's younger brother. Also good with a blade, R.J. dies 60 years after his brother, at the hands of Kiarra. If you want that story sometime, just ask. I'll do my best to post it somewhere. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Ra'Ak: Humanoid shapeshifters that can turn into giant black or copper colored snake-like creatures. They enjoy eating humanoids. When shifted every part of them is poisonous.
Rabis: Bright Elemaiyan Seer (Miriasu). More is revealed in the Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Rachael: Twin sister of Rush. Daughter of Lion and Marliana. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Rachel Johnson: Company owner and law client of Parke Worth, who is working on a business merger for her. (A Very Paranormal Holiday)
Radolf: Karathian warlock. Son of Garek and Keetha. Master cook. Used to work at the Karathian Palace and Lissa's Palace. Former mate of Reah. Stole money from and betrayed Reah with her uncle Ilvan Desh. As punishment he and Ilvan were banished to Surnath to live a mortal life. (High Demon Series)
Radomir: Originally a fisherman living near the Jordan River in the late ninth century, he was 27 years old and dying from an infection when his brother Rollan, desperate because he saw his brother suffering, actually sought out Wlodek, offered him blood and begged him to take his brother's life. Wlodek took the offered blood and turned Radomir. Radomir served as Wlodek bodyguard for a very long time before Wlodek allowed him to become an Enforcer for the Council. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series)
Raedah (daughter): Reah and Tory's daughter, named after Reah's mother. (High Demon Series)
Raedah (mom): Daughter of Denevik Lith and Breszca Loffus. Eighth wife of Addah Desh, and Reah's mother. (High Demon Series)
Rafe Black: See Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Raheela: An elf. Lynx's Healer. Kaldill, King of Elves, was upset when she took the job. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Rahim Alif: Arab terrorist controlled by Xenides. He was plucked by Xenides from the streets in Afghanistan after Rahim managed to bomb a few US installations. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rale Linn: One of the Big Three criminal kingpins to take over after Vardil Cayetes' death. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Randall Smith: (Randy) Human son of a werewolf/human marriage. Forced to attend a human school at the age of 12 and the reason the community of Cloud Chief had to leave their former home in New Mexico and settle in Oklahoma. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Randl Gage: Blind clairvoyant born on Vogeffa II. Father: Brandl Gage. Mother is deceased. When Vogeffa II was attacked by Vardil Cayetes, most of the population was moved to New Fyris on Harifa Edus. Employed first by Prince Amlis, and later by the Alliance Security Detail (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ranger Bel: Warlock from Mandil. 6' tall with short, dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard and green-gold eyes. a.k.a. Wizard Bel. (High Demon Series)
Ranger Delvin: Wizard from Mandil. He is just under 6' tall with dark hair and brown eyes. He is able to sense talent and power levels in other wizards. Turns traitor, joining Arvil San Gerxon. Now deceased. (High Demon Series)
Raona: High Demon term for Queen/Your Highness.
Raoni: High Demon term for King/Your Highness.
Raven Praxa: Captain of the guard for Lord Marshall Pheran Tiger. Falchani army. Terrified at times with Pheran. More terrified of the General and Warlord. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Reah Desh: Quarter High Demon, with the full complement of gifts, plus some. Nearly white hair and green eyes. She was an agent for the ASD before becoming Queen of Kifirin. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reah's Mates:
Reemagar: Larentii See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reena: Former Black Rose Escort washout, reinstated with the help of Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Refizan: A Reth Alliance planet, known for its production of grain and fruit. Also one of the most advanced worlds in medicine. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reldill Schaff: Second-born son of Kaldill Schaff. Brother of Naldill, Faldill and Lendill. Follows Naldill in betraying Elven Laws. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
René de la Roque: Cousin to Gavin, René is not such a stickler for the rules as Gavin is. Enjoys a challenge and often was sent on assignment by Wlodek, when a bending of the rules might be necessary. Dark blond hair, brown eyes and a sense of humor. (Blood Destiny Series)
Renee Coffin: Vampire, third, and only female, personal assistant to Queen Lissa. Turned by Lissa herself, Renee has no knowledge of that and believes she was turned by Montrose, who acts as her sire and became her lover, once her five-year training period was over. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Renegar: Larentii, Liaison for the Saa Thalarr and son of Pheligar and Kiarra. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Reptanoid: Reptanoids are Lion snake shapeshifters genetically engineered by criminals with the intent of making them into assassins. They have humanoid faces, but with golden-brown slitted eyes, narrow nostrils and hiss a little when they talk. 5' 6" tall, brown hair. All but eight of them die at the end of Blood Redemption. Those remaining were sold into slavery by Zellar to Arvil San Gerxon, then later freed by Reah and Teeg. Those who are left are:
Republic of Az-ca: Subversive group determined to fight those with power and bring about civil war. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Reth Alliance: An Alliance consisting of nearly 500 member planets, with a standard set of laws governing trade, humanoid rights, etc.
Reva: Black Rose Escort who, with her warrior, deserted the army and joined with Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Revalus: Homeworld for the remnants of the Podl'Morphs and the Sirenali. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reviendus: Randl Gage's title, given by the Ar'pexi, which means Soul of the Universes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rezael: City on Trell, two hours by train from Xindis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rhett: Vampire, turned by Dalroy after being shot outside a bar in New Mexico. Originally, Rhett was from Philadelphia and a medical student at the time. His father, a physician, had given permission for his son to explore the Wild West before returning to school. His exploration cost him his human life. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Rhiza'Sarroulis: (Ree-jhuh Sa-roo-liss) means soul's completion.
Ri'Kita: Elemaiyan term for a myth they call The Changer. A person with this ability can not only see a being's aura lines, but manipulate them, for either good or ill. For example, turning a being's aura lines all black will kill them. The only known individual to have this ability is Kay Zahn, who prefers to use the talent to heal people. (God Wars Series)
Rigo: See Rigovarnus I.
Rigovarnus I: (Rigo) Former king of Hraede and founder of the Rith Naeri, the Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. Adept in diplomacy, politics and poisons. Mated to Lissa and serves as the director of Lissa's hidden spy network. See Lissa's Mates. Member of the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rik: A Falchani member of the Saa Thalarr. Called upon to heal stress and injury his healing hands are almost legendary on Le-Ath Veronis. Kyler is his mate and his Ai yevu. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Rinnelar: See Corinne Watson.
Rith Naeri: Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. Rith Naeri is a secret group of vampires who were once Kings of Hraede. They all act as advisors to the current Kings/Queens, and only the best of those are selected (when they are dying) for the turn and admission into this elite group. They wear a tattoo of the Hraedan Night Flower on their necks—the flower is such a deep purple it looks black. It hangs from a slender stem upside down.
Rivelodar Cordrifith: (Riv-el-o-dar) Norian's father. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rodrik: a.k.a. "Rod." Cousin, assistant and bodyguard to Prince Amlis. He is compact and muscular from sword practice. Dark-brown hair and dark-blue eyes. Father: Rath—deceased. Wife: Beatrice. One child. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Roff: Comesula, Infilathi. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Rolfe: A vampire, nearly 7' tall with broad features and large hands, who guards Wlodek's home. (Blood Destiny Series)
Romma: Resident of Dar-den, and mother to Mari (Black Rose girl). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Rondival: (Ron) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rorevik: Gardevik and Jaydevik Rath's youngest brother. Held the High Demon throne for 1200 years. An inexperienced ruler, Kifirin suffered while he held the crown. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ru'Beq: Reth Alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ruarke: Chief Cleric of Ny-nes, and Kaakos' second-in-command. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Rush: Black lion shapeshifter. Twin brother of Rachael. Son of Lion and Marliana. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Russell: Full name Russell William Farleigh, he was a boxer and British by birth. Drew the attention of Xavier (Xavier is Adam Chessman's sire) who was a boxing fan. When Russell contracted appendicitis in the early 1800s, Xavier performed the turn to save his life. Russell and Adam served the Council as Enforcers until Adam was invited to join the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Ruther Kend: Owner of Kend Industries. Married to Barra Kend, father of Sabrina Kend. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rylend Davan Morphis: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, and King of Karathia. Son of Queen Lissa and Erland Morphis. Over 6' tall with dark hair and eyes and a lazy, beautiful smile. Born at the end of Blood Destiny Series. One son, Crown Prince Bel Erland Morphis. Mated to Queen Reah. Siblings: Torevik Rath, Nissa Grey, Gavril Montegue (Teeg San Gerxon), Travis and Trent Tatsuya, Willow and Wayne Winkler. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Sa'wann: Viliage in eastern Az-ca, nestled in a hilly area prone to predator attacks. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Saa Thalarr: Neaborian term for Hope and Vengeance. Now, a powerful race created to combat the Ra'Ak. Here is a list of the female characters introduced in Blood Queen, and their mates.
- Pheran Tiger
- Flavio
- Rik
- Dalroy
- Meligar
- Xenigar
- Rhett
- David
- Caylon Black
- Harvel Grey
- Garegar
- Lanegar
Sabrina Kend: Genius daughter of Ruther Kend, owner of Kend Industries. Mother: Barra Kend. Kend Industries supplies the ASD and CSD with much of their weaponry and surveillance equipment. First mentioned in First Ordinance Series as an unnamed daughter of Ruther Kend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Salidar DeLuca: (Sali) Marcus and Denise DeLuca's youngest son and Ashe Evans' best friend. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Salik: Petitioned the King to get the dowry from his fiancee after she ended their engagement. A member of the Republic of Az-ca, he intended to expose Kerok's lack of power. Deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Samm: Lieutenant, warrior in Az-ca's army. Bonded with Glindi. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Sand Swept Casino: A casino on Campiaa, owned by Erland Morphis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Sandra L'Thorpe: Nurse and Nanny for Lissa's twins, Wayne and Wynter. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sarah Fox: See Corinne Watson.
Saxom Melitus: From Orpali, Saxom was chosen as a healer for the Saa Thalarr. Betrayed them and was stripped of his immortality and exiled. Found immortality again by becoming vampire and swearing vengeance against the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Sebastian: (now deceased) Assassin for the Vampire Council. Went rogue. (Blood Destiny Series)
Secondary Camp: Location for final Escort training after warriors are chosen. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Sergio Velenci: Vampire who made a bet with Edward Desmarais about how long it would take Lissa to turn. Sergio is the one who turned Lissa. Black hair, dark eyes, exotic features, Latin background. (Blood Destiny Series)
Serrigar: Larentii. Nefrigar's eldest son. Works with his father in the Larentii Archives. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Seturna: First level High Priest of the Solar Red religion. (Blood Destiny Series)
Seval: Contractor supplying women to work at the main desert outpost. Business partner is Chlind. Planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Shaaliveer: Home planet of the Belancour Wizards. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, First Ordinance Series)
Shadow Grey: Master Wizard, K'Shoufa Jewelry Division. Son of Raffian Grey. Grandson of Glendes Grey. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Sharon O'Neill: Shapeshifter (palomino mare) Wynn O'Neill's mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Shella Karp: Native of Pyrik, works as one of President Lebbon's assistants. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sherra: Black Rose Escort trainee from Merthis. Sherra discovers her talents go far beyond normal Escorts, one of which is the ability to detect talents in others and instruct them how to bring them to the surface. Sherra is crucial to the success of her class of Black Rose Escorts. Bonded to Thorn Wulfson Kerok Rex; Doret considers her an adopted daughter. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Shirley Walker: Corpus Christi Packmaster, one of the few female Packmasters in the U.S. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Shon: Member of the Republic of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Simmas: Falchani warrior. Fights with one blade. Bad tempered and swears a lot. Pulls his blade too slowly. Lost early in the Solstice Trials. (Other Worldly Ways, Anthologies)
Sirenali: (Pending update)
Siriaa: A planet poisoned so extensively it will eventually kill its inhabitants, unless powerful gods intervene. Home to the people of Kondar, Fyris, Yokaru and the Avii.
Solar Red: A brutal religion, which practices human sacrifice. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Soobi: Kitchen servant in Kaakos' palace. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Soul of the Universes: A title the Ar'pexi have given to Randl. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
SouthStar Groves: Owned by Ashe Evans, SouthStar is a haven and houses many. Those who reside there will never age because of the power wielded by Ashe. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Starr Brothers: Very powerful Karathian warlocks. They were once rogue and worked for the criminal Brothers Hardlow. They all have dark hair and eyes. Given a second chance by Teeg San Gerxon they now work for him in the Campiaan Alliance. (High Demon Series)
Stave: Resident of the far northeastern village of Gaull in Az-ca; Jubal's closest neighbor. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Stellan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Mated to Breanne. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Stephan: Enforcer for the Vampire Council. Dark-skinned, dark-eyed, tall, muscular. (Blood Destiny Series)
Steven Francis Jr.: Conner's oldest son. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Stone Wicke: Low Fifth-level warlock, employed by Mebbers for decades. Prior employment was for one criminal after another for centuries, after which he faked his own death to remove himself from the Karathian Crown's most-wanted list. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sursee: Falchani for teacher/instructor.
Sursee Tatsuya: Tatsuya is a last name Dragon often employs when he is on assignment. Means Dragon, to be in some translations. Sursee is Falchani for teacher/instructor.
Susan Plume: Hen shapeshifter (Buff Orpington). ASD agent who doubles as a cook for the crew of BlackWing X. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Susila: Female member of the Vampire Council; Scandinavian. (Blood Destiny Series)
Swee'n: A foreign city. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
T'Beq: Capital City of Ru'beq, a Reth Alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Taff: Comesula in her sixties who serves as Lissa's dresser and suite manager with Mora. (Blood Destiny Series)
Teeg San Gerxon: Founder of the Campiaan Alliance. His given name at birth was Gavril Tybus Montegue. Mother: Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis. Father: Gavin Montegue, one of Lissa's mates. His nickname, Teeg, was given to him by his foster-father, Dormas. He took that name when he was separated from his parents by Kifirin (the god), who exacted payment for a request made by a young Gavril. His last name, San Gerxon, was acquired when he was named heir to Arvil San Gerxon, a criminal kingpin who built the small planet of Campiaa into a non-Alliance gambling mecca. Teeg's siblings include: Rylend Morphis, Torevik Rath, Nissa Grey, Travis and Trent Tatsuya, and Willow and Wayne Winkler. Mated to Reah, Queen of Kifirin. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Telling Winds: See Akashic Records.
Tera: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Teren: One of two trusted bodyguards and emissaries who works for Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Terrett: A mute Sirenali whose mother sold him into slavery. Gerrett and Morrett are his brothers, also mute. Mated to Quin. He has dark green eyes, the color of the sea on a cloudy day. His mother is Erithia Cordan. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Terry Smith: Human father of Randy Smith. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
The Five (GW):
The Five (RD): Elite soldiers who volunteered for the Cloud Dust Program. They are considered the talented ones.
The Jewels: The Bright Elemaiyan Queen (Friesianna) refers to these four brothers as her Jewels, her elite guards and enforcers. Head of the four brothers is Diamond, followed by Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
The Mighty:
The Rose Mark: A forbidden book. All copies were thought to be destroyed. Crown Prince Thorn removed its forbidden status and decided to provide copies to all Black Rose Escort trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Theodore Williams: (Teddy) Thomas Williams' twin brother and Second in the Sacramento Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
Thifilatha: High Demon female's Demon form. Only Glindarok has ever turned Thifilatha (until Reah Desh and Lexsi Silver came along).
Thifilathi: High Demon male's Demon form.
Thomas Williams: Sacramento Packmaster who died helping Lissa fight off a pack of seditionist werewolves. (Blood Destiny Series)
Thomas Williams, III: Werewolf agent for the Joint NSA/HSD. Dark hair and eyes. Member of the Sacramento Pack. His mother is Wynter, Winkler's first daughter. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Thomas Williams, Jr.: Thomas Williams' son and new Packmaster for the Sacramento Pack. Lissa's Pack membership is moved to Thomas' Pack after Winkler is forced to move her (at Kellee's insistence). (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Thorn's Book of Advanced Divination Techniques: A forbidden book. All copies were thought to be destroyed. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Thornson: Kaakos' given name. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Thurlow: Formerly Thorsten, who was originally in charge of the Saa Thalarr. He often argued with Griffin, and was sent back to the beginning for committing infractions. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Tiearan Briar: Chief of the Green Birth Fae. Quite old but looks very young. Long pale gold hair. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tiessa: Hraedan word for Beloved. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tiger: Retired female member of the Saa Thalarr. Bearcat was her healer. Mated to Mavrillek, still an active member of the Saa Thalarr, a Hellcat. Tiger is her shapeshifting fighter animal. She's 6' tall. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Tim'Bek II: An abandoned world taken by the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Timblor, Prince: Older son and heir of King Tamblin. A chip off the old block. He is 25 years old with black hair and dark eyes. (First Ordinance Series)
Tiralia: World which destroyed itself with chemical warfare long ago. Still has a very poisonous atmosphere and none approach it. Only source of Tiralian crystal, a gem worth far more than any other. (Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tiralian crystal: Crystal mined from a dead world, destroyed by the Ra'Ak. Tiralian crystal is very rare, shines brighter than diamonds and is extremely expensive. It also holds spells better than any other jewel and Tiralian crystal infused with protection spells is highly sought by wealthy rulers.
Tiri: Powerful relic hunter. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Queen's Holiday short story)
Tirlan-dar'miri: Elvish phrase that means beautiful beyond words. (High Demon Series)
Toff: Comesula child. Youngest son of Roff. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tony (Anthony) Hancock: Adopted son of a werewolf mother, Anthony is 1/8th Elemaiya and has mindspeech. He is also Director of the Joint NSA/Homeland Security Department. Black hair, gray eyes, handsome, 36 years old in Blood Wager. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Torevik Rolfe Rath: Half High Demon. Son of Lissa and Gardevik Rath. Mated to Reah. He has seven daughters; Raedah, Tara, Lara, Kara, Sara, Dara and Lexsi. See entry for Vik Roth for additional information. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trace Gibson: One of Winkler's bodyguards and a member of the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7' tall. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Brother to Trajan Gibson, Winkler's Second. Proficient (like his brother) in Martial Arts. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Trajan Gibson: Winkler's Second in the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7' tall, dark hair and eyes; Trajan is a black belt in karate and a master of several other disciplines. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Travis Tatsuya: He's the son of Lissa and Drake. Grandson of Dragon and Devin. Twin brother of Trent. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Travis Tetsuya: See Travis Tatsuya. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trell: A Reth Alliance planet and home to Pearlina Rin. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Trent Tatsuya: He's the son of Lissa and Drew. Grandson of Dragon and Devin. Twin brother of Travis. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trent Tetsuya: See Trent Tatsuya. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trevor: Assassin for the Vampire Council. Sheriff of Casino City. One of Breanne's mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series.)
Trey Henson: See Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Tulgalan: Birth planet of Reah Desh. Capital city Targis where Desh's #1 restaurant is. Reah worked at Desh's #2 in the city of Shirves as a child. (High Demon Series)
Turtle: Former Falchani warrior, now Spawn Hunter for the Saa Thalarr. Owns a bar on Falchan with his son. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tybus: A very ancient vampire, born long before the destruction of Le-Ath Veronis by the Copper Ra'Ak millennia ago. Le-Ath Veronis lay dormant for eons before Lissa arrived to rebuild it. Vampire architect who designed the palaces on Le-Ath Veronis and Kifirin. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tykl: Empty world that serves as trash planet to the Alliances. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ula Karn: Native of Jaledis and former friend of Sabrina Kend. Having an affair with Fergue Bing behind Sabrina Kend's back. (BlackWing Pirates Series).
Ura: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee and one of the Bulldog's pet students. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
V'dar: a.k.a. the Prophet. Born on Vogeffa II. Parents deceased. Has skills of a sorcerer and necromancer. Not much is known about him otherwise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
V'ili: Sirenali Prince before the destruction of Sirena by the Larentii. Was rescued from that destruction by rogue gods, who commanded him to create chaos through the years in order to destroy The Mighty and the universes with them. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vale: Northernmost supply village for Az-ca's army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Valegar: Larentii. Nefrigar's second eldest son who also works as his assistant. Mated to Corinne. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Vampire Aristocracy: Five hundred of the oldest and most powerful vampires on Earth. Working together the Aristocracy formed the vampire government, administered by the Vampire Council. The oldest became the head of the Council, and the Council chooses who fills the vacancies when they occur. (Blood Destiny Series)
Vampire Laws: These will be posted elsewhere.
Vardil Cayetes: Spoiled younger brother of Hordace. Criminal. He stayed inactive just long enough to make both Alliances think that the Cayetes crime conglomerate was dead, before picking up where his brother left off. He destroyed Siriaa. He employed the kidnappers and murderers known as Cayetes Storm. Responsible for more deaths to count, in or out of the Alliances. Killed by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series).
Varnon: Village elder in Merthis. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Varok: A highly-placed officer in the Prophet's army. Born on Pyrik, in the poisoned city of Lee'Qee. Father: Vrak. Brother: Perill. (BlackWing Pirates Series).
Venge: Top General for Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Vengeance: Raver created by Kaakos after taking over Merrin's mind. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Veri: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee and one of the Bulldog's pet students. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Veris: Comesula, common demon cohort leader. (Blood Destiny Series)
Veronis Imperea: Vampire Queen.
Veshtul: Capital city of the High Demon world. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Veykan: Falchani warrior, he was Crane's second when Crane was training students in the Art of the Blade. Grace was sent to learn bladework from Crane and Veykan after she joined the Saa Thalarr. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Vhanaraszh: In the Larentii language, it means restorer. The female equivalent of Vhilrilaszh. Foretold by prophecy to the Larentii — What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together (Change What Was) the Vhanaraszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Changer and the Vhilrilaszh. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vhilrilaszh: In the Larentii language, it means restorer. The male equivalent of Vhanaraszh. What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together (Change What Was) the Vhilrilaszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Vhanaraszh. (God Wars Series.)
Vik Roth: a.k.a. Torevik Rath. Brought back from death by Zaria, he now works under an assumed name for the ASD. High Demon son of Queen Lissa and Gardevik Rath. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vogeffa II: A world which was nearly destroyed by climate change. All polar ice melted, leaving only one small continent for residents to live on. Drew a criminal element after a time, and became home to many who were considered mutants. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vorina: Avii and wife of former Avii King Jurris. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vrak: There are two, the original, conscripted by the Prophet, and an impostor placed by the Prophet to do his bidding and lead raiding parties to steal food and supplies from passing ships. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ward: Cleric and Ruarke's second in command. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Warlend Arden: Former king of Karathia. Abdicated in favor of his son, Wylend Arden. He has two other sons, Wellend and Wallend. He was assassinated during a coup. Now a member of the Avii race, through Zaria's efforts. Has red wings, denoting royalty of that race, along with retaining his warlock's skills. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Weldon Harper: Former Grand Master of the Werewolves on Old Earth. 6' 3", tough as hell with dark eyes and hair. He's the only werewolf brave enough to approach Wlodek and the Vampire Council in an attempt to forge peace between the two races. If the peace agreement hadn't been made, both races would eventually have been exposed and exterminated. Weldon had the vision (and the persuasion) to convince Wlodek. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr and of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wellend Arden: Former King of Karathia. Attempt made on his life by his step-mother and her father, who wanted their natural grandson on the throne. Throne eventually taken by Wellend's half-brother, Wylend Arden. Father: Warlend Arden. Now a member of the Avii race, through Zaria's efforts. Has red wings, denoting royalty of that race, along with retaining his warlock skills. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Welton: Chief Physician, military post. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wend: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wendal: Assassin for King Wulf. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Weren: Former Colonel and warrior trainee instructor. Becomes General of the army. See Colonel Weren. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
West Cana: The area where Kyri's City is located. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Whitney Wynne Winkler: 5' 3", dark hair and eyes. Winkler's baby sister. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wib'burne: Homeworld of Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Will: (William Evans Troutman) Will has straight, dark hair, dark eyes and is Irish by birth. Turned in the mid-1800s, he was quickly made an Enforcer for the Council. Best friends with Russell, together they make a formidable fighting team. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Willa: Black Rose Escort bonded to Narvin. Together, they deserted the army and decided to follow Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
William Wayne Winkler, Jr.: Son of William Wayne Winkler. Dallas Packmaster after his father. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wilm Bedard: Noted journalist from Horlak. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wimla: Avii and wife of former Avii King Jurris. Mother of young Liron. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Winkler: (William Wayne Winkler) werewolf, former Packmaster for the Dallas Pack on Old Earth. Dark hair, dark eyes, 6' 3" in height, 86 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Has engineering degrees and is something of a genius at developing security software. Strong, moves with an easy grace. A bit of a playboy at first. Mated to Queen Lissa. See Lissa's Mates. Serves as a Spawn Hunter for the Saa Thalarr. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wisdom: See Charles Hoffman.
Wlodek: Head of the Vampire Council on Old Earth. Became a member of Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Panther. Mated to Fox. Was Greek, original name Aniketos (unconquered). (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Wolf: Original seven of the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Daniel Carey. (Saa Thalarr Series).
Woord'l: Campiaan Alliance world, home to Huyer Food Distribution, which was targeted by the Prophet for theft of provisions. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wulf Tadson Ruarke Rex: See Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wyatt: See Garwin Wyatt San Gerxon. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wyatt Arden: Heir to the Karathian throne. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wylend Arden: Succeeded his father, Warlend Arden, as King of Karathia. Tall, brown hair, hazel eyes with flecks of gold. 27,000 years old. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Wynn O'Neill: Shapeshifter: (rare unicorn) and one of Ashe's classmates. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Wynter Willow Winkler: Daughter of Winkler and Kellee and is the twin sister of William Wayne Winkler, Jr. She is a werewolf with black hair and nearly black eyes. Married to Thomas Williams, Jr. (Sacramento Packmaster), with whom she has one son, Thomas Williams, III. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Wyyld: Home of the Reth Alliance Founder, Ildevar Wyyld.
Xavier (Demon Doctor): Goes to the Worth estate to treat Cassandra King and Louise Worth after they are in a car accident. (A Very Paranormal Holiday)
Xavier (Vampire): Vampire council member. Sire to Adam Chessman and Russell Farleigh. Went rogue and murdered Merrill's child, Jeff. Deceased. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Xenides: Saxom's first vampire child. Originally Greek by birth, his name was Catulus, but took up the name Xenides to hide his identity. Saxom effectively hid his vampire children, and the Council had no idea they existed. Obsessed with following Saxom's orders, Xenides had no thought of the consequences. Saxom's final command to Xenides before he died was "make them pay." (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Xindis: Capital city of Trell. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yandiveri: (Yan) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yanzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Supervised farming on Campiaa. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Yaredolak Cordrifith: (Yuh-reed-o-lack) Norian's brother. (God Wars Series)
Yasa: a.k.a. Bulldog, or the Bulldog. The Bulldog is known to show extreme favoritism toward a few promising students. She has a mean streak and a hateful demeanor, mostly due to having been a Black Rose Escort washout when she was young, relegated to a teaching roll. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Yidrizin: Greater Demon. Acting prime minister for Nrath, the Greater Demon home planet. Mentor and advisor to Zendeval Rjjn when he was sent back 25,000 years in the past by Kifirin. (High Demon Series)
Yoff (infant): Comesula child of Giff. Killed in a murder/suicide. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yoff (son): Son of Toff and Nissa. Named after Giff's son as a tribute. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Yokaru: A continent far to Aviia's west on the planet Siriaa. The people are not as advanced as those on the Kondar continent. (First Ordinance Series)
Youon: Black Ra'Ak King. (High Demon Series)
Yurevik Weth: High Demon. Military captain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yurik: Obsessed minion of the Prophet, placed in charge of getting his starship rebuilt. Yurik was out of his depth, however, and likely would have died sooner and at the Prophet's hand, had Le'Vestar Limn not known what he was doing. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Zanfield Staggs: Trillionaire from Felarku, Wib'burne. Loves to gamble and has a flair for the unusual or exotic. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Zaria: Also known as Corinnelar the Vhanaraszh to the Larentii, and Corinne Watson on Old Earth. Zaria is a powerful enigma who holds the entire metal library, which contains information on everything in existence. Father: Wisdom. Mother: Unknown.
Zedru: Falchani warrior. He has a full set of coiled snake tattoos. Well-built and wiry. (Other Worldly Ways, Anthologies)
Zellar: Rogue Karathian Warlock. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Zendeval Rjjn: Greater Demon (one of the few remaining). He manages the five best resorts on Stellar Winds. He has dark brown hair and black eyes. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Zis: Warrior-priest in Raver/Merrin's entourage. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
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Updated 06/11/21 09:33:51 PT
A run mo chroé: Gaelic for love of my heart.
A'pelur: Campiaan Alliance world and home to criminal kingpin Mebbers and his hidden fortress (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ace: White werewolf, in the Dallas Pack. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Acrimus, the lieutenant: Rogue god once of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. He breathed the beginnings of Solar Red into the ears of humanoids. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Adahi: Also known as the Phantom; well acquainted with former King Thorn. Dreamwalker, who has a long history with Kyri and events in Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Adam Chessman: From old Earth. Born in 1763. Turned by Xavier in 1790. 6' 4" tall. Dark-brown hair, gray eyes. Former chief of Enforcers for the Vampire Counsel. Chosen to become a member of the Saa Thalarr. Shapeshifter (black gryphon). Mated to Kiarra, father to Justin. Lives at NorthStar on Avendor. Also a member of the Al'Riyu (see Hierarchy of the Gods). (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Addah Desh: Owner of Desh's Restaurants on Tulgalan. Head of the Desh family. Father of twenty-seven (actually twenty-six, see below) children, by eight wives. It was originally thought that he was Reah's father, but it is revealed that Reah's mother, Raedah, was raped by Edan, resulting in Reah's birth. (High Demon Series)
Adele Evans: Shapeshifter (peregrine falcon). Ashe Evans' mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Adem: Villager who refused to join the Republic of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Adrixx: A town on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Aedan Evans: Vampire, Ashe Evans' father. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Af te Jufaleh: (aff-tee-joo-fal-uh) High Demon term for go to the flames. High Demons can only die at the hands of one stronger than they or if they leap into Baetrah (volcano) in their humanoid form. (High Demon Series)
Affa-Gannis: Mountainous area where Kaakos gathers his new army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ai yevu: Falchani for my only.
Akashic Records: "The Telling Winds," referred to as the Akashic Records on many worlds. A rare seer can tap into them and see forward and backward in time. (High Demon Series)
Aklus: Rogue Karathian warlock. Lead twenty-seven rogue witches and warlocks in an attempted coup to ursurp the Karathian crown from Rylend Davan Morphis. They committed heinous acts, murdering children to terrorize the population. Deceased. (High Demon Series)
Akrinn Lemm: Native of Jaledis, best friend of Fergue Bing. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Al Flint: U.S. Vice President to Amelia Sanders. Assassinated by a sniper in Detroit. (R-D Series)
Alan: James Rome's driver. (God Wars Series)
Aldah Desh: Third-born son of Addah and Farla Desh. Full blood brother to Fes and Rane Desh. Imprisoned for the murder of his father. (High Demon Series)
Aldevik Foth: (Lord Aldevik Foth) Eldest and Head of a High Demon House. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Alex Thompson: Shapeshifter, White Buffalo. Amos Thompson's brother. Killed by Zeke Tanner. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Alexi Kuznetsov: Ilya Kuznetsov's son. Murdered by Baikov for questioning activity around Chernobyl. (R-D Series)
Alf: Worker in the berry farms under Az-ca's southern domes. Spy for Ruarke and then Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Alim'deru: A transfer of power. The power of Gaelar N'Seith, the Elven lands. A power that made and kept Kaldill Schaff King of the Elves. The Prince-Heir after the transfer would also be able to draw upon that power, should it be required.
Alken Wilker: Fourth-level Karathian warlock, and Uncle to Perri and Pauley Wilker-Ironsmith. Abused both children after they were abandoned by their parents. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Alrenardo: (Alren) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Alun: New hire for the King's palace in Az-ca. Spy for Kaakos, sent to kill Thorn II. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Alvin Wright: a.k.a. Bear Wright. Shapeshifter (bear), wishes to establish a Shapeshifter council. He is huge, almost as tall as Trajan with broad shoulders, thick light brown hair, warm brown eyes and a slightly crooked nose, as if it were broken a couple of times. Was the Principal of Star Cove Combined, a shapeshifter school. Eventually became co-Captain of BlackWing I. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Alynne Nicholls: Employee of Edinburgh castle in Scotland. Tricked into allowing terrorist into the castle. Mary Evans posing as Denna Philpot seduced her. (R-D Series)
Amara: Healer for the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Griffin, until she left him and was mated to Edan Desh. Mother of Wyatt Arden. Eventually elevated to a member of the Powers that Be - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Amelia Sanders: U.S.President. Her husband and first gentleman is Graye Sanders. She inherits the Cloud Dust Program from the previous administration and is very involved with it. (R-D Series)
Amlis, Prince: Second, and less favored, son of King Tamblin and Queen Omina of Fyris. 21 years old, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Prince of New Fyris. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Amos Thompson: Shapeshifter (white buffalo) self-appointed day guard for Cloud Chief. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Currently, the captain of BlackWing I. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ana: North Camp Instructor, Second Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Anari: 17-year-old Black Rose girl with mindspeaking ability and stepping talent. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Anna Kay Griffin: Adam and Kiarra's daughter, declared Dragon's mate while still in the womb, by the Larentii Wise Ones. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Annabelle Taylor: Shark Shapeshifter. Associate at Gruber, Taylor and Worth Law Firm. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Antiani: Wolf's (of the Saa Thalarr) Healer. Not human. He only has three fingers and a thumb, skin the color of pale coffee, and green eyes. He smiles a lot and loves to cook. (Saa Thalarr Series) Secretly mated to Raheela.
Ar'pex: (a.k.a. Ar'pexi) A nature spirit which has chosen to bond with another being, giving that being their power and cooperation. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ardalin: Teeg's cook on Campiaa. She is obsessed with Teeg and jealous of Reah. Partnering with three others to have Reah abducted and Teeg forced, by magic, to become a willing husband. She dies in the kidnapping attempt. (High Demon Series)
Ardis: Avii, Black Wing, captain in the Guard. Dark hair and gray eyes. Mated to Dena. Queen Quin's personal bodyguard. Daughter: Dara. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Aris: Commander of the Rangers on Mandil. See Aurelius. (High Demon Series).
Armon: Colonel in Az-ca's army, currently serves as First advisor to Prince Commander. Chosen by Caral to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Arresh: The name chosen by Sherra's dreamwalker. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Arvil San Gerxon: Gambling Magnate and Crime Kingpin from Campiaa, a gambling planet located outside the Reth Alliance. (High Demon Series)
Aryn: Helped Lissa build the university and a library on Le-Ath Veronis and taught history. Dark brown hair, gray eyes, 6' 2". Gabron was reincarnated as Aryn. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series)
ASD: Reth Alliance Security Detail.
Ashe Evans: Son of Adele Evans and Aedan Evans. The Ir'Indicti and the Mighty Hand. Owns SouthStar Groves on Avendor. SouthStar is a haven, and those who reside there will never age because of the power wielded by Ashe. Mated to Kay and Breanne. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Aspe: Warrior-priest and favorite of Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Astralan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of the four Starr Brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Mated to Queen Reah. Member of the Nameless Ones. See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series)
August Hunter, Colonel: (Auggie) Former Marine. Left the military to be a handler for the Cloud Dust Program. He is Corinne's handler. Tall, erect posture, handsome black man in his late 40's. (R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Aunt Shelby: Cassie Randall's aunt, who left Cassie her home. Aunt Shelby was murdered by Cassie's relatives, Morton and Dalton King. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Aurelius: Roman vampire. Sire to René and Gavin. A tall, wide-shouldered lion of a man with dark-blond hair. A fair and open-minded person, he was responsible for many of the laws governing the treatment of humans by vampires. Spawn hunter for the Saa Thalarr. See Reah's Mates. a.k.a. Aris. Also, a member of the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Blood Destiny Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Avendor: The planet where the residents of Star Cove relocated. Location of EastStar and SouthStar Groves on the Southern Continent. Known for their gishi fruit. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Averill: King of the Earth Sprites. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Avii: A race of winged humanoids, created by the god Liron, who live on the planet Siriaa. The Avii live in a caste society, with every occupation dictated by the color of their wings. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Avii Wing Colors: As described to Quin by Daragar (First Ordinance Series):
Yellow: Servants, cooks or kitchen helpers. The most common color.
Black: Warriors, guards or officers.
Gray: Farmers, herders or butchers.
Brown: Blacksmiths, artists and artisans, including weavers, tailors, etc.
Green: Healers, healers' assistants and chemists.
Blue: Scholars, librarians and teachers.
Red: Royalty.
Aviia: Avii Castle.
Avilepha: High Demon term, meaning my love. "Hala Avilepha, m'seidra camethei refieoru" is the phrase a High Demon male whispers to his mate after the claiming. It means my heart's love, you are mine forever. (hall-uh av-il-lef-uh, muh-seed-ruh cam-uh-thay ref-ee-or-oo)
Az-ca: Desert country ruled by King Wulf; always at war with barbarians from Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ba'Moru: Small vacation resort on Pyrik and home to Caille Morr. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Baarkann: A young member of the Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Baetrah: Active Volcano on the Southern Continent of Kifirin. If a High Demon wishes to end his/her immortal life, they throw themselves into the fire while in humanoid form. If they jump in while in Demon form, they just walk out again. Like taking a fire bath. Sort of. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Baetrah an Hafei: City closest to Baetrah on Kifirin Southern Continent. Literally means Below the Fire Mountain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Baikov: Russian General, involved in the Russian Cloud Dust Program and also a recipient of the drug. Ruthless murderer. (R-D Series)
Balsom: Village in eastern Az-ca, roughly twenty miles south of Sa'wann. There, the terrain is relatively flat. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Baltis: (King Baltis) King of the Dark Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Ban: Village Headman, Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bandelif: Greater Demon. Father of Nedrizif. Uncle to Zendeval Rjjn. (High Demon Series)
Barc: Got the wasting disease at age 6. He was placed in stasis at the age of 8. Commander Bleek is his father. (First Ordinance Series)
Bardelus: A non-Alliance world with six commonwealths, each running its own governments. It's core was tapped by rogue wizards. Bardelans are often notorious liars and expect to haggle over everything. Home world to Ploval. (High Demon Series)
Bardelus Prime: Capital city of United Bardelus, a commonwealth on the planet Bardelus. (High Demon Series)
Bargel: President of Pyrik. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barkins: Charla Dare's fluffy, white canine best friend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barney: (Barna) Black Rose Escort trainee and former washout. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Barra Kend: Wife of Ruther Kend, mother of Sabrina Kend. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barrigar: Larentii, Protector for Graegar, Larentii Wise One. Mated to Conner, father of Connegar. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Barry Stokes: Director of Mercy Crossings in Los Angeles, California, a charity that arranges for health professionals and volunteers to help wherever needed. (God Wars Series)
Barth (Diviner): King Wulf's Chief Diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Barth (Master Cook): Master Cook at Aviia on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Barton: Police officer in Fresno, California. Questioned Justin after an attack at a student party. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Barun: Addah Desh's assistant at Desh's #1 Restaurant on Tulgalan. (High Demon Series)
Baxter: Vampire Enforcer for the UK Council, then later on Le-Ath Veronis. Works with Dmitri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Baxter Indis: Trusted assistant to Erland Morphis. He works on Campiaa assisting with the security and management of Erland's Sea Spray Casino. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Bayar and Rayab: Reservation names used at the Tidal Wave restaurant in San Francisco, California by Saxom and Moxas. Reversed letters, a play on their own names. (God Wars Series)
Bearcat: Retired Saa Thalarr healer for Tiger. Mated to Erland, Joey and Norton. His shapeshifting animal is a bear and cat mix. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Beatrice Chaumont: An identity assumed by Cassie when she is assigned the role of Princess of Alabama. Beatrice Chaumont was a real person, who died in a skiing accident at age 10. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Beatris: Rodrik's Lady wife. She has dark hair and blue eyes. She is pretty but has a sadness about her. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Becker: One of The Five in the Cloud Dust Program. He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. His only gift is muscle. (R-D Series)
Beckley: Warrior, chosen by Reena. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Beels: Warrior-priest; mindspeaker and spy among warrior-priests for Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bekzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Mated to the Breanne (Mighty Heart) and to Zaria. Member of the Nameless Ones - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Bel Erland Morphis: Karathian Warlock. Son of Rylend Morphis and Reah Desh. Mated to Quin. Fifth-level warlock and skilled at scrying and spells. (God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bela: Former Black Rose Escort washout, reinstated with the help of Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Belancour Wizards: From Shaaliveer. They are first mentioned in Blood War as having done good work for Viregruz, leader of Black Mist. Marid is the Chief or head of household of the Belancour Wizards and quite powerful. Melida is Marid's daughter. Her first husband was killed in a raid on Cloudsong. Marid offered Melida in marriage to Shadow Grey. Glendes Grey agreed. Trikleer is Melida's son. He has severe physical handicaps from his mother's drug use while pregnant with him. Morid is Marid's son. Wymarr is Marid's younger brother. He is grasping and ambitious. Marid kicked him out of their home after the ASD placed a bounty on his head for "a few minor misdeeds." He is now employed by the Lyristolyi. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, First Ordinance Series)
Belarok Lith: (Raona Belarok) Now deceased, former High Demon Queen. Mated to Lendevik Lith, also deceased, former High Demon King. Belarok is Glindarok's mother (High Demon Queen). (Blood Destiny Series)
Belen: A Nameless One, one of the light gods. He is Thorsten's (see Thurlow) supervisor. He doesn't often resort to corporeality. Mated to Corinne. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, God Wars Series,, Saa Thalarr Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series, First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Belifindus: A dead world, destroyed by greed and the Ra'Ak. Considered a world not worth saving by the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Belinda: Blonde bombshell with shocking pink highlights in her hair. Her upper arms are tattooed with a snake crawling through a skull. Jayson Rome's BDSM playmate. (God Wars Series)
Beliphar: Once a member planet of the Reth Alliance, it lost its membership after it was taken over by a renegade political party. Afterward, everything was owned and run by the state, and vampirism was dealt as a punishment to criminals. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Benjamin Billings: Werewolf and Principal of Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Benjamin Stokes: A rare black werewolf. Working with Cassie to locate and destroy Morton and Dalton King. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Bennall: A Campiaan Alliance world orbiting the same star as Kev'Ril. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Berel Charkisul: When we meet him he is 16 and dying. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. His father is Edden Charkisul. Mated to Quin and serves as a liaison/ambassador for her after he was granted the blue wings of an Avii scholar by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Beri: From Ny-nes. Klete's mother. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Berthias Tayde: A Reth Alliance employee who accepted bribes from Arvil San Gerxon to allow drakus seed to be shipped. (High Demon Series)
Bertram Goodhue: Architect in the early 1900s who built a mansion in what was intended to be the most beautiful mining town in the world. The mines failed and the town was abandoned, becoming a ghost town. Located near Tyrone, New Mexico. (God Wars Series)
Bespalov: Ambassador to the U.S. from Novosibirsk, Russia. He secretly helped to free Ilya from a Russian prison. He passed information to Ilya. Assassinated in the U.S. (R-D Series)
Beth Walters: Werewolf, mated to Teddy Williams who is Second in the Sacramento pack. Father, Martin Walters, Sr.. Brother, Martin Walters, Jr. (Mack). (Saa Thalarr Series)
Beverly Stokes: Benjamin Stokes' human wife. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Bexari: A destitute and isolated planet. Governed by Prime Minister Vyris. Its only source of income is blackmail money from Grey House. (God Wars Series)
Bill Gordon: Werewolf, married to Kirby Lee. Murdered, and his boat was used to access an offshore oil rig. His wife was an accomplice. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Bill Jennings: Former Director of NSA/HSD from Earth. Human mate to Breanne. 5' 10", brown hair and brown eyes. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Birimera: A planet where Arvil San Gerxon grew drakus seed. A pod of one thousand Spawn were dropped here for a battle with the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Black Myth: AKA Shakkor Agdah. A race of demons attempting to destroy the human population on Earth by releasing a deadly toxin. The Mystic War has been attempted in the past and failed. It takes them decades to regroup and launch another attempt. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Blake Folie: United States Senator. V'ili placed an obsession on him at Calhoun's command. (God Wars Series)
Blane Grove: Former Council member, and Merrin's ally. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bleek, Commander: Leader of Cayetes' Storm. He is Blevakian, a four-armed race. He is a hulking giant with black hair and black eyes. Father of Barc. Mated to Corinne. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Bob Sullivan: Private detective in California who is unscrupulous when on a case and seeking information. Works for Ross Gidion and James Rome, Sr. (God Wars Series)
Bogey's Bar and Grill: In San Francisco outside the Castro District and close to Hank's club. A decent menu and is open late. Frequented by Hank and Breanne. (God Wars Series)
Bones of the Prophet: A drug given to those in Ny-nes' army and its clerics, to ensure their compliance. Also secretly given to Merrin and his cohorts when Az-ca was infiltrated by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Boodreatis: A planet, and the site of a Spawn attack on a college campus resulting in many deaths. (High Demon Series)
Book of the Rose (The): A book in the King's library, describing talents and duties of Black Rose Escorts. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bordok: Rogue Blood Warlock with sharpened front teeth, worked for rebel Commander Cephas on Falchan. He had to kill to produce his spells. Deceased. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Borell Gant: Patriarch of a family chosen randomly by the Prophet for his experiments in employing food to spread the Prophet's disease. Deceased. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bornelus: Non-Alliance world taken by the Prophet and guarded by mutant Ra'Ak. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Brade Deplan: Half-Bright Elemaiyan. ASD operative secretly working for the Bright Elemaiya Queen. Sent to Earth to investigate the Cloud Dust program and its survivors. Deceased. (R-D Series)
Braden Reynolds: Rogue werewolf from Phoenix, Arizona. Hired by Ross Gideon as a tracker. He and his brother, Rafe, were both under obsession, and are now deceased. (God Wars Series)
Brakkus: A Campiaan Alliance world, and chosen meeting place between Alken and Gillen Wilker. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Brandl Gage: Father of Randl Gage. Homeworld is Vogeffa II, until attack by Vardil Cayetes forced the population to relocate to New Fyris. Employed by Prince Amlis and later by Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis and Queen Quin of the Avii. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Braxlin Ironsmith: Karathian warlock. Father of Ilya Rafael Ironsmith. (R-D Series)
Bray: Barth's secondary Diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Breah-mul: (bree-uh-mull) means my breath in the language of the Elves.
Breanne Hayworth: Lissa's half-sister, taken from Earth to the future on Le-Ath Veronis, made Vampire. Her appearance is altered so she can sit in for Lissa as Queen. a.k.a. Love—the Mighty Heart, the Vhanaraszh, and a Q'elindi (God Wars Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Breanne's Mates:
Brenevik Lith: (Bren) High Demon. Bren was put to death with his brother, Tarevik, for the coup that caused the death of their parents, Belarok and Lendevik. (High Demon Series)
Brenton Arden: See Griffin.
Breszca Loffus: Lives on Tulgalan. Divorced from Graumil Loffus. Mother of Raedah, whom she put up for adoption after lying about who was Raedah's father. Later married Denevik Lith, Raedah's real father. (High Demon Series)
Breth: A comesula officer in a common demon cohort. (Blood Destiny Series)
Brett Walker, Captain: Dying soldier that Dr. Richard Farrell brought into the Cloud Dust Program with President Sanders' approval. Given Nick's blood and became a clone and werewolf. Originally had red hair and blue eyes. A good man. (R-D Series)
Briar: Servant in the King's palace, Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Briden: A Refizani vampire; Gabron's vampire child. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Bridgett Moss-Murphy: Water Demon. Wants to be a Chancellor's wife. Social climber, jealous, possessive, insane. Guilty of murder and attempted murder. Helped kidnap Destiny King. Died in attempted coup. (A Very Paranormal Holiday, Anthologies)
Brig Andlen: Warden at the prison on Tulgalan where Marzi Desh was incarcerated. (High Demon Series)
Brin: Personnel servant, page and food taster for Prince Timblor. Ordered by the Prince to stab Yevil Orklis to death. He accepted a bribe from Yevil to stab the Prince instead. After assassinating the Prince, Yevil kills him. (First Ordinance Series)
Brinelodus (Brin): Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series)
Brock: Merrill's vampire child; curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Was a documentary filmmaker and licensed pilot before becoming vampire. Eventually became an Enforcer for the Vampire Council. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, God Wars Series)
Brothers Hardlow: Wilffin and Wilffox are two of the most notorious criminals in and out of the Alliance. Wilffox being older and more murderous than his murdering younger brother. They are partners with Arvil San Gerxon in the drakus seed business. (High Demon Series)
Bryan Kellogg: Lawyer practicing in Silver Springs, MD. He works for author Carol Dane. (R-D Series)
Bryan Riley: Vampire, On Old Earth, worked as assistant to the night news producer for a London news station. He has since become the head of the News Conglomerate on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bulldog: See Yasa. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ca'Lex: Abandoned world; David's Ar'pex. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Caille Morr: Trail guide at a mountain resort on Pyrik. One of many hidden servants of the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Calezia: Capital city of Fren'Ell, a Reth Alliance world, where Jewl Yarro had a home and a better reputation. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Calhoun: Rogue godling pretending to be human to escape notice, while helping to try to destroy Earth. Plotted to capture Kiarra for Saxom. After Acrimus' death, he moved to the first position of the General's army. Calhoun has dirty-blond hair, a slightly crooked nose, brown eyes and a medium build. Now deceased. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Calli: Black Rose Escort who, with her warrior, deserted the army and joined with Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Camala: Female Falchani warrior. She fights with two blades and has competed in the Solstice Trials. Prefers women. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Campiaa: A small planetoid outside the Reth Alliance. Formerly, it was home of the largest (and most popular) gambling city outside the Reth Alliance. Adhering to no laws, it still attracted wealthy Reth Alliance clientele, along with crime kingpins. Campiaa was also known as the clearing house for drug trafficking, the place to hire assassins and thieves, and the place to plan almost any criminal activity. Now, the home of the Founder of the Campiaan Alliance.
Campiaan Alliance: A new alliance founded by Teeg San Gerxon. Modeled after the Reth Alliance and adopted many of its laws. Many member planets were rogue and lawless prior to joining. (High Demon Series)
Camryn: Red Wing, King of the Avii and husband of Elabeth. He and his wife were murdered by Tamblin. (First Ordinance Series)
Captain Indus: Officer in Az-ca's army; chosen as one of the King's elite troops. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Captain Neele: Ranking officer often left in charge of Secondary Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Caral: Fourth Cohort Black Rose Escort trainee at North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Carek Prime: A non-Alliance world ruled by King Devarr, until it was destroyed by Vardil Cayetes. The population was subsequently moved to Cloudsong. BlackWing Pirates Series)
Carol Dane: See Corinne Watson.
Casimir: Vampire. He is almost as old as Wlodek. He is about 5' 8" tall, with dark blond hair carefully brushed back from his forehead. Wlodek sent him to Cloud Chief to spy on Ashe and to perform the turning when the time came. Gavin insisted that he pose as Breanne's approved suitor. Lissa set aside the engagement. Trajan thinks he is an honorable vampire. Ashe thinks he is like an old-world gentleman. He watched over, and has feelings for, Kathleen Rome when she was taken to SouthStar. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Casino City: Located ten miles west of Lissia on the dark side of Le-Ath Veronis. Built specifically for gambling, tourism, shopping and entertainment. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Cassandra King: See Cassie Randall.
Cassie Randall: Her real name is Cassandra King. Female Fire Demon. Works as a personal assistant to Parke Worth at Gruber, Taylor and Worth, a law firm in Seattle, WA. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Caylon Black: Falchani warrior and the best Falchani blademaster ever produced on that world. Caylon Black trained Dragon, Crane and Salidar DeLuca. Mated to Corinne and Cleo. Member of the Saa Thalarr and the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Cecil: Member of the Vampire Council on Old Earth; Italian. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Cedar's Falls: The capital city on Falchan. An old city with narrow cobblestone streets. Home to craftsmen and the finest sword makers on the planet. Known for its restaurants and noodle stands. Home to Flyer. (High Demon Series)
Ceerah Kade: a.k.a. Bynda Wark and Cedrah Dane. Also referred to as Nurse Nasty. Used her medical career in the theft and distribution of controlled drugs. Captured on Refizan after selling patient information (about Reah) to a reality show, while working for Kevis Halivar. She was tried and convicted for smuggling drakus seed and received a life sentence on Evensun. Deceased. (High Demon Series)
Celestan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cephas: Commander of the rebel forces on Falchan. Used a Blood Warlock to ensnare the minds of the Falchani people. He intended to rule Falchan. Now deceased. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Chad Daniels: A young werewolf whose father was killed in a challenge against the Cloud Chief Packmaster. Bullies younger students at Cloud Chief Combined, with help from his shapeshifting best friend, Jeremy Booth. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Changer: See Ri'Kita.
Charla Dare: Wealthy Campiaan resident who has been working as a smuggler and committing other crimes quietly while passing as one of the planet's elite. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Charles Hoffman: Wlodek's personal assistant. Turned in the late 1700s by Flavio, Charles was an acrobat and performer for one of London's famous circuses. He was practicing a trick dive off London Bridge when he hit the water at a bad angle and broke his back. Flavio likes to tease his only living child that he ruined a very expensive suit going into the Thames after him. a.k.a. The Mighty Mind and Wisdom. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chash: See Gavril. Tulgalan nickname meaning a tall curious bird.
Chazi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, quietest of eight brothers. Mated to Breanne. Became a Pan'Warha - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Cheah-mul: (chee-uh-mull) means my heart in the language of the Elves.
Cheedas: Comesula chief cook at the High Demon palace. When the move was made to Le-Ath Veronis, he became Lissa's Chef. (Blood Destiny Series)
Cheel: Resident of Gis, a non-alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chen: Wolter's chief assistant in the palace kitchen of Lironis. He is short and thin with dark hair and deep-brown eyes. (First Ordinance Series)
Chimera: Fire-breathing shapeshifter. (God Wars Series)
Chleroa: A Reth Alliance planet. Skiing as a recreational sport is very popular there. (Blood Destiny Series)
Chlind: Contractor supplying women to work at the main desert outpost. Business partner is Seval. Planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Chloe: Naturalized Amterean Dwarf, originally from Old Earth. Owl shapeshifter. Mated to Morwin Quiffilis. Sister to David Hiboux. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chuck Marshall: U.S. Secretary of State. Contacted by the British to assist in the investigation of a British airliner shot down over Columbia. (R-D Series)
Claire Fabre: Louvre museum employee. Along with Jean Caillot took a bribe to allow art work to be stolen and terrorists to enter the museum. Both were killed by burglars. (R-D Series)
Claude: Former sergeant in Az-ca's army. Mindspeaker who worked as a messenger after his retirement. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Cleaster Leech: Campiaan space station employee who has been infected with the Prophet's spreading obsession. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cleo: Griffin's granddaughter and Lissa's niece. Twin sister to Kyler. Cleo is a powerful healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Cloud Dust: A drug found in three extraterrestrial crash sites on Earth. Engineered by the Lyristolyi for use on their own ships. When crew members neared the end of their lives they would take the drug and be reincarnated with their memories intact. If the drug were used on a world with a different atmosphere, in most cases the individuals would die. The ones who survived were usually transformed. Eventually outlawed by the Lyristolyi government, the drug and its users are hunted and destroyed. Multiple governments on Earth began to experiment with the drug in what became known as the Cloud Dust Program, resulting in serious and unexpected consequences. (R-D Series)
Cloudsong: A world recently accepted into the Campiaan Alliance and ruled by King Devarr. Has a spotty, checkered past, and was once rendered barren and useless by a rogue warlock who tapped the planet's core. Restored by Zaria and others, to become home to all the refugees from Carek Prime. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cole: A refugee from Ny-nes. Born with power, he was tortured as a child until he escaped by stepping to Kyri's City at her invitation. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Colonel Kage: Training Instructor for warrior trainees in the King's City—becomes a King's assassin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Colonel Weren: Training Instructor for warrior trainees in the King's City. Becomes General of the army in Rose and Thorn. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Comesuli: Plural of comesula, referring to the original inhabitants of Le-Ath Veronis, and considered vampire young. They live to be six hundred years old on average before dying, and at that point, the Queen Vampire and her Inner Circle would determine whether they would be made vampire or not.
Commander Alden: Post Commander for Secondary Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Connegar: Larentii, son of Barrigar and Conner. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Conner: The Guardian. Former member of the Saa Thalarr. Now serves as an advisor in some capacity. Sees ghosts and spirits, and escorts lost souls to the other side. Mated to Barrigar, Graegar, Russell, Will, Lynx and Martin Walters. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Cord'ilus: An empty world, devoured by Ra'Ak long ago. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Corent River: Half-Green Fae with light blue-green hair that changes color with the weather or his mood. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, High Demon Series)
Cori Anderson-DeLuca: Panther Shapeshifter. A pretty blonde with green eyes. Sister of Dori Anderson and daughter of Lavonna and Nathan Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Co-Captain of BlackWing VIII with her husband, Marco DeLuca. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Corinne Alford: Werewolf. Found baby Tony while on a run in the woods as a werewolf. Corinne adopted Anthony Hancock with the help of the Grand Master, George Chapman. (Blood Destiny Series)
Corinne Watson: (Real name, Harriett Majors.) An unwilling participant in the US Government's Cloud Dust Program, Corinne struggles with unexpected abilities while under the oppressive thumb of her handler. Corinne was an author (originally as Harriett Majors) before being forced into hiding. She still writes, but under the pseudonyms Sarah Fox and Carol Dane. Corinne is also known as Corinnelar (her Larentii name), sometimes shortened to Rinnelar. Corinne has one son, Darin Majors, Jr. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Corinne's Mates:
Corolan: Karathian warlock. Special advocate to the throne and one of Wylend's trusted loves. He is tall with wide shoulders, blond hair and an easy smile. Mated to Reah, who nicknamed him Cory. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series)
Crane: Falchani, twin brother to Dragon and older by a few minutes. Once General to the Dragon Warlord, he is now Saa Thalarr. His fighting animal is a Wyroc, a giant, slate-gray bird with deadly beak and claws. More than 15,000 years old. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Crane Trevor: Son of Crane and Grace. Saa Thalarr. Shapeshifter fighting animal is a Silver Eagle. (Blood Destiny Series)
Cridel: Minor Prince of the Bright Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series)
CSD: Campiaan Security Detail.
Dale Saylor: Owner of the Sub-Mariner, a BDSM club in the Castro District of San Francisco, California. (God Wars Series)
Dalfar: Young Falchani warrior. He has a single panther tattoo on his right bicep, earned in battle. Lost early in his first Solstice Trial and returned to his unit. He is planning to try again in two to three sun turns. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dalroy: Vampire, once a Texas Ranger, he'd been severely wounded in a battle on the Texas-Mexican border when Clancy, a well-respected vampire, found him and made the turn. Sadly, Clancy walked into the sun twenty years later. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Dalton King: Homicidal ice demon, related to Homicidal ice demon, related to Cassie. Murdered Cassie's mother and aunt. His father is Morton King. Works for Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Dalton Parrish: Ilya's handler. Informant and spy. Caught passing classified information to General Cutter. Removed from his position. Later found murdered. (R-D Series)
Dan Kelsey: FBI Director, working with Bill Jennings and the Joint NSA/Homeland Security Department in the San Francisco / Fresno area of California. (God Wars Series)
Dana Yarbrough: Twenty-four-year-old grad student. Helps to identify rogue vampire Keir Arthur after her friend is murdered. (God Wars Series)
Dandril Wond: Gishi fruit and gishi fruit ice cream distributor for EastStar Groves on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Dane: Recruit at the military station in Crown City on Mandil. Endured bullying and hazing with Reah. (High Demon Series)
Daniel Carey: Werewolf Second in the Corpus Christi Pack. Tall (6' 6") and lean. Merrill's friend, he helped in the war with Saxom. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Daniel Frank: Ice Demon with unusual shielding ability. He is an investigator for Gruber, Taylor and Worth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Dantel Schuul: A wealthy minor politician on Quezlos. He and his family manufactured controller chips with the intent of enslaving and taking over both the Reth and Campiaan Alliances. He has one daughter, Darletta Schuul. He is now deceased. (God Wars Series)
Dar-den: A villiage in Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Dara: Avii—daughter of Dena and Ardis. Named after Daragar of the Larentii. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Daragar: Larentii. Has visited the Library at Avii Castle for years, studying Siriaa. Mated to Quin. (BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series)
Daria: Doret's sister, killed by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Darin Majors, Jr.: Only child of author Harriett Majors and Darin Majors, Sr. Was shot by an unknown assassin in Cambridge, MA. (R-D Series)
Dark Realm: Created by Kifirin to balance the Light Realm. He set the laws governing the Dark Worlds and their inhabitants. The planet Karathia's orbit is along the line separating the Dark and Light Realms. Werewolves, vampires, High Demons and Greater Demons are among the Dark Realm races. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Darletta Schuul: From Quezlos. Work with her father, Dantel Schuul, as a front for his dealings. Involved in kidnapping, slavery and controller chips. Divorced from Tory. Now deceased. (High Demon Series)
Darryl Harper: Werewolf son and Second to Weldon Harper, Grand Master. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darsen Strand: Twin brother to Ansen, cousin to Lersen Strand. Abused and then murdered young girls. Worked with rogue Ra'Ak, and eventually arrested by the ASD. (High Demon Series)
Darthin: Alliance world with long nights. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darthough: Capital city of Darthin. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darvul: Comesula healer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, one of eight brothers. Ran the shuttle station on Campiaa. Likes to cook. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Davan Falthis: Lissa's uncle, one of Narissa's quarter-blood sons who was left on Beliphar. Falsely accused of a crime, he was made vampire as punishment. (Blood Destiny Series)
David Hiboux: Naturalized Amterean Dwarf, originally from Old Earth. Southern Boobook owl shapeshifter, who works as the ship's engineer for BlackWing X. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
David Lang: Werewolf. A doctor who works as a paramedic for the Denton, TX fire department. Brother of Glen Lang. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Davis Stone: Werewolf, member of Winkler's Dallas Pack. Davis is tough and reliable, and Winkler leans more on him than on his actual Second, Phil. After Phil's death in Blood Wager, Davis is selected as Winkler's Second. Wavy brown hair, golden-brown eyes, just under 6' with a muscular build (works out with weights). Lissa gives Davis the Boise Pack after she takes down P.J. Pitt, Karl Johnson's temporary Second. (Blood Destiny Series)
Davis Stone Jr.: Werewolf agent for the Joint NSA/HSD. Medium height, light-brown hair and copper eyes. Member of the Salt Lake City Pack. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Dawn Smith: Werewolf, mother of Randy Smith. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Dayl: General Linel's personal messenger. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Deah-mul: (dee-uh-mull) means my soul in the language of the Elves.
Deandrus: A lawless planet of pirates and cutthroats. (High Demon Series)
Dee: See Dormas.
Deeds: Prince Amlis' man-at-arms on Siriaa. Self-appointed guard to Quin. On Le-Ath Veronis, he helps to run the boat tours to Aviia. (First Ordinance Series)
Del City, Oklahoma: Location of Don's Restaurant, famous for its chicken-fried steak. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series)
Demon Types:
Demonnet: Internet site for demons. (A Very Paranormal Holiday - Anthologies)
Dena: Formerly a Yellow Wing, now has multi-colored wings like most Avii. She is one of Quin's first friends, and now her bodyguard. Mated to Ardis. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Denevik Lith: a.k.a. Denus Lithik and Denny. Youngest son of Lendevik and Belarok Lith. Father of Reah's mother, Raedah and grandfather to Reah. Escaped Kifirin when his brother Tarevik Rath made a coup. Liaison for Kifirin with the Reth Alliance and Campiaan Alliance. Mated to Breszca. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Denise DeLuca: Werewolf, married to Marcus DeLuca, mother of Sali and Marco DeLuca. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Denny: See Denevik Lith. (High Demon Series)
Denton Kemp: Former black ops, working for the CIA. (R-D Series)
Denus Lithik: See Denevik Lith. (High Demon Series)
Deonus Wyyld: See Ildevar Wyyld.
Derdris Hazlan: Rogue Karathian warlock. He was involved in the coup attempt on Karathia to overthrow Warlend Arden. Brother to Nidris, son of Fardris. Derdris was arrested on Tulgalan. (High Demon Series)
Derik: Prime Council of the Sirenali. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Derik Thompson: American involved with terrorists at the Louvre Museum. (R-D Series)
Derissa: Caral's older sister, from Dar-den. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Derk Beadl: Former Council member, and ally of Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Deryn Alford: Werewolf, half-brother to Tony Hancock. Natural son of Corinne and Lucas Alford. Four years younger than Tony. (Blood Destiny Series)
Destiny King: Ice Demon. Younger sister to Cassandra King. See Cassie Randall. (A Christmas Feral, a short story contributed to an anthology called A Very Paranormal Christmas. This story is part of the Seattle Elementals Series.)
Destroyers: Four brothers who are the elite guards and enforcers for the Dark Elemaiyan king, Baltis. The chief Destroyer is Rend, followed by Slash, Grind and Crush. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Devarr: King of Cloudsong. Husband to Hulce. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dex: Paymaster for the main desert outpost on planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Diagar: Larentii. Worked with Evagar in Fresno, California to guard Kiarra. (God Wars Series)
Didge: A small village on Karathia. Home to three hundred witches and warlocks who preferred the old ways of living. Abandoned after a Ra'Ak attack. (High Demon Series)
Difik: High Demon term for fool or idiot (derogatory).
Divil San Gerxon: Arvil San Gerxon's brother, who ruled Campiaa before his death. Arvil took over after Divil met his end. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dmitir (Ambassador): Acting Soviet Ambassador after the assassination of Ambassador Besplov. Possibly involved in Besplov's murder. Actively searching for Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Dmitri (vampire): UK vampire, and an Enforcer for the Vampire Council. Often worked with Baxter. Eventually became a guard for Lissa on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Dom Bell's: Hank Bell's BDSM club in San Francisco, co-owned by Breanne Hayworth. (God Wars Series)
Don: (Donald Gene Workman) Lissa's husband, who died shortly before she was made vampire. Had a heart condition all his life. Later reincarnated as Reemagar. (Blood Destiny Series)
Doret: Former Queen of Az-ca; more than 200 years old. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Dori Anderson: Ocelot Shapeshifter. Curly, dark-blonde hair and green eyes. Sister of Cori Anderson and daughter of Lavonna and Nathan Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Now Captain of BlackWing VII (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dorlan Ritt: Rogue warlock. Powerful and can throw fire blasts. (God Wars Series)
Dormas: a.k.a. Dee. Vampire from Mharpool. He owned a large construction company. He is 5,000 turns old. Teeg's Vampire foster father and his assistant in running the Campiaan Alliance. Considers Teeg "the son of his heart." (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dorthil Crasz: Working with ten military officers and Marid Belancour, he attempted a coup to take the High President's office in Kondar on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Dragon: Falchani, twin brother to Crane and former Dragon Warlord on Falchan. Dragon is a master strategist, and you never want to play games (including poker) with him. It's best to just hand over your money beforehand and go have a drink instead. Member of the Saa Thalarr, fighting animal is a Red Dragon. More than 15,000 years old. Daniel Carey, a member of the Saa Thalarr and a former werewolf, is the only person brave enough to play poker with Dragon. He calls Dragon "you old reptile," when he's losing. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dragon Taylor: (Tay) Falchani. Oldest son of Dragon and Grace. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is Gold Dragon. (Blood Destiny Series)
Drake: Falchani, twin son of Dragon and Devin. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Black Dragon. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Drakus Seed: In an old Alliance language, Drakus means Dragon. Drakus seed is a highly addictive and lethal drug. Crushed and drank as a tea, it brings dreams and visions to life, causing the user to believe they are real. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Drecksau: German term, means filthy pig.
Drenn Wulfson Meris Rex: Former Crown Prince of Az-ca, now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Drew: Falchani, twin son of Dragon and Devin. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Silver Dragon. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dria: A kind, but damaged, soul. Hired by Adam, Kiarra and Merrill to work at NorthStar Groves on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Drith and Croth: Rogue High Demon houses, who conspired with the Copper Ra'Ak against the High Demon crown. It was their desire to rule instead. They did not know that the Ra'Ak never intended to give them anything. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Drix: President of Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Du'Ferias: A jungle planet, and the location of one of Hordace Cayetes' strongholds. An explosion destroyed the planet. (God Wars Series)
East Camp: One of four training camps for Black Rose Escort trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Edan Desh: Son of Addah Desh. Manages Desh's Restaurant #2 with an iron fist, frequently beating Reah, who worked in the kitchen. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Edden Charkisul: Former High President of Kondar. He is a good man, a fair leader and loves his son Berel very much. Now serves as Ambassador for the Avii after he was given the blue wings of a scholar by Zaria, to whom he is also mated. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Edward Desmarais: Vampire that made the bet with Sergio Velenci on how long it would take Lissa to make the turn. He was more than 300 years old, had blond hair that curled slightly and gray-blue eyes. (Blood Destiny Series)
Edward Pendley: Owner of EastStar Groves on Avendor. He is 6' tall with thick dark brown hair that curls slightly and has bright hazel eyes. Mated to Reah. Member of En'Nurifi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Elabeth: Red Wing, Queen of the Avii and wife of Camryn. She and her husband were murdered by Tamblin. (First Ordinance Series)
Elemaiya: Often referred to as travelers, or (erroneously) elves or fae. Elves and fae are separate races and do not wander as the Elemaiya do. The Elemaiya originated in the Dark Worlds, and were one race in the beginning. They now refuse to discuss the rift that occurred, splitting them into Bright and Dark factions.
Elias Garber: Petty criminal hired by Karl Johnson to steal Winkler's van, with Lissa sleeping inside it in a body bag. Karl intended to kill Lissa and Winkler, but some timely intervention by Griffin saves the day. (Blood Destiny Series)
Em-pah: Slang term for Grampa or grandfather.
Emmett: Werewolf bodyguard from the Fargo Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
End-War: Crippling event that occurred 600 years ago that changed and destroyed nearly everything on the planet. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ephu: High Demon term for evil one; one that brings harm intentionally. (Blood Destiny Series)
Erithia Cordan: Mother to three sons with V'ili; Gerrett, Morrett and Terrett, all mute Sirenali. She held V'ili in such contempt that she only pretended to like him to get her way at times. Each time she bore V'ili's child, she sold that child into slavery at an early age, after removing his tongue so he could never place an obsession. (God Wars Series)
Erland Morphis: Karathian Warlock. Extremely handsome, very powerful. See Lissa's Mates. Father of King Rylend of Karathia. Fifth-level warlock with strong spell-casting skills. Member of the Ba'Mirha. See Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Escort: a.k.a. Black Rose Escort. A woman with a Black Rose tattoo on her left wrist, paired with a warrior from Az-ca's army to provide protection and a source of power should the warrior need replenishment during battle. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Evensun: Deserted planet, which was once home to the Bright Elemaiya. It now serves as a penal planet for the Reth Alliance. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Everett Hancock: Believed to be Tony Hancock's father. Retired army. Was married to Tony's mother, werewolf Corinne Alford, until he could no longer handle her disappearing one night a month. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ex'ero Plumb: Crillie resident of Horlak, and owner of seventy-six scrapyard warehouses. Formerly a business associate of Jewl Yarro. Crillie men have two functional penises, which is often the source of sexual jokes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
F'nexscot: a.k.a. the King's City. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Faith: Beverly Stokes' sister. Also married to a werewolf in the same pack as Benjamin Stokes. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Falaca: Woolly animals resembling a cross between sheep and llamas. Highly-prized for their varied colors of wool. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series)
Falchan: A non-alliance world. Has one habitable continent. Rest is desert or underwater.
Faldill Schaff: Third son of Kaldill Schaff, King of the Elves. Brother of Lendill Schaff. Died in battle. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Falia: Instructor at North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Farisa: Avii guild master who has persecuted Quin in the past. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Farzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, leader of the eight brothers. Once ran guest services for Teeg's casinos. Now Co-Captain of BlackWing II with his brother Nenzi. Mated to Reah. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Fergue Bing: Former boyfriend of Sabrina Kend. Native of Jaledis. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ferni: One of two young troublemakers at the training camp for girls. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ferrigar: Oldest known living Larentii (more than 3 million years) Head of the Larentii Council and Circle of Elders. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series)
Fes Desh: Master cook in the Desh family. First born son of Addah and Farla Desh. Reah's uncle. Mated to Breanne Hayworth. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Fi'Gu: A Southern race on Avendor. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Finder: See Quin. (First Ordinance Series)
Flakkar: Large, foul-smelling flying reptiles, who have the ability to shield themselves, rendering their bodies invisible to the eye and to technology. Feed voraciously on humanoid flesh. (Blood Destiny Series)
Flavio: Vampire child of Wlodek. More than 1800 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Persian by birth. Took over as Head of the Vampire Council when Wlodek vacated the position to join the Saa Thalarr. Now a high-ranking Council member in Queen Lissa's court on Le-Ath Veronis. Mated to Kyler. Auxiliary member of the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Flossie Thompson: Wife of Amos Thompson. Shapeshifter (swan). (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Flyer: Falchani warrior, member of the Saa Thalarr and member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Four Horsemen: Four wealthy business partners turned terrorist. Owners of Civilian Security Services. Responsible for three acts of terrorism in Colfer, Montana, Afghanistan and Georgia.Death: Dante Dolsen (leader)
War: Francis Pike
Famine: Karl Graham
Conquest: Langston Coffman
(R-D Series)
Fox: 1/4 Elemaiya, given name Bernadette, which Wlodek loves and she hates. Fox is the Ka'Mirai, or True Mirror, something highly sought by the Elemaiya. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr, her fighting animal is the Trellian Fox. Mated to Wlodek, Weldon Harper, Steve, Gilfraith and Veykan. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Franc: One of two trusted bodyguards and emissaries who work for Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Frank Dodd: Werewolf, history teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Franklin Wright: Merrill's adopted human child. Refused the turn (many times) and died at the age of eighty-three from a heart attack. Reborn to Merrill and Kiarra, has architecture degrees and is a healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Fredevik Greth (Lord): Eldest and Head of the High Demon House of Greth. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Friesianna, Queen: Bright Elemaiyan Queen. Some call her the upstart Queen, as she managed to oust the former Queen and force her way into the rule of the Bright Elemaiya. Friesianna was always ambitious, but lacked foresight. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Fyris: The smallest continent on Siriaa. It is hidden from all but the Avii. It is being poisoned by a virulent toxin that is killing the people, the animals, the plants and the soil. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gabron: Head of the Refizani Vampire Council. Oldest Refizani vampire (more than 9,000 years). Was reincarnated as Aryn. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gaelar N'Seith: The garden of the Elves. The Realm of the Elves, located on the planet Wyyld.
Galaxsan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series)
Gale: Armon's former Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gant Family: First family to turn against and kill one another in the Prophet's experiments with tainted food. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gardevik Rath: Deceased. Former High Demon Prime Minister to King Jaydevik Rath (deceased) of Kifirin. Mated to Queen Lissa. One son: Torevik Rath. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Garegar: A Larentii Wise One. His protector is Lanigar. Second born to Conner and Graegar he took a variation of his fathers name. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Garek: Karathian Warlock and special advisor to Wylend Arden when he was King of Karathia. Special love interest to Wylend Arden and Corolan. Father of Radolf. Mated to Keetha. (High Demon Series)
Garkus: Drill instructor at Secondary Camp—became a King's assassin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gart: Rogue Karathian Warlock. (Blood Destiny Series)
Garth: Outpost Commander. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Garwin Wyatt: Son of Gavril Tybus Montegue and Reah Desh. Reincarnation of Wyatt, Lissa and Gavin's grandson. He is born vampire, like his father. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Garwin Wyatt San Gerxon: Son of Teeg San Gerxon, Founder of the Campiaan Alliance. Goes by Wyatt most of the time, and acts as an ambassador for his father in Alliance dealings. Mother: Queen Reah of Kifirin. Grandmother: Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gaull: Far northeastern village in Az-ca. Jubal lives outside the village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gavin Montegue: Roman, originally, his name was Gaius Livius Montanus. Nearly 1700 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Sired by Aurelius, along with his cousin, René de la Roque. Gavin is strictly by the book. Has dark hair, dark eyes, a straight nose and a strong chin. See Lissa's Mates. Head of palace security for Queen Lissa. From Old Earth, he acted as the Vampire Council's chief assassin for centuries. Roman by birth, he served in the Roman army until his near-death in battle. Turned by Aurelius afterward. Mated to Queen Lissa. One son: Gavril Tybus Montegue, aka Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gavril Tybus Montegue: Born a vampire to Queen Lissa and Gavin Montegue. Reah's best friend. (High Demon Series)
Gearin: Falchani warrior. Won the Solstice Trials three sun turns ago. Not as good a fighter as Pheran Tiger. Lost this trial to Devin in the second bout on day two. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Geb: Retired warrior—now works as a traveling instructor for all trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
General Linel: Chief Commander of the army in the Prince Commander's absence. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
General Tern: Officer in Ny-nes' army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Geoffrey Gruber: A short, squarely built and balding Pig Shapeshifter. Associate at Gruber, Taylor and Worth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Georgia Daniels: Werewolf, Chad Daniels' mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Gerrett: A mute Sirenali rescued by Corinne and then became her mate. His brothers are Terrett and Morrett. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gervais: Vampire mister for the Council. Brother to Henri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Giff: Comesula. Roff's oldest child. One of the rare Infilathi that will become winged vampires. Deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Giles: Instructor from Cole's village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gilfraith: Former Ra'Ak, now a healer for the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Fox. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gillen Wilker: A strong, Fourth-level Karathian warlock, Perri and Pauley's biological father, and brother to Alken Wilker. Employed by Mebbers, a criminal kingpin. Married to Qatti, a Third-level witch. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Giryoth: Wealthy Liffelithi dwarf who owned the ranos cannon. Took payment from Black Mist to destroy Trell. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gis: A non-Alliance world, raided by Mebbers in his search for hulls and scrap to build his fleet of starships. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Glen Lang: Werewolf member of Dallas Pack. One of Winkler's trusted wolves, he works security for Winkler. Brother to David Lang. Brown hair, blue eyes, strong. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Glendes Grey: Eldest and Chief of the Grey House Wizards. Father of Raffian Grey, Kyler and Cleo. Wears the Black in Grey House. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, High Demon Series)
Glindarok, Raona: High Demon Queen. Member (auxiliary) of the Saa Thalarr. Turns to White Thifilatha to fight. Once worked as bodyguard to Erland Morphis. As any High Demon is immune to spells and magic, they can also protect anyone within a twenty-foot radius from magic and spells. Glinda is swift and ruthless. Her favorite weapon is a knife. Once mated to Jaydevik Rath, now deceased. Has twin daughters, Jase and Jehrie. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Gord: Sabrina Kend's bodyguard, before she became an agent for the ASD. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Grace: Co-First in the Saa Thalarr with Dragon. Also known as the Avenging Angel. She shares eleven mates with Devin. She has honey-blonde hair and is the mother of five children including Graegar, Dragon Taylor and Kevis. Her shapeshifter fighting animal is a Lace Feathered Eagle. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Grae: Kerok's deceased Black Rose Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Graegar: Larentii Wise One. Son of Renegar and Grace. Mated to Conner (with whom he has a son, Garegar) and Breanne. Protected by Barrigar. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Gram Plicton: Former Council member, who became Merrin's ally after Drenn's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Grand Alliance Council: Made up of Twenty Charter Members of the Reth Alliance and Ildevar Wyyld, the Reth Alliance Founder.
Grant: A somewhat shy vampire from Earth, with dark hair and green eyes. He is first assistant to Queen Lissa. Co-owner of Niff's Sweets and Goodies with Lissa and Heathe. Turned at age 29 by Sarita (who was turned by Merrill, making him Merrill's vampire grandchild). (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Greg: (Gregory Allen) Franklin's human mate. Died at the age of sixty-four, of complications from pneumonia after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Greta Rocklin: Werewolf, Transformational Arts teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Greth, House of: One of the High Demon Houses. Lord Fredevik Greth is Eldest and its Head.
Grey House: A clan of powerful Wizards. They reside on a small planetoid outside the Reth Alliance. The planetoid is surrounded by spells placed by Grey House Wizards through the years and appears as a large asteroid to those outside it. To anyone capable of seeing through the spells, it is quite beautiful. There are several divisions within the Wizard clan, and they wear the colors assigned to their trade. The Wizards have five classifications, with Fifth level being the weakest, First level being the strongest. Several bar fights have occurred between Warlocks and Wizards due to the this difference.
Griffin: (Gryphon, Brenten Arden) Oldest member of the Saa Thalarr (more than 100,000 years) 1/4 Elemaiya and former King Vampire. After his 1/2 Elemaiyan mother abandoned him on Cemdris, he grew up and married there. His wife was pregnant when he contracted a terminal illness. Cemdris controlled vampirism and required anyone to petition the government to be turned. Griffin was turned with permission of the government in power at the time. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Gryphon Hall: Adam Chessman's ancestral home, Old Earth. (Blood Destiny Series)
Grz-gitch: Reptanoid word meaning illegitimate in every way (bastard).
Guli: High Demon Truth Seeker. A Guli always recognizes the truth when he/she hears it. Jayd and Glinda, High Demon King and Queen, are both Gulis. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Gungl: Largest city remaining on Vogeffa II. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gurnil: Blue Wing Avii. Master of the Scholar's Guild. Chief Librarian and Scholar. He is also a member of King Jurris' council. He is tall and thin with brown hair. Quin's mentor. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
H'Morr: An ancient Elemaiyan book of prophecy, written shortly after the schism occurred within the race, separating them in Bright and Dark factions. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Halimel: (Hal) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. Turned by Rigo. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Halthea: Red Wing, Princess of the Avii. She is greedy and cruel. King Jurris wants to make her his queen but Justis insists that Elabeth refused to name her heir. (First Ordinance Series)
Hank: a.k.a. Henry "Hank" Bell. Club Dom Bell's co-owner and Breanne's first lover/mate. Also mated to Corinne. The corporal High Demon persona of Li'Neruh Rath. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Haral Lebbon: Newly-elected president of Pyrik, after President Bargel's demise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harel: Messenger who was burned by Merrin's warrior allies before escaping to take the news of Merrin's location to the Crown Prince. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Hari: Black Rose Escort abandoned by her warrior (Narris). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Haribauld: An ancient city, long thought a myth, until Nari and Tiri uncovered its remains on an abandoned world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harifa Edus: The werewolf planet. Six moons revolve around it, giving the werewolves several days per month to hunt.
Hariki: Nature spirit and Dori's Ar'pex. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harlee: BlackWing X's new Engineer, after David transferred to BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harmon Worth: Truth Demon, lawyer and partner at Gruber, Taylor and Worth, Paranormal Chancellor. Murdered by Geoffrey Gruber, Annabelle Taylor and Bridgett Moss-Murphy. Wife: Kate, Son: Parke, Daughter: Louise. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Harnn: Bela's warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Harriett Majors: See Corinne Watson.
Harvel: Master Wizard of the Armor Division of Grey House. Mated to Cleo. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hayla: Black Rose Escort trainee. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Heathe: A vampire from Refizan, he worked as Gabron's assistant before going to work at the palace as Lissa's assistant. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Henri: Vampire mister for the Council. Brother to Gervais. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hepturna: Second Level High Priest for Solar Red. (Blood Destiny Series)
Herel: Messenger who was burned by Merrin's warrior allies before escaping to take the news of Merrin's location to the Crown Prince. (Deceased.) (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Hierarchy of the Gods: Members of the Hierarchy have strict rules of noninterference in the everyday happenings of mortals. Only the Three can completely override those rules, and they will only give permission for others to interfere when all the universes are in danger. For more information on the Hierarchy of the Gods, click here.
High Commander Finn: Supreme Commander of Ny-nes' army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
High Lord Andwill: Married to Lady Rinda. Together they had a daughter almost two years old. Andwill was found dead by Yevil of a supposed hunting accident. From Fyris, on planet Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series).
Hirill Mast, Lord: Member in good standing in King Tamblin's inner circle of advisors. He would be handsome if he weren't so cruel. Close-cropped blond hair, blue eyes and an easy smile with a cruel twist at the corners. (First Ordinance Series)
Hirzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Supervised farming on Campiaa. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Hordace Cayetes: He had graced the top of both Alliances' most-wanted lists for many years. He was also the pedophile who bought Kay/Kalia when she was 9 years old. Older brother to Vardil Cayetes. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Horlak: Reth Alliance world and home to Ex'ero Plumb. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Horoth: Comesula guard in common demon cohort. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hraede: One of the most stable worlds belonging to the Reth Alliance, and it's all due to the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Hulce: Prince of Cloudsong, Chief of Sciences and husband to King Devarr of Cloudsong. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Hunter Lattham: King Wulf's advisor, Uncle to Merrin, Drenn and Kerok. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ilaisaane: Asian in origin, one of two female members of Earth's Vampire Council. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Ildevar Wyyld: High Chancellor of Wyyld and Founding Member of the Reth Alliance. A Copper Ra'Ak, before the fall of the Copper Ra'Ak. Honest, trustworthy and of impeccable character. Member of the Ghi'Yisi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ilvan Desh: Son of Addah and Marzi Desh. Brother of Edan Desh. He stole money from his niece Reah with Radolf. As punishment he was banished to Surnath and told not to contact Reah. (High Demon Series)
Ilya Kuznetsov: A Ukrainian citizen who became a KGB agent. Ilya was nicknamed the Blacksmith. He joined the U.S Cloud Dust Program after being betrayed and imprisoned by the KGB. Mated to Corinne Watson. Aliases: Rafe Black, Trey Henson. Reincarnated as Ilya Rafael Ironsmith. (R-D Series)
Ilya Rafael Ironsmith: A powerful Fifth-level Karathian Warlock who has studied bladework and blademaking extensively on Falchan. Son of Braxlin Ironsmith. Reincarnation of Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Indis-Banuu: A transparent, light gathering precious crystal. (Blood Destiny Series)
Indu nera: High Demon for round breads.
Infilathi: High Demon term for winged ones. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ir'Indicti: (ear-in-dik-tee) A legendary person mentioned in the H'Morr, the book of prophecy belonging to the Bright Elemaiya. At this time, the term cannot be defined (Major Spoiler Involved).
Irdith: King Tamblin's spy in the kitchen of the palace in Lironis. A cranky old woman with a mean streak. (First Ordinance Series)
Irzu: A popular strategy game played on Falchan. The game can go on for days. (Solstice Trials, Other Worldly Ways, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jacob: Council member for Dar-den, Caral's former village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jae: Black Rose Escort trainee—Sixth Cohort, North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jak: One of two Blevakian brothers who were hired by Jewl Yarro as bodyguards. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jaledis: A planet in the Reth Alliance. Home of Ruther Kend's private research facility. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series).
James Draper, Colonel: Formerly August Hunter's Assistant. Curly brown hair and blue eyes. Is now a pilot for BlackWing X. Mated to Nathan Cross, Navigator for BlackWing X. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jarl: Member of the Vampire Council; Scandinavian. (Blood Destiny Series
Jase Rath: High Demon female. Daughter of Jaydevik Rath and Glindarok. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Jason Landers: Werewolf, member of Winkler's Dallas Pack. More than 150 years old at time of Bumble. Reddish hair, square face, just under 6' tall. Worked as a farmer/rancher for much of his life. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jaydevik Rath: (Deceased) High Demon and third born in the House of Rath. Chosen as Glindarok's mate when she was an infant and therefore destined to rule as King of the High Demons. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jayna Dayle: She is pretty, with deep-blue eyes set in an oval face framed by dark-brown hair. ASD agent. Born on Vic'Law, a planet destroyed by Vardil Cayetes and his minions. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jayson Rome: Second son of James Rome, Sr. and Kathleen Rome. Vice president in Rome Publishing. Once a dominant in the BDSM lifestyle, in San Francisco. Agent for the Joint NSA/HSD under the name Matt Michaels. Mated to Breanne Hayworth and Belinda. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series)
Jean Caillot: Louvre museum employee. Along with Claire Fabre took a bribe to allow art work to be stolen and terrorists to enter the museum. Both were killed by burglars. (R-D Series)
Jeen: One of two young troublemakers at girl's training camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jeff Chambers: A Captain, and Maye's handler in the Cloud Dust Program. Deceased. (R-D Series)
Jeff Garner: Originally one of Merrill's vampire children; he died in the war waged against Saxom. Reborn to Merrill and Kiarra and became a physician and healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Jehrie Rath: High Demon female. Daughter of Jaydevik Rath and Glindarok. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Jennifer Campbell: Shapeshifter (leopard) social studies teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jeral: Lissa's uncle and one of Narissa's quarter blood children. Left on Beliphar long ago. Now a Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Jeremy Booth: Shapeshifter (wildcat). He and his best friend, werewolf Chad Daniels, bully younger students in Cloud Chief. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jerigar: Larentii. White hair. A Healer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Jerr: Council member from Wildtree Village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jerra: Avii daughter of King Justis and Queen Quin. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jett Riffler: Once the Ku'Ri of the Avendoran Fi'Gu tribe, a dark-skinned race that tattoos the left sides of their bodies as a spiritual offering to their gods. Jett was named Director of the Campiaan Security Detail because of his bravery in the Campiaan Regular Army, where he rose to the highest position in its ranks. Jett is more than capable in his job, and is a good friend of Kooper's, as well as the Founders of both Alliances. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jewl Yarro: One of the Big Three criminal kingpins since the demise of Vardil Cayetes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jincus: Originally from Vic'Law, escaped before its destruction with his brother and made a home on Horlak. Worked at a scrapyard for Ex'ero Plumb on Horlak's moon, before the scrapyard warehouse was destroyed by a spell laid by Stone Wicke. Now works as Engineer's Assistant on BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Joey: (Joseph David Showalter) Vampire. Computer expert. He is 5' 7" with reddish-blond hair that curls slightly. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Jonas O'Neill: Shapeshifter (Bald Eagle) Wynn O'Neill's father. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jubal Raime: Disabled warrior and mindspeaker who became a spy for Ruarke and then Kaakos. Lives just outside of the village Gaull. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jurris: (Deceased) Red Wing Avii. Former King of the Avii. Younger half-brother to King Justis Father of Liron, who was named after the god Liron before it was discovered the god had gone rogue. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jusef: An Amterean Dwarf. Denevik's loyal companion and valet. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Justin Adam Griffin: Adam and Kiarra's son. His animal is a red-gold wyvern. He is 6' 4" tall and looks like his dad except that he has sandy blond hair. His best friend, Mack, calls him JAG. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Justis: Formerly a Black Wing Avii and Captain of Queen Elabeth's guard. He chose to be the Commander of the Avii Palace guards after Elabeth's murder. He is tall with black hair and black eyes. Older brother to Jurris. Now, the Red Wing King of the Avii. Mated to Quin. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ka'Mirai: Elemaiyan term for True Mirror. A powerful member of their race who could reverse events for them. Many legends have grown up around this person. Fox is the Ka'Mirai, and as a quarter-blood, she was rejected by the race. (Blood Destiny Series)
Kaakos: The name taken by the Sovereign Leader of the Free Nation of Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kage: See Colonel Kage.
Kaldill Schaff: King of the Elves. Long golden hair, green eyes and pointed ears. Mated to Quin. Father to (in order) Naldill, Reldill, Faldill and Lendill. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series,First Ordinance Series)
Kalenegar: The Vhilrilaszh. Son of Ferrigar. Cobalt-blue eyes, deep red hair. What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together the Vhilrilaszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Vhanaraszh. Mated to Corinne and Breanne. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Kalia: See Kay Zahn.
Kapirus: Water demons; scaled amphibians that prefer fresh water, but they'll swim in saltwater if forced to do so. The Everglades has both, posing no problem for these creatures; they normally drink the blood of wild mammals. To them, the blood of a humanoid is preferable to anything else, but they'll take whatever they can get if humans aren't available. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Karathia: A planet that sits on the boundary between Dark and Light worlds. Any inhabitant of Karathia holds some power, but there are five classifications, with First level being the weakest, Fifth level being strongest. Erland Morphis is a Fifth level Warlock, but only a few are aware of the extent of his power. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Karathian Cycle: Every one hundred sun-turns, the Karathian's sexual orientation changes. They can also change their gender if they choose. When this occurs, their love for their mates and lovers does not change, regardless of either person's orientation or gender. (High Demon Series)
Karl Johnson: Werewolf Packmaster of the Boise Pack. A trial lawyer and very ambitious, he is also Kellee's father, and pushes his daughter to capture Winkler in wedlock. He then challenges Winkler in what he feels is an unfair fight, with the odds weighted in his favor. (Blood Destiny Series)
Karzac Halivar: Physician originally from Refizan. He is more than fifteen thousand years old, served as a healer for the Saa Thalarr and is mated to Lissa, Devin and Grace. One son with Grace—Kevis Halivar. Member of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kay Zahn: The Changer. Alter ego to Kalia. See Ri'Kita. Mated to Ashe Evans. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ke'Leru (skull) Pirates: A group overseen by the Prophet, to further his plans and desires. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kellee: (Kellee Marie Johnson) Werewolf daughter of Karl Johnson, the Boise Packmaster. Spoiled and anxious to get her hands on Winkler's extensive empire. Married Winkler in Blood Sense (Blood Destiny Series). Divorced shortly after Winkler's twins were born.
Kellik of Abenott: Kell. Former noble in the Hraedan Court; became vampire before his natural death occurred. He was responsible for turning Rigovarnus I, who formed the Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. A master spy, Kell taught the Order everything he knew, including a few things about the fine art of poison-making. Kell is mated to Opal. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ken Harvey: Tech geek with acquired physical abilities. Before Cloud Dust, he and Kevin were identical twins, now they look nothing alike. (R-D Series)
Kend Industries: Supplies the ASD and CSD with much of their weaponry and surveillance equipment. (First Ordinance Series)
Kerok: a.k.a. Thorn Wulfson Kerok Rex, King Wulf's youngest son and Prince Commander of Az-ca's army. Becomes Crown Prince after Drenn's death, then King after his father's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ketchi: The village where Cole and many other refugees from Ny-nes live. All were born with power and were sentenced to death by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kev'Ril: World destroyed long ago by nuclear warfare. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kevin Harvey: Tech geek with acquired physical abilities. When he survived the Cloud Dust drug his twin brother Ken was brought into the program. (R-D Series)
Kevis Halivar: A successful doctor on Refizan. Runs a clinic for patients with serious mental health issues. Son of Karzac. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Khos'Mirai: Dark Mirror. Saxom's brother and half Bright, Half Dark Elemaiya. Nearly successful at destroying the Worlds of Light. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Kiarra: Became First among the Saa Thalarr after Griffin was demoted. Fighting Animal is a Unicorn. Strongest member of the Saa Thalarr. Father: Wisdom. Mated to Adam Chessman, Merrill Leopard and Pheligar of the Larentii. Also a member of the Ghi'Yisi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kifirin: Once a Nameless Ones, of the Hierarchy of the Gods, he volunteered to bring balance by creating the Dark Worlds. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Kifirin (planet): Home planet of the High Demons, named after the god Kifirin. (High Demon Series)
King Wulf Carlson Alexander Rex: King of Az-ca. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
King's Eagles, The: An elite force within Az-ca's army, proficient in flying bubble shields and forming pods to combine blasts against the enemy. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kipp North: Werewolf bodyguard from the Fargo Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
Klancy: A Martial Arts professional before becoming Vampire. More than 200 years old. Accepted a job in the joint NSA/Homeland Security Department. Later became a modified Vampire. Mated to Corinne. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Klete: Formerly of Ny-nes; a nine-year-old who has formidable divination skills—a dream diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kondar: Continent to the north of Fyris. It is seventy times bigger than Fyris and is divided into five sectors. Kondar and Yokaru used to be a single continent that broke apart when Siriaa was in its infancy. The Kondari people are technologically advanced. (First Ordinance Series)
Kooper Griff: Director of the Alliance Security Detail (ASD). 6' 7" or 8", brown hair and golden-brown eyes, sensuous mouth and nice features. Lion snake shapeshifter about 20 feet long. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kordevik Weth: (Korde) High Demon Crown Prince. Mated to Lexsi, Crown Princess of Kifirin. Father: Lord Nedevik Weth. Mother: Lady Verarok. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ku'La: Law Chief of the Fi'Gu. (God Wars Series)
Ku'Ri: Warrior Chief of the Fi'Gu. (God Wars Series)
Kull: Council member who imagines himself to be chief of that body; Leader in the Republic of Az-ca movement. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyal: 11-year-old warrior boy with the ability to mindspeak. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyler: Member of the Saa Thalarr. Able to duplicate the power signature of the Larentii. Chief of Staff on Le-Ath Veronis. Twin sister to Cleo. Father, Glendes of Grey House. Mother, Ardith Endres. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Kyri: Female Diviner—believed to be a legend or myth. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyri's City: A city established by Kyri as a refuge for Ny-nes escapees who were born with power, and a safe haven for Black Rose girls who are too young to begin training as Escorts. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
L'on-Alberr: Foreign city, whose non-talented citizens were destroyed by Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
La'Re'Qitzi: Neaborian for forever balanced, in equilibrium. Name of the universe in which Connie's books take place. The name comes from the "Name the Lissaverse Contest" held Oct-Nov 2012 on Winning entry submitted by Larry O.
Laci Hunter: Wife of August Hunter, Colonel. (R-D Series)
Lafe: See LaFranza.
LaFranza: A Falchani swordmaster and famous tattoo artist. Mated to Quin. Also called Lafe. (First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lara'Kayan: Neaborian term for forever love.
Laren: 16-year-old warrior boy with the ability to mindspeak. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Larentii: The first race created by The Mighty, Larentii are tall, blue humanoids who feed on sunlight and have a policy of non-interference. They are the record keepers of the Universes; Nefrigar, Chief Archivist of the Larentii Archives has seen time revolve and turn back on itself many times.
Larentii Wise Ones: There are five Larentii Wise Ones and each has a Protector. Working together they are able to change what was, for an individual or incident, reversing any impact on the time line that should not have occurred. They also advise the Larentii Counsel. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
The Five Larentii Wise Ones are:
Larevik: High Demon military captain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lavonna Anderson: Shapeshifter, mother of Cori and Dori. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lawrence Frazier, M.D.: Research scientist for the NSA. (Blood Destiny Series)
Le'meruh: Unbreakable compulsion. If the one placing it doesn't remove it, it remains until one of the two dies.
Le'Vestar Limn: Engineer and weapons expert; Or'myr wyrm-dragon from Campiaa, kidnapped by the Prophet alongside Mae'Sandar Keel. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Le-Ath Veronis: Heart of the Vampire. The name given to the vampire planet. A Reth Alliance world, and home to most of its vampire population.
Le-Ath Veronis Imperea: Heart of the Vampire Queen. The name the Comesuli use for Queen Lissa.
Lee'Qee: An abandoned city on Pyrik, quarantined because of a nuclear accident centuries earlier. Home to the Ke'Leru Pirates, who became the Prophet's minions because they were hidden from the regular population and made themselves convenient for his takeover. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Leigh Williams: Thomas Williams, Jr.'s younger sister. (Blood Destiny Series
Len: Captain of the Furrow, a ship hauling food and supplies. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lenden Stone: Reah's bodyguard whom Teeg hired for her. See Denevik Lith.
Lendevik Lith: Former High Demon King (deceased). Father of Glindarok, once High Demon Queen. (High Demon Series)
Lendill Schaff: Vice-Director of the ASD, and one of four of Kaldill Schaff's sons. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Lenigar: Larentii. An excellent healer specializing in humanoid mothers and babies. Younger brother to Lanigar. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Lenk: Captain of the Palace Guard on Cloudsong. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Leo Shaw, Dr.: Lt. Colonel in the Army before joining the Cloud Dust Program. He is the Program's principal psychiatrist. (R-D Series)
Lera: Black Rose Escort abandoned by her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Levi: Captain, serves as Secondary Advisor to Prince Commander. Chosen by Misten to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lewus: Council representative for Merthis and five other villages. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lexsi Silver: Lexsi is the youngest daughter of Reah and Torevik Rath. She looks much like her mother, with long, silver-blonde hair. Her eyes are blue, however, like her father's. At 5' 7", she is taller than her mother. She is also an accomplished cook, as she has spent many summers working at her mother's and her Uncle Fes' restaurants in Targis on Tulgalan. Grandmother: Lissa. Grandfather: Gardevik Rath (deceased). (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Li'Neruh Rath: One of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. Asked to take over supervision of the Dark Realm and the god Kifirin. (High Demon Series) a.k.a. Hank. (God Wars Series)
Liam: Kaakos' Chief of Technical Sciences. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lieutenant Marc: Chosen by Wend to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Liffel: Planet outside the Alliances and home to warring races of dwarves. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lilya: North Camp Instructor, Fourth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Limrok: Refizani city near the river. Lies north of Ordinandis, Refizan's capital city. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lion Kleander: Original seven of the Saa Thalarr. Lion used to be a motivational speaker. Shifts into a black lion. Mated to Marliana. Father of twins Rush and Rachael. (Saa Thalarr Series) He is a huge black man. 6' 7" tall and built of solid muscle. Before he joined the Saa Thalarr, he was a warrior priest on Pterak. It was his duty to protect the innocent. (Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series)
Lion Snake: The deadliest snake in the Alliances. Its poison paralyzes immediately, and the victim is dead before an antidote can be administered. They are one of three species of snakes that can blink.
Liri: Chief instructor from Cole's village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lirokalif Cordrifith: Norian Keef's given name. (Leer-ock-uh-leef)
Liron (god): Rogue god, created the Avii race and Quin to keep the Avii and Fyris safe, in the event of his demise. Quin was rescued from Liron's clutches by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Liron (son): Avii; son of Jurris (deceased), former King of the Avii. (First Ordinance Series)
Lissa: a.k.a. Lissa Workman. Turned vampire against her will by Edward Desmarais and Sergio Velenci. Against all odds, she became a rare Vampire Queen on Earth, but had to conceal that information in order to protect her life. Eventually became Queen of the vampire planet Le-Ath Veronis. Is also one of The Five, and Breanne's half-sister.
Lissa's Mates: In alphabetical order.
Lisster: A Leopard shapeshifter who, in his humanoid form, has spots on his back, legs and neck. Retired from the Saa Thalarr and works as a Crown Investigator on Le-Ath Veronis. Mated to Grace and Devin. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Lofflin: Jeweler to the King of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lok: Falchani warrior who served twenty years in the Warlord's army before turning to the Solstice Trials, winning the Trials eleven times. In deference to his ancestor, Dragon Warlord, he received red dragon tattoos. Joined the ASD. Mated to Reah. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Lorvis Verll: (Deceased) Native of Jaledis and former best friend of Sabrina Kend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Louis: Former resident of L'on-Alberr; victim of Kaakos' blood spell. Rescued by Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Louise Worth: Rock Demon. Park's pretty, younger sister. She is studying veterinary medicine. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Luc: Resident of village near L'on-Alberr. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lucas: New Grand Master of the werewolves of Harifa Edus. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lucas Alford: Werewolf. Denver pack's Second. Married to Corinne Alford. Raised Tony Hancock as his own. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lusern: Resident of a city in Swee'n. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lynx: (Lynx Elan Rifkit) Originally from Reliff, a member planet of the Reth Alliance. A playboy and a member of the Saa Thalarr, Lynx has sandy brown hair, brown eyes and is 6' 6" in height. His fighting animal is a Lynx, and he was single for more than 17,000 years before Conner reeled him in. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Lyristolyi: They are related to the Sirenali, but they don't have the ability to place obsession. If they fight or want to appear aggressive, they wear scales. Otherwise, they appear humanoid. (R-D Series)
M'chestr: Foreign city taken by Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
M'Fiyah: Neaborian term for mate recognition.
Mae'Sander Keel: Engineer and Or'myr Dragon Queen from Campiaa, kidnapped by the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mak: One of two Blevakian brothers who were hired by Jewl Yarro as bodyguards. Now serves as bodyguard for Randl Gage aboard BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mandil: A non-Alliance world that shares a sun with Tulgalan. Crown City is the largest city. They have Ranos technology and a cannon large enough to destroy a planet but otherwise it is mostly a strange mix of technology and archaic skills. (High Demon Series)
Marc: See Lieutenant Marc. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Marco DeLuca: Marcus DeLuca and Denise DeLuca's oldest son. Werewolf from Old Earth. Co-Captain of BlackWing VIII with his wife, Cori Anderson-DeLuca. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Marcus DeLuca: Werewolf Packmaster for the Cloud Chief Pack. Married to Denise DeLuca, father to Marco and Salidar. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mari: Black Rose girl. Romma's daughter. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Mariana: Married to Brandl Gage, mother of Randl Gage; from Vogeffa II. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Markoff: Roff's younger brother. Dark-haired Comesula. Parent to Dariff. Formerly a winemaker on Kifirin, he now assists Roff at his winery on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Markus: Chief of the local ASD Department in Turbak, on Jaledis. Now serves as Chief of Security aboard BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Marliana: Healer and wife of Lion. Mother of twins Rush and Rachael. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Marra: Daria's chosen warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Marta: General Weren's wife. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Martin Walters, Jr.: a.k.a. "Mack". Werewolf. Dark hair and eyes. Justin's best friend. His father is Martin Walters, Sr., Fresno Packmaster. (Saa Thalarr Series, Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Martin Walters, Sr.: Fresno Packmaster. Mack's father. Dark hair, brown eyes and an easy smile. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Matthew Michaels: (Matt) See Jayson Rome.
Mayarok, Lady: High Demon, mate of Lord Fredevik Greth. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Maye Canton: An alias. She was originally Asian and still speaks fluent Japanese. She has unruly red hair and green eyes. Her ability is to hear thoughts. (R-D Series)
Mebbers: Criminal Kingpin from A'pelur. He has successfully hidden from his criminal rivals for decades, behind walls filled with Sirenali bones. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Meerius: Nature spirit; Ar'pex to Vik Roth. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Melis Norwal: Chief of security for High President Edden Charkisul. He has close-cropped dark hair, alert green eyes and a steady hand. (First Ordinance Series)
Melody Patterson: Werewolf, science teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Melton Timble: Native of Pyrik; Shella Karp's fiancé who killed her in a fit of jealousy. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mendacium: Ny-nes' capital city, renamed after Kaakos took over rule of the country. He named it that in a private jest. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Mendenath: World where Lissa took the quarter blood and innocent Elemaiya in Blood Queen. The surviving Elemaiya, with only a few exceptions, now live in a colony on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Merrill Leopard: Roman by birth, he is more than 2000 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Turned by Wlodek after the battle of Teutoberg Forest in CE 9. A King Vampire (not susceptible to any vampire compulsion), Merrill's Roman name was Titus Marius Merula. Has jet black hair, piercing blue eyes and a bit of Elemaiyan blood. Mated to Lissa and Kiarra. Member of the Saa Thalarr, and member of the Al'Riyu—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Merrin: Nephew of Hunter and King Wulf; cousin to Drenn and Kerok (on mother's side). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Merthis: Small village where Sherra was born. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Micah Rocklin: Werewolf, Second to Marcus DeLuca, Cloud Chief Packmaster. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mirazal: Rogue Refizani vampire. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Miri: North Camp Instructor, Fifth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Miriasu: Elemaiyan Seer or prophet. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mirisa of Firith: Amlis' fiance (early in the First Ordinance Series). She is quite high-handed and cruel. She is pretty enough, with pale hair and brown eyes, but thinks herself more beautiful than she is. (First Ordinance Series)
Misten: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Miz'Sandar Keel: Comp-vid Engineer and Or'myr wyrm-dragon from Campiaa. Brother to Mae'Sandar Keel. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Montrose: Member of the Vampire Council; French. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Moonstone Casino: A casino on Campiaa, owned by A&M Consortium (Adam and Merrill)
Mora: Comesula in her sixties who serves as Lissa's dresser and suite manager with Taff. (Blood Destiny Series)
Morningsun: Deserted planet, which was once home to the Dark Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Morrett: A mute Sirenali rescued by Corinne and then became her mate. His brothers are Terrett and Gerrett. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series)
Morton King: Homicidal ice demon, related to Homicidal ice demon, related to Cassie. Murdered Cassie's mother and aunt. Father to Dalton King. Works for Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Morwin Quiffilis: Commonly referred to as Master Morwin, he works as a private tutor to the children of Kings, Queens and other important people. Amterean Dwarf by birth, Morwin served twenty years in the Amterean military before becoming a scholar and teacher. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Naldill Schaff: First-born son of Kaldill Schaff. Older brother of Reldill, Faldill and Lendill. Betrayed the Elven Laws. As punishment, he was stripped of his immortality and imprisoned on Cloudsong, forced to live out a mortal life. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Nari: Powerful relic hunter. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Queen's Holiday short story.)
Narimalan Cordrifith: (Nuh-rim-uh-lan) Norian's mother. (Blood Destiny Series)
Narris: Warrior-turned-traitor who left his Black Rose Escort behind (Hari) when he deserted the army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Narval: Copper Ra'Ak Prince. (Blood Destiny Series)
Narvin: Army deserter who, along with his Escort Willa, chose to follow Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nathan Anderson: Vampire, father of Cori and Dori Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Nathan Cross: From Old Earth. Now works as the navigator for BlackWing X. Mated to James Draper, pilot for BlackWing X. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Neaboria: A dead planet, the first planet destroyed by rogue Copper Ra'Ak. The Neaborian language was adopted by the Saa Thalarr to honor that peaceful world. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Nedevik Weth, Lord: High Demon and Eldest of the House of Weth. Father to Kordevik Weth, mated to Lady Vararok. (Latter Day Demons Series, God Wars Series)
Nefrigar: Larentii Chief Librarian and Archivist. Older brother to Pheligar. Mated to Reah. A.k.a. Honey Blue. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Neka: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, First Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nelimalu: High Demon word for the claiming. (High Demon Series)
Nenzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, one of eight brothers. Oversaw the maintenance of Teeg's fleet of vehicles. Now Co-Captain of BlackWing II with his brother Farzi. Nenzi is mated to Queen Reah. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Nestor: Member of the Vampire Council; Spanish. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
New Fyris: A kingdom established on Harifa Edus after Siriaa's destruction. (First Ordinance Series)
Nexus Echo: A Larentii trick of listening for key words or names making it easy for them to follow up at a moment's notice.
Nguyen-Mei: Resident of Kyri's City. Caretaker for Mari, a Black Rose girl. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Niff: Name used for Lissa when she wasn't aware of who she was. (Blood Destiny Series)
Niff's Sweets and Goodies: A popular bakery and ice cream parlor. The first store is located in Casino City on Le-Ath Veronis. Many of the recipes used are Lissa's from Old Earth. The business is owned by Queen Lissa, Heathe and Grant. (Blood Destiny Series)
Niles: Cleric who became Ruarke's second-in-command upon Ward's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nina: North Camp Instructor, First Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Noah: Former resident of M'chestr. Joins Az-ca's army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Noff: Comesula healer's apprentice. (Blood Destiny Series)
Norian Keef: See Lissa's Mates.
North: Healer in Ny-nes. Changed his name to hide a past identity. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
North Camp: One of four camps where Black Rose Escort trainees are taught. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Northon: Home of WildTree Industries. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Norton: Saa Thalarr healer, originally from Old Earth. He is tall, has brown hair and kind eyes. Mated to Joey, Bearcat and Erland. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Ny-nes: Land of barbarian enemies. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nyles Abernathy: Vampire. 5' 9", thick blond hair, stocky build. Sire to Edward Desmarais. (Blood Destiny Series)
Nyra: Levi's deceased Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
O'Tunne: Presidential candidate on Pyrik, who lost the election to Lebbon. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Olan: Chief Diviner for the Az-ca army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Old Broom: A fat, shaggy, brown gelding Finder rode to an inn with Amlis and Rod for a meeting. Lironis City in Fyris, planet Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Oluwa: Member of the Vampire Council; African, from an area in what is now modern day Kenya. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Ooblerik: A very poor, non-alliance world. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Opal Tadewi: Opal is from Old Earth—a Native American shapeshifting velociraptor. She was a member of the Old Ones—a line of long-lived shapeshifters on Earth who held a place of honor among all shapeshifters. Opal has served in many capacities, including law enforcement. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. Mated to Kell. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Order of the Night Flower: An Order comprised of former kings of Hraede, who have had their steady hand guiding the monarchy through millennia to ensure the safety and stability of that world. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Ordin: Green-winged Avii master healer. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ordinandis: Refizani capital city. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Oren: Messenger for Crown Prince Thorn. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Orliff: Comesula healer's apprentice. (Blood Destiny Series)
Orpali: Planet where Saxom originated. (Blood Destiny Series)
Oskar: Winged guard at Avii Castle. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
P'loxett: A world destroyed by nuclear warfare; home base and hideout for the Prophet and his army. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
P.J. Pitt: Werewolf, Second to his father, who was Packmaster for the Cleveland Pack. His father owned a dojo there and taught Martial Arts, specializing in Kendo. P.J. is a master with a blade, and is hired by Karl Johnson to act as temporary Second in Karl's challenge against Winkler. P.J. meets his demise in Blood Sense. (Blood Destiny Series)
Pa-sen: A small village in southwestern Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Parke Worth: King of the Demons. Chancellor of the Paranormal and Supernatural. Truth Demon. (A Christmas Feral)
Paul Harris: Werewolf, English teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Paul Winthrop: Welsh werewolf policeman who helped Lissa solve the child murders in the U.K. (Blood Destiny Series)
Pauley Wilker-Ironsmith: Born a void on Karathia—without even a trace of power. This condition is highly unusual among the citizens of Karathia, and is considered quite debilitating. Brother to Perri Wilker-Ironsmith. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perdil: Advisor to Zendeval the King of Nrath. A Liffelithi dwarf and possibly the last of a nearly immortal race. Master Pastry Cook from Liffel II. Mated to Queen Lissa. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Perill: A highly-placed officer in the Prophet's army. Born on Pyrik, in the poisoned, abandoned city of Lee'Qee. Father: Vrak. Brother: Varok. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perri Wilker-Ironsmith: Fourth-level witch with a power-scenting talent. Abandoned by her parents and abused by her uncle, she completed her degree at the University of Le-Ath Veronis before going to work for the Crown of Karathia, tracking down rogue warlocks and witches. Sister to Pauley. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Handled supply requisitions for Teeg. Mated to Breanne. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Phantom: See Adahi. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Pheligar: Larentii Liaison to the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Kiarra. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Pheran Tiger: Falchani, former Lord Marshall to the Dragon Warlord. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is the Falchani Tiger (it had to be, he has them tattooed everywhere). (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Phericia: Planet attacked by Ra'Ak. (Blood Destiny Series)
Phil: (Philip Moody) werewolf, Winkler's Second. Accepts a bribe to betray Winkler in Blood Wager. Lissa takes him down. (Blood Destiny Series)
Phillip: Originally a half-Elemaiyan child born on Old Earth, Phillip was a mountain lion shapeshifter. The tennis ball Ashe Evans once handed to Lissa belonged to him in his ghostly alter ego, as he was killed on Earth and brought back to life by the Mighty Heart. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Phorde Gaster: Imposter placed in WildTree Industries by the Prophet to carry out his plans. Now deceased. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Phrinnis Tampirus: President of the Podl'Morphs. Mated to Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pierre: Resident of smaller city near L'on-Alberr. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Podl'Morph: Rare Immortal beings, more rare than female vampires. Immune to obsessions and compulsion. They are able to morph into any form, animal, vegetable or mineral. Trees and other plant life are favorite forms. Very dangerous when angry or attacked. Home world is Revalus, in the Campiaan Alliance. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Poll Endicutt: Small-time criminal from Campiaa, who is in love with his boss, Charla Dare. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pottles: Blind pot seller and friend to Sherra (see Doret). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Poul: Assassin for King Wulf. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Preliminary (or Prelim): An interim stage before the demon type fully manifests itself. In this stage they are taller and thicker skinned. (A Christmas Feral) [This title is currently unavailable.]
Prophet: a.k.a. V'dar. Born on Vogeffa II. Parents deceased. Has skills of a sorcerer and necromancer. Not much is known about him otherwise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pyrik: A Reth Alliance world with a dark secret—buried nuclear waste dumps and a hidden stronghold inside the abandoned city of Lee'Qee, destroyed years earlier by a massive, nuclear accident. Lee'Qee is where the Prophet's mutant pirates work to do his bidding to destroy Alliance leaders and their laws, leaving them ripe for his takeover. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Q'elindi: A Karathian Witch with the talent to read people - know everything about them. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Qatti Wilker: Third-level Karathian witch; Perri and Pauley's mother, strongly motivated by money and employed (with her husband, Gillen) by Mebbers. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Querl: Army deserter and Merrin's chief ally. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Quin: Queen of the Avii, a winged race from Siriaa. Began her life as a construct of the rogue god, Liron. Served as kitchen servant and page in Fyris, a small continent on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Quin's Mates:
Quislus: Acrimus' child. Kifirin's parent. Created the Sirenali, Elemaiya and Ra'Ak. He originally made Thurlow. He helped Acrimus recruit and maintain the Hidden, a group of rogue Gods. (God Wars Series)
R.J. Pitt: Werewolf and P.J. Pitt's younger brother. Also good with a blade, R.J. dies 60 years after his brother, at the hands of Kiarra. If you want that story sometime, just ask. I'll do my best to post it somewhere. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Ra'Ak: Humanoid shapeshifters that can turn into giant black or copper colored snake-like creatures. They enjoy eating humanoids. When shifted every part of them is poisonous.
Rabis: Bright Elemaiyan Seer (Miriasu). More is revealed in the Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Rachael: Twin sister of Rush. Daughter of Lion and Marliana. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Rachel Johnson: Company owner and law client of Parke Worth, who is working on a business merger for her. (A Very Paranormal Holiday)
Radolf: Karathian warlock. Son of Garek and Keetha. Master cook. Used to work at the Karathian Palace and Lissa's Palace. Former mate of Reah. Stole money from and betrayed Reah with her uncle Ilvan Desh. As punishment he and Ilvan were banished to Surnath to live a mortal life. (High Demon Series)
Radomir: Originally a fisherman living near the Jordan River in the late ninth century, he was 27 years old and dying from an infection when his brother Rollan, desperate because he saw his brother suffering, actually sought out Wlodek, offered him blood and begged him to take his brother's life. Wlodek took the offered blood and turned Radomir. Radomir served as Wlodek bodyguard for a very long time before Wlodek allowed him to become an Enforcer for the Council. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series)
Raedah (daughter): Reah and Tory's daughter, named after Reah's mother. (High Demon Series)
Raedah (mom): Daughter of Denevik Lith and Breszca Loffus. Eighth wife of Addah Desh, and Reah's mother. (High Demon Series)
Rafe Black: See Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Raheela: An elf. Lynx's Healer. Kaldill, King of Elves, was upset when she took the job. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Rahim Alif: Arab terrorist controlled by Xenides. He was plucked by Xenides from the streets in Afghanistan after Rahim managed to bomb a few US installations. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rale Linn: One of the Big Three criminal kingpins to take over after Vardil Cayetes' death. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Randall Smith: (Randy) Human son of a werewolf/human marriage. Forced to attend a human school at the age of 12 and the reason the community of Cloud Chief had to leave their former home in New Mexico and settle in Oklahoma. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Randl Gage: Blind clairvoyant born on Vogeffa II. Father: Brandl Gage. Mother is deceased. When Vogeffa II was attacked by Vardil Cayetes, most of the population was moved to New Fyris on Harifa Edus. Employed first by Prince Amlis, and later by the Alliance Security Detail (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ranger Bel: Warlock from Mandil. 6' tall with short, dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard and green-gold eyes. a.k.a. Wizard Bel. (High Demon Series)
Ranger Delvin: Wizard from Mandil. He is just under 6' tall with dark hair and brown eyes. He is able to sense talent and power levels in other wizards. Turns traitor, joining Arvil San Gerxon. Now deceased. (High Demon Series)
Raona: High Demon term for Queen/Your Highness.
Raoni: High Demon term for King/Your Highness.
Raven Praxa: Captain of the guard for Lord Marshall Pheran Tiger. Falchani army. Terrified at times with Pheran. More terrified of the General and Warlord. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Reah Desh: Quarter High Demon, with the full complement of gifts, plus some. Nearly white hair and green eyes. She was an agent for the ASD before becoming Queen of Kifirin. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reah's Mates:
Reemagar: Larentii See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reena: Former Black Rose Escort washout, reinstated with the help of Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Refizan: A Reth Alliance planet, known for its production of grain and fruit. Also one of the most advanced worlds in medicine. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reldill Schaff: Second-born son of Kaldill Schaff. Brother of Naldill, Faldill and Lendill. Follows Naldill in betraying Elven Laws. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
René de la Roque: Cousin to Gavin, René is not such a stickler for the rules as Gavin is. Enjoys a challenge and often was sent on assignment by Wlodek, when a bending of the rules might be necessary. Dark blond hair, brown eyes and a sense of humor. (Blood Destiny Series)
Renee Coffin: Vampire, third, and only female, personal assistant to Queen Lissa. Turned by Lissa herself, Renee has no knowledge of that and believes she was turned by Montrose, who acts as her sire and became her lover, once her five-year training period was over. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Renegar: Larentii, Liaison for the Saa Thalarr and son of Pheligar and Kiarra. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Reptanoid: Reptanoids are Lion snake shapeshifters genetically engineered by criminals with the intent of making them into assassins. They have humanoid faces, but with golden-brown slitted eyes, narrow nostrils and hiss a little when they talk. 5' 6" tall, brown hair. All but eight of them die at the end of Blood Redemption. Those remaining were sold into slavery by Zellar to Arvil San Gerxon, then later freed by Reah and Teeg. Those who are left are:
Republic of Az-ca: Subversive group determined to fight those with power and bring about civil war. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Reth Alliance: An Alliance consisting of nearly 500 member planets, with a standard set of laws governing trade, humanoid rights, etc.
Reva: Black Rose Escort who, with her warrior, deserted the army and joined with Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Revalus: Homeworld for the remnants of the Podl'Morphs and the Sirenali. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reviendus: Randl Gage's title, given by the Ar'pexi, which means Soul of the Universes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rezael: City on Trell, two hours by train from Xindis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rhett: Vampire, turned by Dalroy after being shot outside a bar in New Mexico. Originally, Rhett was from Philadelphia and a medical student at the time. His father, a physician, had given permission for his son to explore the Wild West before returning to school. His exploration cost him his human life. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Rhiza'Sarroulis: (Ree-jhuh Sa-roo-liss) means soul's completion.
Ri'Kita: Elemaiyan term for a myth they call The Changer. A person with this ability can not only see a being's aura lines, but manipulate them, for either good or ill. For example, turning a being's aura lines all black will kill them. The only known individual to have this ability is Kay Zahn, who prefers to use the talent to heal people. (God Wars Series)
Rigo: See Rigovarnus I.
Rigovarnus I: (Rigo) Former king of Hraede and founder of the Rith Naeri, the Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. Adept in diplomacy, politics and poisons. Mated to Lissa and serves as the director of Lissa's hidden spy network. See Lissa's Mates. Member of the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rik: A Falchani member of the Saa Thalarr. Called upon to heal stress and injury his healing hands are almost legendary on Le-Ath Veronis. Kyler is his mate and his Ai yevu. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Rinnelar: See Corinne Watson.
Rith Naeri: Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. Rith Naeri is a secret group of vampires who were once Kings of Hraede. They all act as advisors to the current Kings/Queens, and only the best of those are selected (when they are dying) for the turn and admission into this elite group. They wear a tattoo of the Hraedan Night Flower on their necks—the flower is such a deep purple it looks black. It hangs from a slender stem upside down.
Rivelodar Cordrifith: (Riv-el-o-dar) Norian's father. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rodrik: a.k.a. "Rod." Cousin, assistant and bodyguard to Prince Amlis. He is compact and muscular from sword practice. Dark-brown hair and dark-blue eyes. Father: Rath—deceased. Wife: Beatrice. One child. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Roff: Comesula, Infilathi. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Rolfe: A vampire, nearly 7' tall with broad features and large hands, who guards Wlodek's home. (Blood Destiny Series)
Romma: Resident of Dar-den, and mother to Mari (Black Rose girl). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Rondival: (Ron) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rorevik: Gardevik and Jaydevik Rath's youngest brother. Held the High Demon throne for 1200 years. An inexperienced ruler, Kifirin suffered while he held the crown. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ru'Beq: Reth Alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ruarke: Chief Cleric of Ny-nes, and Kaakos' second-in-command. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Rush: Black lion shapeshifter. Twin brother of Rachael. Son of Lion and Marliana. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Russell: Full name Russell William Farleigh, he was a boxer and British by birth. Drew the attention of Xavier (Xavier is Adam Chessman's sire) who was a boxing fan. When Russell contracted appendicitis in the early 1800s, Xavier performed the turn to save his life. Russell and Adam served the Council as Enforcers until Adam was invited to join the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Ruther Kend: Owner of Kend Industries. Married to Barra Kend, father of Sabrina Kend. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rylend Davan Morphis: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, and King of Karathia. Son of Queen Lissa and Erland Morphis. Over 6' tall with dark hair and eyes and a lazy, beautiful smile. Born at the end of Blood Destiny Series. One son, Crown Prince Bel Erland Morphis. Mated to Queen Reah. Siblings: Torevik Rath, Nissa Grey, Gavril Montegue (Teeg San Gerxon), Travis and Trent Tatsuya, Willow and Wayne Winkler. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Sa'wann: Viliage in eastern Az-ca, nestled in a hilly area prone to predator attacks. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Saa Thalarr: Neaborian term for Hope and Vengeance. Now, a powerful race created to combat the Ra'Ak. Here is a list of the female characters introduced in Blood Queen, and their mates.
Kiarra mated to:
Grace mated to:
Conner mated to:
Kyler mated to:
Fox mated to:
Sabrina Kend: Genius daughter of Ruther Kend, owner of Kend Industries. Mother: Barra Kend. Kend Industries supplies the ASD and CSD with much of their weaponry and surveillance equipment. First mentioned in First Ordinance Series as an unnamed daughter of Ruther Kend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Salidar DeLuca: (Sali) Marcus and Denise DeLuca's youngest son and Ashe Evans' best friend. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Salik: Petitioned the King to get the dowry from his fiancee after she ended their engagement. A member of the Republic of Az-ca, he intended to expose Kerok's lack of power. Deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Samm: Lieutenant, warrior in Az-ca's army. Bonded with Glindi. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Sand Swept Casino: A casino on Campiaa, owned by Erland Morphis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Sandra L'Thorpe: Nurse and Nanny for Lissa's twins, Wayne and Wynter. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sarah Fox: See Corinne Watson.
Saxom Melitus: From Orpali, Saxom was chosen as a healer for the Saa Thalarr. Betrayed them and was stripped of his immortality and exiled. Found immortality again by becoming vampire and swearing vengeance against the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Sebastian: (now deceased) Assassin for the Vampire Council. Went rogue. (Blood Destiny Series)
Secondary Camp: Location for final Escort training after warriors are chosen. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Sergio Velenci: Vampire who made a bet with Edward Desmarais about how long it would take Lissa to turn. Sergio is the one who turned Lissa. Black hair, dark eyes, exotic features, Latin background. (Blood Destiny Series)
Serrigar: Larentii. Nefrigar's eldest son. Works with his father in the Larentii Archives. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Seturna: First level High Priest of the Solar Red religion. (Blood Destiny Series)
Seval: Contractor supplying women to work at the main desert outpost. Business partner is Chlind. Planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Shaaliveer: Home planet of the Belancour Wizards. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, First Ordinance Series)
Shadow Grey: Master Wizard, K'Shoufa Jewelry Division. Son of Raffian Grey. Grandson of Glendes Grey. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Sharon O'Neill: Shapeshifter (palomino mare) Wynn O'Neill's mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Shella Karp: Native of Pyrik, works as one of President Lebbon's assistants. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sherra: Black Rose Escort trainee from Merthis. Sherra discovers her talents go far beyond normal Escorts, one of which is the ability to detect talents in others and instruct them how to bring them to the surface. Sherra is crucial to the success of her class of Black Rose Escorts. Bonded to Thorn Wulfson Kerok Rex; Doret considers her an adopted daughter. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Shirley Walker: Corpus Christi Packmaster, one of the few female Packmasters in the U.S. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Shon: Member of the Republic of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Simmas: Falchani warrior. Fights with one blade. Bad tempered and swears a lot. Pulls his blade too slowly. Lost early in the Solstice Trials. (Other Worldly Ways, Anthologies)
Sirenali: (Pending update)
Siriaa: A planet poisoned so extensively it will eventually kill its inhabitants, unless powerful gods intervene. Home to the people of Kondar, Fyris, Yokaru and the Avii.
Solar Red: A brutal religion, which practices human sacrifice. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Soobi: Kitchen servant in Kaakos' palace. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Soul of the Universes: A title the Ar'pexi have given to Randl. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
SouthStar Groves: Owned by Ashe Evans, SouthStar is a haven and houses many. Those who reside there will never age because of the power wielded by Ashe. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Starr Brothers: Very powerful Karathian warlocks. They were once rogue and worked for the criminal Brothers Hardlow. They all have dark hair and eyes. Given a second chance by Teeg San Gerxon they now work for him in the Campiaan Alliance. (High Demon Series)
Stave: Resident of the far northeastern village of Gaull in Az-ca; Jubal's closest neighbor. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Stellan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Mated to Breanne. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Stephan: Enforcer for the Vampire Council. Dark-skinned, dark-eyed, tall, muscular. (Blood Destiny Series)
Steven Francis Jr.: Conner's oldest son. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Stone Wicke: Low Fifth-level warlock, employed by Mebbers for decades. Prior employment was for one criminal after another for centuries, after which he faked his own death to remove himself from the Karathian Crown's most-wanted list. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sursee: Falchani for teacher/instructor.
Sursee Tatsuya: Tatsuya is a last name Dragon often employs when he is on assignment. Means Dragon, to be in some translations. Sursee is Falchani for teacher/instructor.
Susan Plume: Hen shapeshifter (Buff Orpington). ASD agent who doubles as a cook for the crew of BlackWing X. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Susila: Female member of the Vampire Council; Scandinavian. (Blood Destiny Series)
Swee'n: A foreign city. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
T'Beq: Capital City of Ru'beq, a Reth Alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Taff: Comesula in her sixties who serves as Lissa's dresser and suite manager with Mora. (Blood Destiny Series)
Teeg San Gerxon: Founder of the Campiaan Alliance. His given name at birth was Gavril Tybus Montegue. Mother: Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis. Father: Gavin Montegue, one of Lissa's mates. His nickname, Teeg, was given to him by his foster-father, Dormas. He took that name when he was separated from his parents by Kifirin (the god), who exacted payment for a request made by a young Gavril. His last name, San Gerxon, was acquired when he was named heir to Arvil San Gerxon, a criminal kingpin who built the small planet of Campiaa into a non-Alliance gambling mecca. Teeg's siblings include: Rylend Morphis, Torevik Rath, Nissa Grey, Travis and Trent Tatsuya, and Willow and Wayne Winkler. Mated to Reah, Queen of Kifirin. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Telling Winds: See Akashic Records.
Tera: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Teren: One of two trusted bodyguards and emissaries who works for Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Terrett: A mute Sirenali whose mother sold him into slavery. Gerrett and Morrett are his brothers, also mute. Mated to Quin. He has dark green eyes, the color of the sea on a cloudy day. His mother is Erithia Cordan. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Terry Smith: Human father of Randy Smith. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
The Five (GW):
The Five (RD): Elite soldiers who volunteered for the Cloud Dust Program. They are considered the talented ones.
The Jewels: The Bright Elemaiyan Queen (Friesianna) refers to these four brothers as her Jewels, her elite guards and enforcers. Head of the four brothers is Diamond, followed by Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
The Mighty:
Ashe Evans, the Mighty Hand (Strength)
Breanne Hayworth, the Mighty Heart (Love)
Charles Hoffman, the Mighty Mind (Wisdom)
The Rose Mark: A forbidden book. All copies were thought to be destroyed. Crown Prince Thorn removed its forbidden status and decided to provide copies to all Black Rose Escort trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Theodore Williams: (Teddy) Thomas Williams' twin brother and Second in the Sacramento Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
Thifilatha: High Demon female's Demon form. Only Glindarok has ever turned Thifilatha (until Reah Desh and Lexsi Silver came along).
Thifilathi: High Demon male's Demon form.
Thomas Williams: Sacramento Packmaster who died helping Lissa fight off a pack of seditionist werewolves. (Blood Destiny Series)
Thomas Williams, III: Werewolf agent for the Joint NSA/HSD. Dark hair and eyes. Member of the Sacramento Pack. His mother is Wynter, Winkler's first daughter. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Thomas Williams, Jr.: Thomas Williams' son and new Packmaster for the Sacramento Pack. Lissa's Pack membership is moved to Thomas' Pack after Winkler is forced to move her (at Kellee's insistence). (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Thorn's Book of Advanced Divination Techniques: A forbidden book. All copies were thought to be destroyed. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Thornson: Kaakos' given name. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Thurlow: Formerly Thorsten, who was originally in charge of the Saa Thalarr. He often argued with Griffin, and was sent back to the beginning for committing infractions. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Tiearan Briar: Chief of the Green Birth Fae. Quite old but looks very young. Long pale gold hair. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tiessa: Hraedan word for Beloved. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tiger: Retired female member of the Saa Thalarr. Bearcat was her healer. Mated to Mavrillek, still an active member of the Saa Thalarr, a Hellcat. Tiger is her shapeshifting fighter animal. She's 6' tall. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Tim'Bek II: An abandoned world taken by the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Timblor, Prince: Older son and heir of King Tamblin. A chip off the old block. He is 25 years old with black hair and dark eyes. (First Ordinance Series)
Tiralia: World which destroyed itself with chemical warfare long ago. Still has a very poisonous atmosphere and none approach it. Only source of Tiralian crystal, a gem worth far more than any other. (Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tiralian crystal: Crystal mined from a dead world, destroyed by the Ra'Ak. Tiralian crystal is very rare, shines brighter than diamonds and is extremely expensive. It also holds spells better than any other jewel and Tiralian crystal infused with protection spells is highly sought by wealthy rulers.
Tiri: Powerful relic hunter. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Queen's Holiday short story)
Tirlan-dar'miri: Elvish phrase that means beautiful beyond words. (High Demon Series)
Toff: Comesula child. Youngest son of Roff. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tony (Anthony) Hancock: Adopted son of a werewolf mother, Anthony is 1/8th Elemaiya and has mindspeech. He is also Director of the Joint NSA/Homeland Security Department. Black hair, gray eyes, handsome, 36 years old in Blood Wager. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Torevik Rolfe Rath: Half High Demon. Son of Lissa and Gardevik Rath. Mated to Reah. He has seven daughters; Raedah, Tara, Lara, Kara, Sara, Dara and Lexsi. See entry for Vik Roth for additional information. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trace Gibson: One of Winkler's bodyguards and a member of the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7' tall. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Brother to Trajan Gibson, Winkler's Second. Proficient (like his brother) in Martial Arts. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Trajan Gibson: Winkler's Second in the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7' tall, dark hair and eyes; Trajan is a black belt in karate and a master of several other disciplines. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Travis Tatsuya: He's the son of Lissa and Drake. Grandson of Dragon and Devin. Twin brother of Trent. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Travis Tetsuya: See Travis Tatsuya. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trell: A Reth Alliance planet and home to Pearlina Rin. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Trent Tatsuya: He's the son of Lissa and Drew. Grandson of Dragon and Devin. Twin brother of Travis. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trent Tetsuya: See Trent Tatsuya. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trevor: Assassin for the Vampire Council. Sheriff of Casino City. One of Breanne's mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series.)
Trey Henson: See Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Tulgalan: Birth planet of Reah Desh. Capital city Targis where Desh's #1 restaurant is. Reah worked at Desh's #2 in the city of Shirves as a child. (High Demon Series)
Turtle: Former Falchani warrior, now Spawn Hunter for the Saa Thalarr. Owns a bar on Falchan with his son. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tybus: A very ancient vampire, born long before the destruction of Le-Ath Veronis by the Copper Ra'Ak millennia ago. Le-Ath Veronis lay dormant for eons before Lissa arrived to rebuild it. Vampire architect who designed the palaces on Le-Ath Veronis and Kifirin. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tykl: Empty world that serves as trash planet to the Alliances. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ula Karn: Native of Jaledis and former friend of Sabrina Kend. Having an affair with Fergue Bing behind Sabrina Kend's back. (BlackWing Pirates Series).
Ura: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee and one of the Bulldog's pet students. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
V'dar: a.k.a. the Prophet. Born on Vogeffa II. Parents deceased. Has skills of a sorcerer and necromancer. Not much is known about him otherwise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
V'ili: Sirenali Prince before the destruction of Sirena by the Larentii. Was rescued from that destruction by rogue gods, who commanded him to create chaos through the years in order to destroy The Mighty and the universes with them. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vale: Northernmost supply village for Az-ca's army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Valegar: Larentii. Nefrigar's second eldest son who also works as his assistant. Mated to Corinne. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Vampire Aristocracy: Five hundred of the oldest and most powerful vampires on Earth. Working together the Aristocracy formed the vampire government, administered by the Vampire Council. The oldest became the head of the Council, and the Council chooses who fills the vacancies when they occur. (Blood Destiny Series)
Vampire Laws: These will be posted elsewhere.
Vardil Cayetes: Spoiled younger brother of Hordace. Criminal. He stayed inactive just long enough to make both Alliances think that the Cayetes crime conglomerate was dead, before picking up where his brother left off. He destroyed Siriaa. He employed the kidnappers and murderers known as Cayetes Storm. Responsible for more deaths to count, in or out of the Alliances. Killed by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series).
Varnon: Village elder in Merthis. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Varok: A highly-placed officer in the Prophet's army. Born on Pyrik, in the poisoned city of Lee'Qee. Father: Vrak. Brother: Perill. (BlackWing Pirates Series).
Venge: Top General for Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Vengeance: Raver created by Kaakos after taking over Merrin's mind. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Veri: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee and one of the Bulldog's pet students. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Veris: Comesula, common demon cohort leader. (Blood Destiny Series)
Veronis Imperea: Vampire Queen.
Veshtul: Capital city of the High Demon world. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Veykan: Falchani warrior, he was Crane's second when Crane was training students in the Art of the Blade. Grace was sent to learn bladework from Crane and Veykan after she joined the Saa Thalarr. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Vhanaraszh: In the Larentii language, it means restorer. The female equivalent of Vhilrilaszh. Foretold by prophecy to the Larentii — What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together (Change What Was) the Vhanaraszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Changer and the Vhilrilaszh. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vhilrilaszh: In the Larentii language, it means restorer. The male equivalent of Vhanaraszh. What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together (Change What Was) the Vhilrilaszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Vhanaraszh. (God Wars Series.)
Vik Roth: a.k.a. Torevik Rath. Brought back from death by Zaria, he now works under an assumed name for the ASD. High Demon son of Queen Lissa and Gardevik Rath. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vogeffa II: A world which was nearly destroyed by climate change. All polar ice melted, leaving only one small continent for residents to live on. Drew a criminal element after a time, and became home to many who were considered mutants. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vorina: Avii and wife of former Avii King Jurris. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vrak: There are two, the original, conscripted by the Prophet, and an impostor placed by the Prophet to do his bidding and lead raiding parties to steal food and supplies from passing ships. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ward: Cleric and Ruarke's second in command. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Warlend Arden: Former king of Karathia. Abdicated in favor of his son, Wylend Arden. He has two other sons, Wellend and Wallend. He was assassinated during a coup. Now a member of the Avii race, through Zaria's efforts. Has red wings, denoting royalty of that race, along with retaining his warlock's skills. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Weldon Harper: Former Grand Master of the Werewolves on Old Earth. 6' 3", tough as hell with dark eyes and hair. He's the only werewolf brave enough to approach Wlodek and the Vampire Council in an attempt to forge peace between the two races. If the peace agreement hadn't been made, both races would eventually have been exposed and exterminated. Weldon had the vision (and the persuasion) to convince Wlodek. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr and of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wellend Arden: Former King of Karathia. Attempt made on his life by his step-mother and her father, who wanted their natural grandson on the throne. Throne eventually taken by Wellend's half-brother, Wylend Arden. Father: Warlend Arden. Now a member of the Avii race, through Zaria's efforts. Has red wings, denoting royalty of that race, along with retaining his warlock skills. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Welton: Chief Physician, military post. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wend: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wendal: Assassin for King Wulf. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Weren: Former Colonel and warrior trainee instructor. Becomes General of the army. See Colonel Weren. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
West Cana: The area where Kyri's City is located. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Whitney Wynne Winkler: 5' 3", dark hair and eyes. Winkler's baby sister. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wib'burne: Homeworld of Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Will: (William Evans Troutman) Will has straight, dark hair, dark eyes and is Irish by birth. Turned in the mid-1800s, he was quickly made an Enforcer for the Council. Best friends with Russell, together they make a formidable fighting team. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Willa: Black Rose Escort bonded to Narvin. Together, they deserted the army and decided to follow Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
William Wayne Winkler, Jr.: Son of William Wayne Winkler. Dallas Packmaster after his father. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wilm Bedard: Noted journalist from Horlak. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wimla: Avii and wife of former Avii King Jurris. Mother of young Liron. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Winkler: (William Wayne Winkler) werewolf, former Packmaster for the Dallas Pack on Old Earth. Dark hair, dark eyes, 6' 3" in height, 86 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Has engineering degrees and is something of a genius at developing security software. Strong, moves with an easy grace. A bit of a playboy at first. Mated to Queen Lissa. See Lissa's Mates. Serves as a Spawn Hunter for the Saa Thalarr. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wisdom: See Charles Hoffman.
Wlodek: Head of the Vampire Council on Old Earth. Became a member of Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Panther. Mated to Fox. Was Greek, original name Aniketos (unconquered). (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Wolf: Original seven of the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Daniel Carey. (Saa Thalarr Series).
Woord'l: Campiaan Alliance world, home to Huyer Food Distribution, which was targeted by the Prophet for theft of provisions. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wulf Tadson Ruarke Rex: See Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wyatt: See Garwin Wyatt San Gerxon. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wyatt Arden: Heir to the Karathian throne. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wylend Arden: Succeeded his father, Warlend Arden, as King of Karathia. Tall, brown hair, hazel eyes with flecks of gold. 27,000 years old. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Wynn O'Neill: Shapeshifter: (rare unicorn) and one of Ashe's classmates. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Wynter Willow Winkler: Daughter of Winkler and Kellee and is the twin sister of William Wayne Winkler, Jr. She is a werewolf with black hair and nearly black eyes. Married to Thomas Williams, Jr. (Sacramento Packmaster), with whom she has one son, Thomas Williams, III. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Wyyld: Home of the Reth Alliance Founder, Ildevar Wyyld.
Xavier (Demon Doctor): Goes to the Worth estate to treat Cassandra King and Louise Worth after they are in a car accident. (A Very Paranormal Holiday)
Xavier (Vampire): Vampire council member. Sire to Adam Chessman and Russell Farleigh. Went rogue and murdered Merrill's child, Jeff. Deceased. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Xenides: Saxom's first vampire child. Originally Greek by birth, his name was Catulus, but took up the name Xenides to hide his identity. Saxom effectively hid his vampire children, and the Council had no idea they existed. Obsessed with following Saxom's orders, Xenides had no thought of the consequences. Saxom's final command to Xenides before he died was "make them pay." (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Xindis: Capital city of Trell. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yandiveri: (Yan) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yanzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Supervised farming on Campiaa. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Yaredolak Cordrifith: (Yuh-reed-o-lack) Norian's brother. (God Wars Series)
Yasa: a.k.a. Bulldog, or the Bulldog. The Bulldog is known to show extreme favoritism toward a few promising students. She has a mean streak and a hateful demeanor, mostly due to having been a Black Rose Escort washout when she was young, relegated to a teaching roll. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Yidrizin: Greater Demon. Acting prime minister for Nrath, the Greater Demon home planet. Mentor and advisor to Zendeval Rjjn when he was sent back 25,000 years in the past by Kifirin. (High Demon Series)
Yoff (infant): Comesula child of Giff. Killed in a murder/suicide. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yoff (son): Son of Toff and Nissa. Named after Giff's son as a tribute. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Yokaru: A continent far to Aviia's west on the planet Siriaa. The people are not as advanced as those on the Kondar continent. (First Ordinance Series)
Youon: Black Ra'Ak King. (High Demon Series)
Yurevik Weth: High Demon. Military captain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yurik: Obsessed minion of the Prophet, placed in charge of getting his starship rebuilt. Yurik was out of his depth, however, and likely would have died sooner and at the Prophet's hand, had Le'Vestar Limn not known what he was doing. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Zanfield Staggs: Trillionaire from Felarku, Wib'burne. Loves to gamble and has a flair for the unusual or exotic. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Zaria: Also known as Corinnelar the Vhanaraszh to the Larentii, and Corinne Watson on Old Earth. Zaria is a powerful enigma who holds the entire metal library, which contains information on everything in existence. Father: Wisdom. Mother: Unknown.
Zedru: Falchani warrior. He has a full set of coiled snake tattoos. Well-built and wiry. (Other Worldly Ways, Anthologies)
Zellar: Rogue Karathian Warlock. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Zendeval Rjjn: Greater Demon (one of the few remaining). He manages the five best resorts on Stellar Winds. He has dark brown hair and black eyes. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Zis: Warrior-priest in Raver/Merrin's entourage. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Click the letter of the alphabet to jump to that section of the glossary.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Updated 06/11/21 09:33:51 PT
A run mo chroé: Gaelic for love of my heart.
A'pelur: Campiaan Alliance world and home to criminal kingpin Mebbers and his hidden fortress (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ace: White werewolf, in the Dallas Pack. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Acrimus, the lieutenant: Rogue god once of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. He breathed the beginnings of Solar Red into the ears of humanoids. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Adahi: Also known as the Phantom; well acquainted with former King Thorn. Dreamwalker, who has a long history with Kyri and events in Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Adam Chessman: From old Earth. Born in 1763. Turned by Xavier in 1790. 6' 4" tall. Dark-brown hair, gray eyes. Former chief of Enforcers for the Vampire Counsel. Chosen to become a member of the Saa Thalarr. Shapeshifter (black gryphon). Mated to Kiarra, father to Justin. Lives at NorthStar on Avendor. Also a member of the Al'Riyu (see Hierarchy of the Gods). (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Addah Desh: Owner of Desh's Restaurants on Tulgalan. Head of the Desh family. Father of twenty-seven (actually twenty-six, see below) children, by eight wives. It was originally thought that he was Reah's father, but it is revealed that Reah's mother, Raedah, was raped by Edan, resulting in Reah's birth. (High Demon Series)
Adele Evans: Shapeshifter (peregrine falcon). Ashe Evans' mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Adem: Villager who refused to join the Republic of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Adrixx: A town on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Aedan Evans: Vampire, Ashe Evans' father. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Af te Jufaleh: (aff-tee-joo-fal-uh) High Demon term for go to the flames. High Demons can only die at the hands of one stronger than they or if they leap into Baetrah (volcano) in their humanoid form. (High Demon Series)
Affa-Gannis: Mountainous area where Kaakos gathers his new army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ai yevu: Falchani for my only.
Akashic Records: "The Telling Winds," referred to as the Akashic Records on many worlds. A rare seer can tap into them and see forward and backward in time. (High Demon Series)
Aklus: Rogue Karathian warlock. Lead twenty-seven rogue witches and warlocks in an attempted coup to ursurp the Karathian crown from Rylend Davan Morphis. They committed heinous acts, murdering children to terrorize the population. Deceased. (High Demon Series)
Akrinn Lemm: Native of Jaledis, best friend of Fergue Bing. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Al Flint: U.S. Vice President to Amelia Sanders. Assassinated by a sniper in Detroit. (R-D Series)
Alan: James Rome's driver. (God Wars Series)
Aldah Desh: Third-born son of Addah and Farla Desh. Full blood brother to Fes and Rane Desh. Imprisoned for the murder of his father. (High Demon Series)
Aldevik Foth: (Lord Aldevik Foth) Eldest and Head of a High Demon House. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Alex Thompson: Shapeshifter, White Buffalo. Amos Thompson's brother. Killed by Zeke Tanner. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Alexi Kuznetsov: Ilya Kuznetsov's son. Murdered by Baikov for questioning activity around Chernobyl. (R-D Series)
Alf: Worker in the berry farms under Az-ca's southern domes. Spy for Ruarke and then Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Alim'deru: A transfer of power. The power of Gaelar N'Seith, the Elven lands. A power that made and kept Kaldill Schaff King of the Elves. The Prince-Heir after the transfer would also be able to draw upon that power, should it be required.
Alken Wilker: Fourth-level Karathian warlock, and Uncle to Perri and Pauley Wilker-Ironsmith. Abused both children after they were abandoned by their parents. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Alrenardo: (Alren) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Alun: New hire for the King's palace in Az-ca. Spy for Kaakos, sent to kill Thorn II. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Alvin Wright: a.k.a. Bear Wright. Shapeshifter (bear), wishes to establish a Shapeshifter council. He is huge, almost as tall as Trajan with broad shoulders, thick light brown hair, warm brown eyes and a slightly crooked nose, as if it were broken a couple of times. Was the Principal of Star Cove Combined, a shapeshifter school. Eventually became co-Captain of BlackWing I. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Alynne Nicholls: Employee of Edinburgh castle in Scotland. Tricked into allowing terrorist into the castle. Mary Evans posing as Denna Philpot seduced her. (R-D Series)
Amara: Healer for the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Griffin, until she left him and was mated to Edan Desh. Mother of Wyatt Arden. Eventually elevated to a member of the Powers that Be - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Amelia Sanders: U.S.President. Her husband and first gentleman is Graye Sanders. She inherits the Cloud Dust Program from the previous administration and is very involved with it. (R-D Series)
Amlis, Prince: Second, and less favored, son of King Tamblin and Queen Omina of Fyris. 21 years old, dark brown hair, blue eyes. Prince of New Fyris. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Amos Thompson: Shapeshifter (white buffalo) self-appointed day guard for Cloud Chief. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Currently, the captain of BlackWing I. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ana: North Camp Instructor, Second Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Anari: 17-year-old Black Rose girl with mindspeaking ability and stepping talent. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Anna Kay Griffin: Adam and Kiarra's daughter, declared Dragon's mate while still in the womb, by the Larentii Wise Ones. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Annabelle Taylor: Shark Shapeshifter. Associate at Gruber, Taylor and Worth Law Firm. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Antiani: Wolf's (of the Saa Thalarr) Healer. Not human. He only has three fingers and a thumb, skin the color of pale coffee, and green eyes. He smiles a lot and loves to cook. (Saa Thalarr Series) Secretly mated to Raheela.
Ar'pex: (a.k.a. Ar'pexi) A nature spirit which has chosen to bond with another being, giving that being their power and cooperation. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ardalin: Teeg's cook on Campiaa. She is obsessed with Teeg and jealous of Reah. Partnering with three others to have Reah abducted and Teeg forced, by magic, to become a willing husband. She dies in the kidnapping attempt. (High Demon Series)
Ardis: Avii, Black Wing, captain in the Guard. Dark hair and gray eyes. Mated to Dena. Queen Quin's personal bodyguard. Daughter: Dara. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Aris: Commander of the Rangers on Mandil. See Aurelius. (High Demon Series).
Armon: Colonel in Az-ca's army, currently serves as First advisor to Prince Commander. Chosen by Caral to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Arresh: The name chosen by Sherra's dreamwalker. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Arvil San Gerxon: Gambling Magnate and Crime Kingpin from Campiaa, a gambling planet located outside the Reth Alliance. (High Demon Series)
Aryn: Helped Lissa build the university and a library on Le-Ath Veronis and taught history. Dark brown hair, gray eyes, 6' 2". Gabron was reincarnated as Aryn. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series)
ASD: Reth Alliance Security Detail.
Ashe Evans: Son of Adele Evans and Aedan Evans. The Ir'Indicti and the Mighty Hand. Owns SouthStar Groves on Avendor. SouthStar is a haven, and those who reside there will never age because of the power wielded by Ashe. Mated to Kay and Breanne. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Aspe: Warrior-priest and favorite of Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Astralan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of the four Starr Brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Mated to Queen Reah. Member of the Nameless Ones. See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series)
August Hunter, Colonel: (Auggie) Former Marine. Left the military to be a handler for the Cloud Dust Program. He is Corinne's handler. Tall, erect posture, handsome black man in his late 40's. (R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Aunt Shelby: Cassie Randall's aunt, who left Cassie her home. Aunt Shelby was murdered by Cassie's relatives, Morton and Dalton King. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Aurelius: Roman vampire. Sire to René and Gavin. A tall, wide-shouldered lion of a man with dark-blond hair. A fair and open-minded person, he was responsible for many of the laws governing the treatment of humans by vampires. Spawn hunter for the Saa Thalarr. See Reah's Mates. a.k.a. Aris. Also, a member of the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Blood Destiny Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Avendor: The planet where the residents of Star Cove relocated. Location of EastStar and SouthStar Groves on the Southern Continent. Known for their gishi fruit. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Averill: King of the Earth Sprites. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Avii: A race of winged humanoids, created by the god Liron, who live on the planet Siriaa. The Avii live in a caste society, with every occupation dictated by the color of their wings. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Avii Wing Colors: As described to Quin by Daragar (First Ordinance Series):
Aviia: Avii Castle.
Avilepha: High Demon term, meaning my love. "Hala Avilepha, m'seidra camethei refieoru" is the phrase a High Demon male whispers to his mate after the claiming. It means my heart's love, you are mine forever. (hall-uh av-il-lef-uh, muh-seed-ruh cam-uh-thay ref-ee-or-oo)
Az-ca: Desert country ruled by King Wulf; always at war with barbarians from Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ba'Moru: Small vacation resort on Pyrik and home to Caille Morr. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Baarkann: A young member of the Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Baetrah: Active Volcano on the Southern Continent of Kifirin. If a High Demon wishes to end his/her immortal life, they throw themselves into the fire while in humanoid form. If they jump in while in Demon form, they just walk out again. Like taking a fire bath. Sort of. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Baetrah an Hafei: City closest to Baetrah on Kifirin Southern Continent. Literally means Below the Fire Mountain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Baikov: Russian General, involved in the Russian Cloud Dust Program and also a recipient of the drug. Ruthless murderer. (R-D Series)
Balsom: Village in eastern Az-ca, roughly twenty miles south of Sa'wann. There, the terrain is relatively flat. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Baltis: (King Baltis) King of the Dark Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Ban: Village Headman, Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bandelif: Greater Demon. Father of Nedrizif. Uncle to Zendeval Rjjn. (High Demon Series)
Barc: Got the wasting disease at age 6. He was placed in stasis at the age of 8. Commander Bleek is his father. (First Ordinance Series)
Bardelus: A non-Alliance world with six commonwealths, each running its own governments. It's core was tapped by rogue wizards. Bardelans are often notorious liars and expect to haggle over everything. Home world to Ploval. (High Demon Series)
Bardelus Prime: Capital city of United Bardelus, a commonwealth on the planet Bardelus. (High Demon Series)
Bargel: President of Pyrik. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barkins: Charla Dare's fluffy, white canine best friend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barney: (Barna) Black Rose Escort trainee and former washout. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Barra Kend: Wife of Ruther Kend, mother of Sabrina Kend. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Barrigar: Larentii, Protector for Graegar, Larentii Wise One. Mated to Conner, father of Connegar. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Barry Stokes: Director of Mercy Crossings in Los Angeles, California, a charity that arranges for health professionals and volunteers to help wherever needed. (God Wars Series)
Barth (Diviner): King Wulf's Chief Diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Barth (Master Cook): Master Cook at Aviia on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Barton: Police officer in Fresno, California. Questioned Justin after an attack at a student party. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Barun: Addah Desh's assistant at Desh's #1 Restaurant on Tulgalan. (High Demon Series)
Baxter: Vampire Enforcer for the UK Council, then later on Le-Ath Veronis. Works with Dmitri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Baxter Indis: Trusted assistant to Erland Morphis. He works on Campiaa assisting with the security and management of Erland's Sea Spray Casino. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Bayar and Rayab: Reservation names used at the Tidal Wave restaurant in San Francisco, California by Saxom and Moxas. Reversed letters, a play on their own names. (God Wars Series)
Bearcat: Retired Saa Thalarr healer for Tiger. Mated to Erland, Joey and Norton. His shapeshifting animal is a bear and cat mix. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Beatrice Chaumont: An identity assumed by Cassie when she is assigned the role of Princess of Alabama. Beatrice Chaumont was a real person, who died in a skiing accident at age 10. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Beatris: Rodrik's Lady wife. She has dark hair and blue eyes. She is pretty but has a sadness about her. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Becker: One of The Five in the Cloud Dust Program. He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. His only gift is muscle. (R-D Series)
Beckley: Warrior, chosen by Reena. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Beels: Warrior-priest; mindspeaker and spy among warrior-priests for Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bekzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Mated to the Breanne (Mighty Heart) and to Zaria. Member of the Nameless Ones - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Bel Erland Morphis: Karathian Warlock. Son of Rylend Morphis and Reah Desh. Mated to Quin. Fifth-level warlock and skilled at scrying and spells. (God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bela: Former Black Rose Escort washout, reinstated with the help of Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Belancour Wizards: From Shaaliveer. They are first mentioned in Blood War as having done good work for Viregruz, leader of Black Mist. Marid is the Chief or head of household of the Belancour Wizards and quite powerful. Melida is Marid's daughter. Her first husband was killed in a raid on Cloudsong. Marid offered Melida in marriage to Shadow Grey. Glendes Grey agreed. Trikleer is Melida's son. He has severe physical handicaps from his mother's drug use while pregnant with him. Morid is Marid's son. Wymarr is Marid's younger brother. He is grasping and ambitious. Marid kicked him out of their home after the ASD placed a bounty on his head for "a few minor misdeeds." He is now employed by the Lyristolyi. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, First Ordinance Series)
Belarok Lith: (Raona Belarok) Now deceased, former High Demon Queen. Mated to Lendevik Lith, also deceased, former High Demon King. Belarok is Glindarok's mother (High Demon Queen). (Blood Destiny Series)
Belen: A Nameless One, one of the light gods. He is Thorsten's (see Thurlow) supervisor. He doesn't often resort to corporeality. Mated to Corinne. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, God Wars Series,, Saa Thalarr Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series, First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Belifindus: A dead world, destroyed by greed and the Ra'Ak. Considered a world not worth saving by the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Belinda: Blonde bombshell with shocking pink highlights in her hair. Her upper arms are tattooed with a snake crawling through a skull. Jayson Rome's BDSM playmate. (God Wars Series)
Beliphar: Once a member planet of the Reth Alliance, it lost its membership after it was taken over by a renegade political party. Afterward, everything was owned and run by the state, and vampirism was dealt as a punishment to criminals. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Benjamin Billings: Werewolf and Principal of Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Benjamin Stokes: A rare black werewolf. Working with Cassie to locate and destroy Morton and Dalton King. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Bennall: A Campiaan Alliance world orbiting the same star as Kev'Ril. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Berel Charkisul: When we meet him he is 16 and dying. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. His father is Edden Charkisul. Mated to Quin and serves as a liaison/ambassador for her after he was granted the blue wings of an Avii scholar by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Beri: From Ny-nes. Klete's mother. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Berthias Tayde: A Reth Alliance employee who accepted bribes from Arvil San Gerxon to allow drakus seed to be shipped. (High Demon Series)
Bertram Goodhue: Architect in the early 1900s who built a mansion in what was intended to be the most beautiful mining town in the world. The mines failed and the town was abandoned, becoming a ghost town. Located near Tyrone, New Mexico. (God Wars Series)
Bespalov: Ambassador to the U.S. from Novosibirsk, Russia. He secretly helped to free Ilya from a Russian prison. He passed information to Ilya. Assassinated in the U.S. (R-D Series)
Beth Walters: Werewolf, mated to Teddy Williams who is Second in the Sacramento pack. Father, Martin Walters, Sr.. Brother, Martin Walters, Jr. (Mack). (Saa Thalarr Series)
Beverly Stokes: Benjamin Stokes' human wife. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Bexari: A destitute and isolated planet. Governed by Prime Minister Vyris. Its only source of income is blackmail money from Grey House. (God Wars Series)
Bill Gordon: Werewolf, married to Kirby Lee. Murdered, and his boat was used to access an offshore oil rig. His wife was an accomplice. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Bill Jennings: Former Director of NSA/HSD from Earth. Human mate to Breanne. 5' 10", brown hair and brown eyes. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Birimera: A planet where Arvil San Gerxon grew drakus seed. A pod of one thousand Spawn were dropped here for a battle with the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Black Myth: AKA Shakkor Agdah. A race of demons attempting to destroy the human population on Earth by releasing a deadly toxin. The Mystic War has been attempted in the past and failed. It takes them decades to regroup and launch another attempt. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Blake Folie: United States Senator. V'ili placed an obsession on him at Calhoun's command. (God Wars Series)
Blane Grove: Former Council member, and Merrin's ally. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bleek, Commander: Leader of Cayetes' Storm. He is Blevakian, a four-armed race. He is a hulking giant with black hair and black eyes. Father of Barc. Mated to Corinne. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Bob Sullivan: Private detective in California who is unscrupulous when on a case and seeking information. Works for Ross Gidion and James Rome, Sr. (God Wars Series)
Bogey's Bar and Grill: In San Francisco outside the Castro District and close to Hank's club. A decent menu and is open late. Frequented by Hank and Breanne. (God Wars Series)
Bones of the Prophet: A drug given to those in Ny-nes' army and its clerics, to ensure their compliance. Also secretly given to Merrin and his cohorts when Az-ca was infiltrated by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Boodreatis: A planet, and the site of a Spawn attack on a college campus resulting in many deaths. (High Demon Series)
Book of the Rose (The): A book in the King's library, describing talents and duties of Black Rose Escorts. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Bordok: Rogue Blood Warlock with sharpened front teeth, worked for rebel Commander Cephas on Falchan. He had to kill to produce his spells. Deceased. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Borell Gant: Patriarch of a family chosen randomly by the Prophet for his experiments in employing food to spread the Prophet's disease. Deceased. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bornelus: Non-Alliance world taken by the Prophet and guarded by mutant Ra'Ak. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Brade Deplan: Half-Bright Elemaiyan. ASD operative secretly working for the Bright Elemaiya Queen. Sent to Earth to investigate the Cloud Dust program and its survivors. Deceased. (R-D Series)
Braden Reynolds: Rogue werewolf from Phoenix, Arizona. Hired by Ross Gideon as a tracker. He and his brother, Rafe, were both under obsession, and are now deceased. (God Wars Series)
Brakkus: A Campiaan Alliance world, and chosen meeting place between Alken and Gillen Wilker. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Brandl Gage: Father of Randl Gage. Homeworld is Vogeffa II, until attack by Vardil Cayetes forced the population to relocate to New Fyris. Employed by Prince Amlis and later by Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis and Queen Quin of the Avii. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Braxlin Ironsmith: Karathian warlock. Father of Ilya Rafael Ironsmith. (R-D Series)
Bray: Barth's secondary Diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Breah-mul: (bree-uh-mull) means my breath in the language of the Elves.
Breanne Hayworth: Lissa's half-sister, taken from Earth to the future on Le-Ath Veronis, made Vampire. Her appearance is altered so she can sit in for Lissa as Queen. a.k.a. Love—the Mighty Heart, the Vhanaraszh, and a Q'elindi (God Wars Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Breanne's Mates:
- Henry Hank Bell / Hanlekidus Frebell a Ko'Ahmari / Li'Neruh Rath
- Trajan: Werewolf, Ashe's second
- Salidar/Sali DeLuca: Werewolf
- Sheriff Trevor: vampire
- Kooper Griff: Lionsnake shapeshifter. Vice Director of the ASD.
- Kevis Halivar: Doctor
- Bill Jennings
- Corent River: half Green Birth Fae
- Fes Desh: master-cook
- Stellan Starr: Karathian Warlock
- Kalenegar: Larentii. Vhilrilaszh.
- Graegar: Larentii
- Barrigar: Larentii
- Jayson Rome (a.k.a. Matthew Michaels)
- Ashe Evans: the Mighty Hand, the Ir'Indicti.
- Charles Hoffman: vampire
- Ildevar Wyyld: Founding member of the Reth Alliance. Ra'Ak
- Chazi
- Perzi
- Bekzi
Brenevik Lith: (Bren) High Demon. Bren was put to death with his brother, Tarevik, for the coup that caused the death of their parents, Belarok and Lendevik. (High Demon Series)
Brenton Arden: See Griffin.
Breszca Loffus: Lives on Tulgalan. Divorced from Graumil Loffus. Mother of Raedah, whom she put up for adoption after lying about who was Raedah's father. Later married Denevik Lith, Raedah's real father. (High Demon Series)
Breth: A comesula officer in a common demon cohort. (Blood Destiny Series)
Brett Walker, Captain: Dying soldier that Dr. Richard Farrell brought into the Cloud Dust Program with President Sanders' approval. Given Nick's blood and became a clone and werewolf. Originally had red hair and blue eyes. A good man. (R-D Series)
Briar: Servant in the King's palace, Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Briden: A Refizani vampire; Gabron's vampire child. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Bridgett Moss-Murphy: Water Demon. Wants to be a Chancellor's wife. Social climber, jealous, possessive, insane. Guilty of murder and attempted murder. Helped kidnap Destiny King. Died in attempted coup. (A Very Paranormal Holiday, Anthologies)
Brig Andlen: Warden at the prison on Tulgalan where Marzi Desh was incarcerated. (High Demon Series)
Brin: Personnel servant, page and food taster for Prince Timblor. Ordered by the Prince to stab Yevil Orklis to death. He accepted a bribe from Yevil to stab the Prince instead. After assassinating the Prince, Yevil kills him. (First Ordinance Series)
Brinelodus (Brin): Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series)
Brock: Merrill's vampire child; curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Was a documentary filmmaker and licensed pilot before becoming vampire. Eventually became an Enforcer for the Vampire Council. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, God Wars Series)
Brothers Hardlow: Wilffin and Wilffox are two of the most notorious criminals in and out of the Alliance. Wilffox being older and more murderous than his murdering younger brother. They are partners with Arvil San Gerxon in the drakus seed business. (High Demon Series)
Bryan Kellogg: Lawyer practicing in Silver Springs, MD. He works for author Carol Dane. (R-D Series)
Bryan Riley: Vampire, On Old Earth, worked as assistant to the night news producer for a London news station. He has since become the head of the News Conglomerate on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Bulldog: See Yasa. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ca'Lex: Abandoned world; David's Ar'pex. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Caille Morr: Trail guide at a mountain resort on Pyrik. One of many hidden servants of the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Calezia: Capital city of Fren'Ell, a Reth Alliance world, where Jewl Yarro had a home and a better reputation. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Calhoun: Rogue godling pretending to be human to escape notice, while helping to try to destroy Earth. Plotted to capture Kiarra for Saxom. After Acrimus' death, he moved to the first position of the General's army. Calhoun has dirty-blond hair, a slightly crooked nose, brown eyes and a medium build. Now deceased. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Calli: Black Rose Escort who, with her warrior, deserted the army and joined with Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Camala: Female Falchani warrior. She fights with two blades and has competed in the Solstice Trials. Prefers women. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Campiaa: A small planetoid outside the Reth Alliance. Formerly, it was home of the largest (and most popular) gambling city outside the Reth Alliance. Adhering to no laws, it still attracted wealthy Reth Alliance clientele, along with crime kingpins. Campiaa was also known as the clearing house for drug trafficking, the place to hire assassins and thieves, and the place to plan almost any criminal activity. Now, the home of the Founder of the Campiaan Alliance.
Campiaan Alliance: A new alliance founded by Teeg San Gerxon. Modeled after the Reth Alliance and adopted many of its laws. Many member planets were rogue and lawless prior to joining. (High Demon Series)
Camryn: Red Wing, King of the Avii and husband of Elabeth. He and his wife were murdered by Tamblin. (First Ordinance Series)
Captain Indus: Officer in Az-ca's army; chosen as one of the King's elite troops. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Captain Neele: Ranking officer often left in charge of Secondary Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Caral: Fourth Cohort Black Rose Escort trainee at North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Carek Prime: A non-Alliance world ruled by King Devarr, until it was destroyed by Vardil Cayetes. The population was subsequently moved to Cloudsong. BlackWing Pirates Series)
Carol Dane: See Corinne Watson.
Casimir: Vampire. He is almost as old as Wlodek. He is about 5' 8" tall, with dark blond hair carefully brushed back from his forehead. Wlodek sent him to Cloud Chief to spy on Ashe and to perform the turning when the time came. Gavin insisted that he pose as Breanne's approved suitor. Lissa set aside the engagement. Trajan thinks he is an honorable vampire. Ashe thinks he is like an old-world gentleman. He watched over, and has feelings for, Kathleen Rome when she was taken to SouthStar. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Casino City: Located ten miles west of Lissia on the dark side of Le-Ath Veronis. Built specifically for gambling, tourism, shopping and entertainment. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Cassandra King: See Cassie Randall.
Cassie Randall: Her real name is Cassandra King. Female Fire Demon. Works as a personal assistant to Parke Worth at Gruber, Taylor and Worth, a law firm in Seattle, WA. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Caylon Black: Falchani warrior and the best Falchani blademaster ever produced on that world. Caylon Black trained Dragon, Crane and Salidar DeLuca. Mated to Corinne and Cleo. Member of the Saa Thalarr and the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Cecil: Member of the Vampire Council on Old Earth; Italian. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Cedar's Falls: The capital city on Falchan. An old city with narrow cobblestone streets. Home to craftsmen and the finest sword makers on the planet. Known for its restaurants and noodle stands. Home to Flyer. (High Demon Series)
Ceerah Kade: a.k.a. Bynda Wark and Cedrah Dane. Also referred to as Nurse Nasty. Used her medical career in the theft and distribution of controlled drugs. Captured on Refizan after selling patient information (about Reah) to a reality show, while working for Kevis Halivar. She was tried and convicted for smuggling drakus seed and received a life sentence on Evensun. Deceased. (High Demon Series)
Celestan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cephas: Commander of the rebel forces on Falchan. Used a Blood Warlock to ensnare the minds of the Falchani people. He intended to rule Falchan. Now deceased. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Chad Daniels: A young werewolf whose father was killed in a challenge against the Cloud Chief Packmaster. Bullies younger students at Cloud Chief Combined, with help from his shapeshifting best friend, Jeremy Booth. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Changer: See Ri'Kita.
Charla Dare: Wealthy Campiaan resident who has been working as a smuggler and committing other crimes quietly while passing as one of the planet's elite. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Charles Hoffman: Wlodek's personal assistant. Turned in the late 1700s by Flavio, Charles was an acrobat and performer for one of London's famous circuses. He was practicing a trick dive off London Bridge when he hit the water at a bad angle and broke his back. Flavio likes to tease his only living child that he ruined a very expensive suit going into the Thames after him. a.k.a. The Mighty Mind and Wisdom. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chash: See Gavril. Tulgalan nickname meaning a tall curious bird.
Chazi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, quietest of eight brothers. Mated to Breanne. Became a Pan'Warha - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Cheah-mul: (chee-uh-mull) means my heart in the language of the Elves.
Cheedas: Comesula chief cook at the High Demon palace. When the move was made to Le-Ath Veronis, he became Lissa's Chef. (Blood Destiny Series)
Cheel: Resident of Gis, a non-alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chen: Wolter's chief assistant in the palace kitchen of Lironis. He is short and thin with dark hair and deep-brown eyes. (First Ordinance Series)
Chimera: Fire-breathing shapeshifter. (God Wars Series)
Chleroa: A Reth Alliance planet. Skiing as a recreational sport is very popular there. (Blood Destiny Series)
Chlind: Contractor supplying women to work at the main desert outpost. Business partner is Seval. Planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Chloe: Naturalized Amterean Dwarf, originally from Old Earth. Owl shapeshifter. Mated to Morwin Quiffilis. Sister to David Hiboux. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Chuck Marshall: U.S. Secretary of State. Contacted by the British to assist in the investigation of a British airliner shot down over Columbia. (R-D Series)
Claire Fabre: Louvre museum employee. Along with Jean Caillot took a bribe to allow art work to be stolen and terrorists to enter the museum. Both were killed by burglars. (R-D Series)
Claude: Former sergeant in Az-ca's army. Mindspeaker who worked as a messenger after his retirement. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Cleaster Leech: Campiaan space station employee who has been infected with the Prophet's spreading obsession. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cleo: Griffin's granddaughter and Lissa's niece. Twin sister to Kyler. Cleo is a powerful healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Cloud Dust: A drug found in three extraterrestrial crash sites on Earth. Engineered by the Lyristolyi for use on their own ships. When crew members neared the end of their lives they would take the drug and be reincarnated with their memories intact. If the drug were used on a world with a different atmosphere, in most cases the individuals would die. The ones who survived were usually transformed. Eventually outlawed by the Lyristolyi government, the drug and its users are hunted and destroyed. Multiple governments on Earth began to experiment with the drug in what became known as the Cloud Dust Program, resulting in serious and unexpected consequences. (R-D Series)
Cloudsong: A world recently accepted into the Campiaan Alliance and ruled by King Devarr. Has a spotty, checkered past, and was once rendered barren and useless by a rogue warlock who tapped the planet's core. Restored by Zaria and others, to become home to all the refugees from Carek Prime. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Cole: A refugee from Ny-nes. Born with power, he was tortured as a child until he escaped by stepping to Kyri's City at her invitation. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Colonel Kage: Training Instructor for warrior trainees in the King's City—becomes a King's assassin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Colonel Weren: Training Instructor for warrior trainees in the King's City. Becomes General of the army in Rose and Thorn. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Comesuli: Plural of comesula, referring to the original inhabitants of Le-Ath Veronis, and considered vampire young. They live to be six hundred years old on average before dying, and at that point, the Queen Vampire and her Inner Circle would determine whether they would be made vampire or not.
Commander Alden: Post Commander for Secondary Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Connegar: Larentii, son of Barrigar and Conner. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Conner: The Guardian. Former member of the Saa Thalarr. Now serves as an advisor in some capacity. Sees ghosts and spirits, and escorts lost souls to the other side. Mated to Barrigar, Graegar, Russell, Will, Lynx and Martin Walters. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Cord'ilus: An empty world, devoured by Ra'Ak long ago. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Corent River: Half-Green Fae with light blue-green hair that changes color with the weather or his mood. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, High Demon Series)
Cori Anderson-DeLuca: Panther Shapeshifter. A pretty blonde with green eyes. Sister of Dori Anderson and daughter of Lavonna and Nathan Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Co-Captain of BlackWing VIII with her husband, Marco DeLuca. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Corinne Alford: Werewolf. Found baby Tony while on a run in the woods as a werewolf. Corinne adopted Anthony Hancock with the help of the Grand Master, George Chapman. (Blood Destiny Series)
Corinne Watson: (Real name, Harriett Majors.) An unwilling participant in the US Government's Cloud Dust Program, Corinne struggles with unexpected abilities while under the oppressive thumb of her handler. Corinne was an author (originally as Harriett Majors) before being forced into hiding. She still writes, but under the pseudonyms Sarah Fox and Carol Dane. Corinne is also known as Corinnelar (her Larentii name), sometimes shortened to Rinnelar. Corinne has one son, Darin Majors, Jr. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Corinne's Mates:
Corolan: Karathian warlock. Special advocate to the throne and one of Wylend's trusted loves. He is tall with wide shoulders, blond hair and an easy smile. Mated to Reah, who nicknamed him Cory. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series)
Crane: Falchani, twin brother to Dragon and older by a few minutes. Once General to the Dragon Warlord, he is now Saa Thalarr. His fighting animal is a Wyroc, a giant, slate-gray bird with deadly beak and claws. More than 15,000 years old. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Crane Trevor: Son of Crane and Grace. Saa Thalarr. Shapeshifter fighting animal is a Silver Eagle. (Blood Destiny Series)
Cridel: Minor Prince of the Bright Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series)
CSD: Campiaan Security Detail.
Dale Saylor: Owner of the Sub-Mariner, a BDSM club in the Castro District of San Francisco, California. (God Wars Series)
Dalfar: Young Falchani warrior. He has a single panther tattoo on his right bicep, earned in battle. Lost early in his first Solstice Trial and returned to his unit. He is planning to try again in two to three sun turns. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dalroy: Vampire, once a Texas Ranger, he'd been severely wounded in a battle on the Texas-Mexican border when Clancy, a well-respected vampire, found him and made the turn. Sadly, Clancy walked into the sun twenty years later. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Dalton King: Homicidal ice demon, related to Homicidal ice demon, related to Cassie. Murdered Cassie's mother and aunt. His father is Morton King. Works for Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Dalton Parrish: Ilya's handler. Informant and spy. Caught passing classified information to General Cutter. Removed from his position. Later found murdered. (R-D Series)
Dan Kelsey: FBI Director, working with Bill Jennings and the Joint NSA/Homeland Security Department in the San Francisco / Fresno area of California. (God Wars Series)
Dana Yarbrough: Twenty-four-year-old grad student. Helps to identify rogue vampire Keir Arthur after her friend is murdered. (God Wars Series)
Dandril Wond: Gishi fruit and gishi fruit ice cream distributor for EastStar Groves on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Dane: Recruit at the military station in Crown City on Mandil. Endured bullying and hazing with Reah. (High Demon Series)
Daniel Carey: Werewolf Second in the Corpus Christi Pack. Tall (6' 6") and lean. Merrill's friend, he helped in the war with Saxom. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Daniel Frank: Ice Demon with unusual shielding ability. He is an investigator for Gruber, Taylor and Worth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Dantel Schuul: A wealthy minor politician on Quezlos. He and his family manufactured controller chips with the intent of enslaving and taking over both the Reth and Campiaan Alliances. He has one daughter, Darletta Schuul. He is now deceased. (God Wars Series)
Dar-den: A villiage in Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Dara: Avii—daughter of Dena and Ardis. Named after Daragar of the Larentii. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Daragar: Larentii. Has visited the Library at Avii Castle for years, studying Siriaa. Mated to Quin. (BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series)
Daria: Doret's sister, killed by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Darin Majors, Jr.: Only child of author Harriett Majors and Darin Majors, Sr. Was shot by an unknown assassin in Cambridge, MA. (R-D Series)
Dark Realm: Created by Kifirin to balance the Light Realm. He set the laws governing the Dark Worlds and their inhabitants. The planet Karathia's orbit is along the line separating the Dark and Light Realms. Werewolves, vampires, High Demons and Greater Demons are among the Dark Realm races. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Darletta Schuul: From Quezlos. Work with her father, Dantel Schuul, as a front for his dealings. Involved in kidnapping, slavery and controller chips. Divorced from Tory. Now deceased. (High Demon Series)
Darryl Harper: Werewolf son and Second to Weldon Harper, Grand Master. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darsen Strand: Twin brother to Ansen, cousin to Lersen Strand. Abused and then murdered young girls. Worked with rogue Ra'Ak, and eventually arrested by the ASD. (High Demon Series)
Darthin: Alliance world with long nights. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darthough: Capital city of Darthin. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darvul: Comesula healer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Darzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, one of eight brothers. Ran the shuttle station on Campiaa. Likes to cook. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Davan Falthis: Lissa's uncle, one of Narissa's quarter-blood sons who was left on Beliphar. Falsely accused of a crime, he was made vampire as punishment. (Blood Destiny Series)
David Hiboux: Naturalized Amterean Dwarf, originally from Old Earth. Southern Boobook owl shapeshifter, who works as the ship's engineer for BlackWing X. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
David Lang: Werewolf. A doctor who works as a paramedic for the Denton, TX fire department. Brother of Glen Lang. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Davis Stone: Werewolf, member of Winkler's Dallas Pack. Davis is tough and reliable, and Winkler leans more on him than on his actual Second, Phil. After Phil's death in Blood Wager, Davis is selected as Winkler's Second. Wavy brown hair, golden-brown eyes, just under 6' with a muscular build (works out with weights). Lissa gives Davis the Boise Pack after she takes down P.J. Pitt, Karl Johnson's temporary Second. (Blood Destiny Series)
Davis Stone Jr.: Werewolf agent for the Joint NSA/HSD. Medium height, light-brown hair and copper eyes. Member of the Salt Lake City Pack. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Dawn Smith: Werewolf, mother of Randy Smith. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Dayl: General Linel's personal messenger. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Deah-mul: (dee-uh-mull) means my soul in the language of the Elves.
Deandrus: A lawless planet of pirates and cutthroats. (High Demon Series)
Dee: See Dormas.
Deeds: Prince Amlis' man-at-arms on Siriaa. Self-appointed guard to Quin. On Le-Ath Veronis, he helps to run the boat tours to Aviia. (First Ordinance Series)
Del City, Oklahoma: Location of Don's Restaurant, famous for its chicken-fried steak. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series)
Demon Types:
- High Demon (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
- Greater Demon (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
- Fire Demon
- Truth Demon
- Elemental Demon
- Ice Demon
- Rock Demon
- Water Demon
- Half Demon (rarest) (Entries 3-9, Seattle Elementals Series)
Demonnet: Internet site for demons. (A Very Paranormal Holiday - Anthologies)
Dena: Formerly a Yellow Wing, now has multi-colored wings like most Avii. She is one of Quin's first friends, and now her bodyguard. Mated to Ardis. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Denevik Lith: a.k.a. Denus Lithik and Denny. Youngest son of Lendevik and Belarok Lith. Father of Reah's mother, Raedah and grandfather to Reah. Escaped Kifirin when his brother Tarevik Rath made a coup. Liaison for Kifirin with the Reth Alliance and Campiaan Alliance. Mated to Breszca. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Denise DeLuca: Werewolf, married to Marcus DeLuca, mother of Sali and Marco DeLuca. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Denny: See Denevik Lith. (High Demon Series)
Denton Kemp: Former black ops, working for the CIA. (R-D Series)
Denus Lithik: See Denevik Lith. (High Demon Series)
Deonus Wyyld: See Ildevar Wyyld.
Derdris Hazlan: Rogue Karathian warlock. He was involved in the coup attempt on Karathia to overthrow Warlend Arden. Brother to Nidris, son of Fardris. Derdris was arrested on Tulgalan. (High Demon Series)
Derik: Prime Council of the Sirenali. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Derik Thompson: American involved with terrorists at the Louvre Museum. (R-D Series)
Derissa: Caral's older sister, from Dar-den. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Derk Beadl: Former Council member, and ally of Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Deryn Alford: Werewolf, half-brother to Tony Hancock. Natural son of Corinne and Lucas Alford. Four years younger than Tony. (Blood Destiny Series)
Destiny King: Ice Demon. Younger sister to Cassandra King. See Cassie Randall. (A Christmas Feral, a short story contributed to an anthology called A Very Paranormal Christmas. This story is part of the Seattle Elementals Series.)
Destroyers: Four brothers who are the elite guards and enforcers for the Dark Elemaiyan king, Baltis. The chief Destroyer is Rend, followed by Slash, Grind and Crush. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Devarr: King of Cloudsong. Husband to Hulce. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dex: Paymaster for the main desert outpost on planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Diagar: Larentii. Worked with Evagar in Fresno, California to guard Kiarra. (God Wars Series)
Didge: A small village on Karathia. Home to three hundred witches and warlocks who preferred the old ways of living. Abandoned after a Ra'Ak attack. (High Demon Series)
Difik: High Demon term for fool or idiot (derogatory).
Divil San Gerxon: Arvil San Gerxon's brother, who ruled Campiaa before his death. Arvil took over after Divil met his end. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dmitir (Ambassador): Acting Soviet Ambassador after the assassination of Ambassador Besplov. Possibly involved in Besplov's murder. Actively searching for Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Dmitri (vampire): UK vampire, and an Enforcer for the Vampire Council. Often worked with Baxter. Eventually became a guard for Lissa on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Dom Bell's: Hank Bell's BDSM club in San Francisco, co-owned by Breanne Hayworth. (God Wars Series)
Don: (Donald Gene Workman) Lissa's husband, who died shortly before she was made vampire. Had a heart condition all his life. Later reincarnated as Reemagar. (Blood Destiny Series)
Doret: Former Queen of Az-ca; more than 200 years old. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Dori Anderson: Ocelot Shapeshifter. Curly, dark-blonde hair and green eyes. Sister of Cori Anderson and daughter of Lavonna and Nathan Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series) Now Captain of BlackWing VII (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dorlan Ritt: Rogue warlock. Powerful and can throw fire blasts. (God Wars Series)
Dormas: a.k.a. Dee. Vampire from Mharpool. He owned a large construction company. He is 5,000 turns old. Teeg's Vampire foster father and his assistant in running the Campiaan Alliance. Considers Teeg "the son of his heart." (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dorthil Crasz: Working with ten military officers and Marid Belancour, he attempted a coup to take the High President's office in Kondar on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Dragon: Falchani, twin brother to Crane and former Dragon Warlord on Falchan. Dragon is a master strategist, and you never want to play games (including poker) with him. It's best to just hand over your money beforehand and go have a drink instead. Member of the Saa Thalarr, fighting animal is a Red Dragon. More than 15,000 years old. Daniel Carey, a member of the Saa Thalarr and a former werewolf, is the only person brave enough to play poker with Dragon. He calls Dragon "you old reptile," when he's losing. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Dragon Taylor: (Tay) Falchani. Oldest son of Dragon and Grace. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is Gold Dragon. (Blood Destiny Series)
Drake: Falchani, twin son of Dragon and Devin. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Black Dragon. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Drakus Seed: In an old Alliance language, Drakus means Dragon. Drakus seed is a highly addictive and lethal drug. Crushed and drank as a tea, it brings dreams and visions to life, causing the user to believe they are real. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Drecksau: German term, means filthy pig.
Drenn Wulfson Meris Rex: Former Crown Prince of Az-ca, now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Drew: Falchani, twin son of Dragon and Devin. Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Silver Dragon. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Dria: A kind, but damaged, soul. Hired by Adam, Kiarra and Merrill to work at NorthStar Groves on Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Drith and Croth: Rogue High Demon houses, who conspired with the Copper Ra'Ak against the High Demon crown. It was their desire to rule instead. They did not know that the Ra'Ak never intended to give them anything. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Drix: President of Avendor. (High Demon Series)
Du'Ferias: A jungle planet, and the location of one of Hordace Cayetes' strongholds. An explosion destroyed the planet. (God Wars Series)
East Camp: One of four training camps for Black Rose Escort trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Edan Desh: Son of Addah Desh. Manages Desh's Restaurant #2 with an iron fist, frequently beating Reah, who worked in the kitchen. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Edden Charkisul: Former High President of Kondar. He is a good man, a fair leader and loves his son Berel very much. Now serves as Ambassador for the Avii after he was given the blue wings of a scholar by Zaria, to whom he is also mated. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Edward Desmarais: Vampire that made the bet with Sergio Velenci on how long it would take Lissa to make the turn. He was more than 300 years old, had blond hair that curled slightly and gray-blue eyes. (Blood Destiny Series)
Edward Pendley: Owner of EastStar Groves on Avendor. He is 6' tall with thick dark brown hair that curls slightly and has bright hazel eyes. Mated to Reah. Member of En'Nurifi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Elabeth: Red Wing, Queen of the Avii and wife of Camryn. She and her husband were murdered by Tamblin. (First Ordinance Series)
Elemaiya: Often referred to as travelers, or (erroneously) elves or fae. Elves and fae are separate races and do not wander as the Elemaiya do. The Elemaiya originated in the Dark Worlds, and were one race in the beginning. They now refuse to discuss the rift that occurred, splitting them into Bright and Dark factions.
Elias Garber: Petty criminal hired by Karl Johnson to steal Winkler's van, with Lissa sleeping inside it in a body bag. Karl intended to kill Lissa and Winkler, but some timely intervention by Griffin saves the day. (Blood Destiny Series)
Em-pah: Slang term for Grampa or grandfather.
Emmett: Werewolf bodyguard from the Fargo Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
End-War: Crippling event that occurred 600 years ago that changed and destroyed nearly everything on the planet. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ephu: High Demon term for evil one; one that brings harm intentionally. (Blood Destiny Series)
Erithia Cordan: Mother to three sons with V'ili; Gerrett, Morrett and Terrett, all mute Sirenali. She held V'ili in such contempt that she only pretended to like him to get her way at times. Each time she bore V'ili's child, she sold that child into slavery at an early age, after removing his tongue so he could never place an obsession. (God Wars Series)
Erland Morphis: Karathian Warlock. Extremely handsome, very powerful. See Lissa's Mates. Father of King Rylend of Karathia. Fifth-level warlock with strong spell-casting skills. Member of the Ba'Mirha. See Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Escort: a.k.a. Black Rose Escort. A woman with a Black Rose tattoo on her left wrist, paired with a warrior from Az-ca's army to provide protection and a source of power should the warrior need replenishment during battle. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Evensun: Deserted planet, which was once home to the Bright Elemaiya. It now serves as a penal planet for the Reth Alliance. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Everett Hancock: Believed to be Tony Hancock's father. Retired army. Was married to Tony's mother, werewolf Corinne Alford, until he could no longer handle her disappearing one night a month. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ex'ero Plumb: Crillie resident of Horlak, and owner of seventy-six scrapyard warehouses. Formerly a business associate of Jewl Yarro. Crillie men have two functional penises, which is often the source of sexual jokes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
F'nexscot: a.k.a. the King's City. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Faith: Beverly Stokes' sister. Also married to a werewolf in the same pack as Benjamin Stokes. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Falaca: Woolly animals resembling a cross between sheep and llamas. Highly-prized for their varied colors of wool. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series)
Falchan: A non-alliance world. Has one habitable continent. Rest is desert or underwater.
Faldill Schaff: Third son of Kaldill Schaff, King of the Elves. Brother of Lendill Schaff. Died in battle. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Falia: Instructor at North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Farisa: Avii guild master who has persecuted Quin in the past. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Farzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, leader of the eight brothers. Once ran guest services for Teeg's casinos. Now Co-Captain of BlackWing II with his brother Nenzi. Mated to Reah. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Fergue Bing: Former boyfriend of Sabrina Kend. Native of Jaledis. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ferni: One of two young troublemakers at the training camp for girls. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ferrigar: Oldest known living Larentii (more than 3 million years) Head of the Larentii Council and Circle of Elders. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series)
Fes Desh: Master cook in the Desh family. First born son of Addah and Farla Desh. Reah's uncle. Mated to Breanne Hayworth. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Fi'Gu: A Southern race on Avendor. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Finder: See Quin. (First Ordinance Series)
Flakkar: Large, foul-smelling flying reptiles, who have the ability to shield themselves, rendering their bodies invisible to the eye and to technology. Feed voraciously on humanoid flesh. (Blood Destiny Series)
Flavio: Vampire child of Wlodek. More than 1800 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Persian by birth. Took over as Head of the Vampire Council when Wlodek vacated the position to join the Saa Thalarr. Now a high-ranking Council member in Queen Lissa's court on Le-Ath Veronis. Mated to Kyler. Auxiliary member of the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Flossie Thompson: Wife of Amos Thompson. Shapeshifter (swan). (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Flyer: Falchani warrior, member of the Saa Thalarr and member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Four Horsemen: Four wealthy business partners turned terrorist. Owners of Civilian Security Services. Responsible for three acts of terrorism in Colfer, Montana, Afghanistan and Georgia.
(R-D Series)
Fox: 1/4 Elemaiya, given name Bernadette, which Wlodek loves and she hates. Fox is the Ka'Mirai, or True Mirror, something highly sought by the Elemaiya. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr, her fighting animal is the Trellian Fox. Mated to Wlodek, Weldon Harper, Steve, Gilfraith and Veykan. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Franc: One of two trusted bodyguards and emissaries who work for Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Frank Dodd: Werewolf, history teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Franklin Wright: Merrill's adopted human child. Refused the turn (many times) and died at the age of eighty-three from a heart attack. Reborn to Merrill and Kiarra, has architecture degrees and is a healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Fredevik Greth (Lord): Eldest and Head of the High Demon House of Greth. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Friesianna, Queen: Bright Elemaiyan Queen. Some call her the upstart Queen, as she managed to oust the former Queen and force her way into the rule of the Bright Elemaiya. Friesianna was always ambitious, but lacked foresight. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Fyris: The smallest continent on Siriaa. It is hidden from all but the Avii. It is being poisoned by a virulent toxin that is killing the people, the animals, the plants and the soil. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gabron: Head of the Refizani Vampire Council. Oldest Refizani vampire (more than 9,000 years). Was reincarnated as Aryn. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gaelar N'Seith: The garden of the Elves. The Realm of the Elves, located on the planet Wyyld.
Galaxsan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series)
Gale: Armon's former Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gant Family: First family to turn against and kill one another in the Prophet's experiments with tainted food. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gardevik Rath: Deceased. Former High Demon Prime Minister to King Jaydevik Rath (deceased) of Kifirin. Mated to Queen Lissa. One son: Torevik Rath. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Garegar: A Larentii Wise One. His protector is Lanigar. Second born to Conner and Graegar he took a variation of his fathers name. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Garek: Karathian Warlock and special advisor to Wylend Arden when he was King of Karathia. Special love interest to Wylend Arden and Corolan. Father of Radolf. Mated to Keetha. (High Demon Series)
Garkus: Drill instructor at Secondary Camp—became a King's assassin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gart: Rogue Karathian Warlock. (Blood Destiny Series)
Garth: Outpost Commander. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Garwin Wyatt: Son of Gavril Tybus Montegue and Reah Desh. Reincarnation of Wyatt, Lissa and Gavin's grandson. He is born vampire, like his father. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Garwin Wyatt San Gerxon: Son of Teeg San Gerxon, Founder of the Campiaan Alliance. Goes by Wyatt most of the time, and acts as an ambassador for his father in Alliance dealings. Mother: Queen Reah of Kifirin. Grandmother: Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gaull: Far northeastern village in Az-ca. Jubal lives outside the village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gavin Montegue: Roman, originally, his name was Gaius Livius Montanus. Nearly 1700 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Sired by Aurelius, along with his cousin, René de la Roque. Gavin is strictly by the book. Has dark hair, dark eyes, a straight nose and a strong chin. See Lissa's Mates. Head of palace security for Queen Lissa. From Old Earth, he acted as the Vampire Council's chief assassin for centuries. Roman by birth, he served in the Roman army until his near-death in battle. Turned by Aurelius afterward. Mated to Queen Lissa. One son: Gavril Tybus Montegue, aka Teeg San Gerxon. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gavril Tybus Montegue: Born a vampire to Queen Lissa and Gavin Montegue. Reah's best friend. (High Demon Series)
Gearin: Falchani warrior. Won the Solstice Trials three sun turns ago. Not as good a fighter as Pheran Tiger. Lost this trial to Devin in the second bout on day two. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Geb: Retired warrior—now works as a traveling instructor for all trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
General Linel: Chief Commander of the army in the Prince Commander's absence. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
General Tern: Officer in Ny-nes' army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Geoffrey Gruber: A short, squarely built and balding Pig Shapeshifter. Associate at Gruber, Taylor and Worth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Georgia Daniels: Werewolf, Chad Daniels' mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Gerrett: A mute Sirenali rescued by Corinne and then became her mate. His brothers are Terrett and Morrett. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gervais: Vampire mister for the Council. Brother to Henri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Giff: Comesula. Roff's oldest child. One of the rare Infilathi that will become winged vampires. Deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Giles: Instructor from Cole's village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Gilfraith: Former Ra'Ak, now a healer for the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Fox. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gillen Wilker: A strong, Fourth-level Karathian warlock, Perri and Pauley's biological father, and brother to Alken Wilker. Employed by Mebbers, a criminal kingpin. Married to Qatti, a Third-level witch. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Giryoth: Wealthy Liffelithi dwarf who owned the ranos cannon. Took payment from Black Mist to destroy Trell. (Blood Destiny Series)
Gis: A non-Alliance world, raided by Mebbers in his search for hulls and scrap to build his fleet of starships. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Glen Lang: Werewolf member of Dallas Pack. One of Winkler's trusted wolves, he works security for Winkler. Brother to David Lang. Brown hair, blue eyes, strong. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Glendes Grey: Eldest and Chief of the Grey House Wizards. Father of Raffian Grey, Kyler and Cleo. Wears the Black in Grey House. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, High Demon Series)
Glindarok, Raona: High Demon Queen. Member (auxiliary) of the Saa Thalarr. Turns to White Thifilatha to fight. Once worked as bodyguard to Erland Morphis. As any High Demon is immune to spells and magic, they can also protect anyone within a twenty-foot radius from magic and spells. Glinda is swift and ruthless. Her favorite weapon is a knife. Once mated to Jaydevik Rath, now deceased. Has twin daughters, Jase and Jehrie. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Gord: Sabrina Kend's bodyguard, before she became an agent for the ASD. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Grace: Co-First in the Saa Thalarr with Dragon. Also known as the Avenging Angel. She shares eleven mates with Devin. She has honey-blonde hair and is the mother of five children including Graegar, Dragon Taylor and Kevis. Her shapeshifter fighting animal is a Lace Feathered Eagle. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Grae: Kerok's deceased Black Rose Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Graegar: Larentii Wise One. Son of Renegar and Grace. Mated to Conner (with whom he has a son, Garegar) and Breanne. Protected by Barrigar. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Gram Plicton: Former Council member, who became Merrin's ally after Drenn's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Grand Alliance Council: Made up of Twenty Charter Members of the Reth Alliance and Ildevar Wyyld, the Reth Alliance Founder.
Grant: A somewhat shy vampire from Earth, with dark hair and green eyes. He is first assistant to Queen Lissa. Co-owner of Niff's Sweets and Goodies with Lissa and Heathe. Turned at age 29 by Sarita (who was turned by Merrill, making him Merrill's vampire grandchild). (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Greg: (Gregory Allen) Franklin's human mate. Died at the age of sixty-four, of complications from pneumonia after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Greta Rocklin: Werewolf, Transformational Arts teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Greth, House of: One of the High Demon Houses. Lord Fredevik Greth is Eldest and its Head.
Grey House: A clan of powerful Wizards. They reside on a small planetoid outside the Reth Alliance. The planetoid is surrounded by spells placed by Grey House Wizards through the years and appears as a large asteroid to those outside it. To anyone capable of seeing through the spells, it is quite beautiful. There are several divisions within the Wizard clan, and they wear the colors assigned to their trade. The Wizards have five classifications, with Fifth level being the weakest, First level being the strongest. Several bar fights have occurred between Warlocks and Wizards due to the this difference.
- K'Shoufa Jewelry Division: Color-Royal Blue. Master Wizards are Shadow Grey and his father Raffian.
- Armor Division: Color-Red. Master Wizard is Harvel, Cleo's mate.
- Weapons Division: Color-Yellow. Master Wizard is Calebert, his wife is Xendra.
- Art Division: Color-Green. Master Wizard is Killien, his wife is Penelope.
- Eldest of Grey House: Color-Black. Glendes Grey holds this position and oversees all the Divisions. His wife is Lira (Raffian's mother).
Griffin: (Gryphon, Brenten Arden) Oldest member of the Saa Thalarr (more than 100,000 years) 1/4 Elemaiya and former King Vampire. After his 1/2 Elemaiyan mother abandoned him on Cemdris, he grew up and married there. His wife was pregnant when he contracted a terminal illness. Cemdris controlled vampirism and required anyone to petition the government to be turned. Griffin was turned with permission of the government in power at the time. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Gryphon Hall: Adam Chessman's ancestral home, Old Earth. (Blood Destiny Series)
Grz-gitch: Reptanoid word meaning illegitimate in every way (bastard).
Guli: High Demon Truth Seeker. A Guli always recognizes the truth when he/she hears it. Jayd and Glinda, High Demon King and Queen, are both Gulis. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Gungl: Largest city remaining on Vogeffa II. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Gurnil: Blue Wing Avii. Master of the Scholar's Guild. Chief Librarian and Scholar. He is also a member of King Jurris' council. He is tall and thin with brown hair. Quin's mentor. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
H'Morr: An ancient Elemaiyan book of prophecy, written shortly after the schism occurred within the race, separating them in Bright and Dark factions. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Halimel: (Hal) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. Turned by Rigo. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Halthea: Red Wing, Princess of the Avii. She is greedy and cruel. King Jurris wants to make her his queen but Justis insists that Elabeth refused to name her heir. (First Ordinance Series)
Hank: a.k.a. Henry "Hank" Bell. Club Dom Bell's co-owner and Breanne's first lover/mate. Also mated to Corinne. The corporal High Demon persona of Li'Neruh Rath. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Haral Lebbon: Newly-elected president of Pyrik, after President Bargel's demise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harel: Messenger who was burned by Merrin's warrior allies before escaping to take the news of Merrin's location to the Crown Prince. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Hari: Black Rose Escort abandoned by her warrior (Narris). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Haribauld: An ancient city, long thought a myth, until Nari and Tiri uncovered its remains on an abandoned world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harifa Edus: The werewolf planet. Six moons revolve around it, giving the werewolves several days per month to hunt.
Hariki: Nature spirit and Dori's Ar'pex. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harlee: BlackWing X's new Engineer, after David transferred to BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Harmon Worth: Truth Demon, lawyer and partner at Gruber, Taylor and Worth, Paranormal Chancellor. Murdered by Geoffrey Gruber, Annabelle Taylor and Bridgett Moss-Murphy. Wife: Kate, Son: Parke, Daughter: Louise. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Harnn: Bela's warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Harriett Majors: See Corinne Watson.
Harvel: Master Wizard of the Armor Division of Grey House. Mated to Cleo. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hayla: Black Rose Escort trainee. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Heathe: A vampire from Refizan, he worked as Gabron's assistant before going to work at the palace as Lissa's assistant. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Henri: Vampire mister for the Council. Brother to Gervais. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hepturna: Second Level High Priest for Solar Red. (Blood Destiny Series)
Herel: Messenger who was burned by Merrin's warrior allies before escaping to take the news of Merrin's location to the Crown Prince. (Deceased.) (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Hierarchy of the Gods: Members of the Hierarchy have strict rules of noninterference in the everyday happenings of mortals. Only the Three can completely override those rules, and they will only give permission for others to interfere when all the universes are in danger. For more information on the Hierarchy of the Gods, click here.
High Commander Finn: Supreme Commander of Ny-nes' army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
High Lord Andwill: Married to Lady Rinda. Together they had a daughter almost two years old. Andwill was found dead by Yevil of a supposed hunting accident. From Fyris, on planet Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series).
Hirill Mast, Lord: Member in good standing in King Tamblin's inner circle of advisors. He would be handsome if he weren't so cruel. Close-cropped blond hair, blue eyes and an easy smile with a cruel twist at the corners. (First Ordinance Series)
Hirzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Supervised farming on Campiaa. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Hordace Cayetes: He had graced the top of both Alliances' most-wanted lists for many years. He was also the pedophile who bought Kay/Kalia when she was 9 years old. Older brother to Vardil Cayetes. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Horlak: Reth Alliance world and home to Ex'ero Plumb. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Horoth: Comesula guard in common demon cohort. (Blood Destiny Series)
Hraede: One of the most stable worlds belonging to the Reth Alliance, and it's all due to the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Hulce: Prince of Cloudsong, Chief of Sciences and husband to King Devarr of Cloudsong. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Hunter Lattham: King Wulf's advisor, Uncle to Merrin, Drenn and Kerok. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ilaisaane: Asian in origin, one of two female members of Earth's Vampire Council. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Ildevar Wyyld: High Chancellor of Wyyld and Founding Member of the Reth Alliance. A Copper Ra'Ak, before the fall of the Copper Ra'Ak. Honest, trustworthy and of impeccable character. Member of the Ghi'Yisi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ilvan Desh: Son of Addah and Marzi Desh. Brother of Edan Desh. He stole money from his niece Reah with Radolf. As punishment he was banished to Surnath and told not to contact Reah. (High Demon Series)
Ilya Kuznetsov: A Ukrainian citizen who became a KGB agent. Ilya was nicknamed the Blacksmith. He joined the U.S Cloud Dust Program after being betrayed and imprisoned by the KGB. Mated to Corinne Watson. Aliases: Rafe Black, Trey Henson. Reincarnated as Ilya Rafael Ironsmith. (R-D Series)
Ilya Rafael Ironsmith: A powerful Fifth-level Karathian Warlock who has studied bladework and blademaking extensively on Falchan. Son of Braxlin Ironsmith. Reincarnation of Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Indis-Banuu: A transparent, light gathering precious crystal. (Blood Destiny Series)
Indu nera: High Demon for round breads.
Infilathi: High Demon term for winged ones. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ir'Indicti: (ear-in-dik-tee) A legendary person mentioned in the H'Morr, the book of prophecy belonging to the Bright Elemaiya. At this time, the term cannot be defined (Major Spoiler Involved).
Irdith: King Tamblin's spy in the kitchen of the palace in Lironis. A cranky old woman with a mean streak. (First Ordinance Series)
Irzu: A popular strategy game played on Falchan. The game can go on for days. (Solstice Trials, Other Worldly Ways, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jacob: Council member for Dar-den, Caral's former village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jae: Black Rose Escort trainee—Sixth Cohort, North Camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jak: One of two Blevakian brothers who were hired by Jewl Yarro as bodyguards. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jaledis: A planet in the Reth Alliance. Home of Ruther Kend's private research facility. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series).
James Draper, Colonel: Formerly August Hunter's Assistant. Curly brown hair and blue eyes. Is now a pilot for BlackWing X. Mated to Nathan Cross, Navigator for BlackWing X. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jarl: Member of the Vampire Council; Scandinavian. (Blood Destiny Series
Jase Rath: High Demon female. Daughter of Jaydevik Rath and Glindarok. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Jason Landers: Werewolf, member of Winkler's Dallas Pack. More than 150 years old at time of Bumble. Reddish hair, square face, just under 6' tall. Worked as a farmer/rancher for much of his life. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jaydevik Rath: (Deceased) High Demon and third born in the House of Rath. Chosen as Glindarok's mate when she was an infant and therefore destined to rule as King of the High Demons. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jayna Dayle: She is pretty, with deep-blue eyes set in an oval face framed by dark-brown hair. ASD agent. Born on Vic'Law, a planet destroyed by Vardil Cayetes and his minions. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jayson Rome: Second son of James Rome, Sr. and Kathleen Rome. Vice president in Rome Publishing. Once a dominant in the BDSM lifestyle, in San Francisco. Agent for the Joint NSA/HSD under the name Matt Michaels. Mated to Breanne Hayworth and Belinda. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, R-D Series)
Jean Caillot: Louvre museum employee. Along with Claire Fabre took a bribe to allow art work to be stolen and terrorists to enter the museum. Both were killed by burglars. (R-D Series)
Jeen: One of two young troublemakers at girl's training camp. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jeff Chambers: A Captain, and Maye's handler in the Cloud Dust Program. Deceased. (R-D Series)
Jeff Garner: Originally one of Merrill's vampire children; he died in the war waged against Saxom. Reborn to Merrill and Kiarra and became a physician and healer for the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Jehrie Rath: High Demon female. Daughter of Jaydevik Rath and Glindarok. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Jennifer Campbell: Shapeshifter (leopard) social studies teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jeral: Lissa's uncle and one of Narissa's quarter blood children. Left on Beliphar long ago. Now a Spawn Hunter for Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series)
Jeremy Booth: Shapeshifter (wildcat). He and his best friend, werewolf Chad Daniels, bully younger students in Cloud Chief. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jerigar: Larentii. White hair. A Healer. (Blood Destiny Series)
Jerr: Council member from Wildtree Village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jerra: Avii daughter of King Justis and Queen Quin. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jett Riffler: Once the Ku'Ri of the Avendoran Fi'Gu tribe, a dark-skinned race that tattoos the left sides of their bodies as a spiritual offering to their gods. Jett was named Director of the Campiaan Security Detail because of his bravery in the Campiaan Regular Army, where he rose to the highest position in its ranks. Jett is more than capable in his job, and is a good friend of Kooper's, as well as the Founders of both Alliances. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jewl Yarro: One of the Big Three criminal kingpins since the demise of Vardil Cayetes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jincus: Originally from Vic'Law, escaped before its destruction with his brother and made a home on Horlak. Worked at a scrapyard for Ex'ero Plumb on Horlak's moon, before the scrapyard warehouse was destroyed by a spell laid by Stone Wicke. Now works as Engineer's Assistant on BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Joey: (Joseph David Showalter) Vampire. Computer expert. He is 5' 7" with reddish-blond hair that curls slightly. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Jonas O'Neill: Shapeshifter (Bald Eagle) Wynn O'Neill's father. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Jubal Raime: Disabled warrior and mindspeaker who became a spy for Ruarke and then Kaakos. Lives just outside of the village Gaull. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Jurris: (Deceased) Red Wing Avii. Former King of the Avii. Younger half-brother to King Justis Father of Liron, who was named after the god Liron before it was discovered the god had gone rogue. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Jusef: An Amterean Dwarf. Denevik's loyal companion and valet. (High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Justin Adam Griffin: Adam and Kiarra's son. His animal is a red-gold wyvern. He is 6' 4" tall and looks like his dad except that he has sandy blond hair. His best friend, Mack, calls him JAG. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Justis: Formerly a Black Wing Avii and Captain of Queen Elabeth's guard. He chose to be the Commander of the Avii Palace guards after Elabeth's murder. He is tall with black hair and black eyes. Older brother to Jurris. Now, the Red Wing King of the Avii. Mated to Quin. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ka'Mirai: Elemaiyan term for True Mirror. A powerful member of their race who could reverse events for them. Many legends have grown up around this person. Fox is the Ka'Mirai, and as a quarter-blood, she was rejected by the race. (Blood Destiny Series)
Kaakos: The name taken by the Sovereign Leader of the Free Nation of Ny-nes. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kage: See Colonel Kage.
Kaldill Schaff: King of the Elves. Long golden hair, green eyes and pointed ears. Mated to Quin. Father to (in order) Naldill, Reldill, Faldill and Lendill. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series,First Ordinance Series)
Kalenegar: The Vhilrilaszh. Son of Ferrigar. Cobalt-blue eyes, deep red hair. What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together the Vhilrilaszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Vhanaraszh. Mated to Corinne and Breanne. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Kalia: See Kay Zahn.
Kapirus: Water demons; scaled amphibians that prefer fresh water, but they'll swim in saltwater if forced to do so. The Everglades has both, posing no problem for these creatures; they normally drink the blood of wild mammals. To them, the blood of a humanoid is preferable to anything else, but they'll take whatever they can get if humans aren't available. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Karathia: A planet that sits on the boundary between Dark and Light worlds. Any inhabitant of Karathia holds some power, but there are five classifications, with First level being the weakest, Fifth level being strongest. Erland Morphis is a Fifth level Warlock, but only a few are aware of the extent of his power. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Karathian Cycle: Every one hundred sun-turns, the Karathian's sexual orientation changes. They can also change their gender if they choose. When this occurs, their love for their mates and lovers does not change, regardless of either person's orientation or gender. (High Demon Series)
Karl Johnson: Werewolf Packmaster of the Boise Pack. A trial lawyer and very ambitious, he is also Kellee's father, and pushes his daughter to capture Winkler in wedlock. He then challenges Winkler in what he feels is an unfair fight, with the odds weighted in his favor. (Blood Destiny Series)
Karzac Halivar: Physician originally from Refizan. He is more than fifteen thousand years old, served as a healer for the Saa Thalarr and is mated to Lissa, Devin and Grace. One son with Grace—Kevis Halivar. Member of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kay Zahn: The Changer. Alter ego to Kalia. See Ri'Kita. Mated to Ashe Evans. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ke'Leru (skull) Pirates: A group overseen by the Prophet, to further his plans and desires. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kellee: (Kellee Marie Johnson) Werewolf daughter of Karl Johnson, the Boise Packmaster. Spoiled and anxious to get her hands on Winkler's extensive empire. Married Winkler in Blood Sense (Blood Destiny Series). Divorced shortly after Winkler's twins were born.
Kellik of Abenott: Kell. Former noble in the Hraedan Court; became vampire before his natural death occurred. He was responsible for turning Rigovarnus I, who formed the Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. A master spy, Kell taught the Order everything he knew, including a few things about the fine art of poison-making. Kell is mated to Opal. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ken Harvey: Tech geek with acquired physical abilities. Before Cloud Dust, he and Kevin were identical twins, now they look nothing alike. (R-D Series)
Kend Industries: Supplies the ASD and CSD with much of their weaponry and surveillance equipment. (First Ordinance Series)
Kerok: a.k.a. Thorn Wulfson Kerok Rex, King Wulf's youngest son and Prince Commander of Az-ca's army. Becomes Crown Prince after Drenn's death, then King after his father's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Ketchi: The village where Cole and many other refugees from Ny-nes live. All were born with power and were sentenced to death by Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kev'Ril: World destroyed long ago by nuclear warfare. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kevin Harvey: Tech geek with acquired physical abilities. When he survived the Cloud Dust drug his twin brother Ken was brought into the program. (R-D Series)
Kevis Halivar: A successful doctor on Refizan. Runs a clinic for patients with serious mental health issues. Son of Karzac. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Khos'Mirai: Dark Mirror. Saxom's brother and half Bright, Half Dark Elemaiya. Nearly successful at destroying the Worlds of Light. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Kiarra: Became First among the Saa Thalarr after Griffin was demoted. Fighting Animal is a Unicorn. Strongest member of the Saa Thalarr. Father: Wisdom. Mated to Adam Chessman, Merrill Leopard and Pheligar of the Larentii. Also a member of the Ghi'Yisi—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kifirin: Once a Nameless Ones, of the Hierarchy of the Gods, he volunteered to bring balance by creating the Dark Worlds. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Kifirin (planet): Home planet of the High Demons, named after the god Kifirin. (High Demon Series)
King Wulf Carlson Alexander Rex: King of Az-ca. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
King's Eagles, The: An elite force within Az-ca's army, proficient in flying bubble shields and forming pods to combine blasts against the enemy. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kipp North: Werewolf bodyguard from the Fargo Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
Klancy: A Martial Arts professional before becoming Vampire. More than 200 years old. Accepted a job in the joint NSA/Homeland Security Department. Later became a modified Vampire. Mated to Corinne. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Klete: Formerly of Ny-nes; a nine-year-old who has formidable divination skills—a dream diviner. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kondar: Continent to the north of Fyris. It is seventy times bigger than Fyris and is divided into five sectors. Kondar and Yokaru used to be a single continent that broke apart when Siriaa was in its infancy. The Kondari people are technologically advanced. (First Ordinance Series)
Kooper Griff: Director of the Alliance Security Detail (ASD). 6' 7" or 8", brown hair and golden-brown eyes, sensuous mouth and nice features. Lion snake shapeshifter about 20 feet long. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Kordevik Weth: (Korde) High Demon Crown Prince. Mated to Lexsi, Crown Princess of Kifirin. Father: Lord Nedevik Weth. Mother: Lady Verarok. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ku'La: Law Chief of the Fi'Gu. (God Wars Series)
Ku'Ri: Warrior Chief of the Fi'Gu. (God Wars Series)
Kull: Council member who imagines himself to be chief of that body; Leader in the Republic of Az-ca movement. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyal: 11-year-old warrior boy with the ability to mindspeak. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyler: Member of the Saa Thalarr. Able to duplicate the power signature of the Larentii. Chief of Staff on Le-Ath Veronis. Twin sister to Cleo. Father, Glendes of Grey House. Mother, Ardith Endres. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Kyri: Female Diviner—believed to be a legend or myth. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Kyri's City: A city established by Kyri as a refuge for Ny-nes escapees who were born with power, and a safe haven for Black Rose girls who are too young to begin training as Escorts. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
L'on-Alberr: Foreign city, whose non-talented citizens were destroyed by Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
La'Re'Qitzi: Neaborian for forever balanced, in equilibrium. Name of the universe in which Connie's books take place. The name comes from the "Name the Lissaverse Contest" held Oct-Nov 2012 on Winning entry submitted by Larry O.
Laci Hunter: Wife of August Hunter, Colonel. (R-D Series)
Lafe: See LaFranza.
LaFranza: A Falchani swordmaster and famous tattoo artist. Mated to Quin. Also called Lafe. (First Ordinance Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lara'Kayan: Neaborian term for forever love.
Laren: 16-year-old warrior boy with the ability to mindspeak. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Larentii: The first race created by The Mighty, Larentii are tall, blue humanoids who feed on sunlight and have a policy of non-interference. They are the record keepers of the Universes; Nefrigar, Chief Archivist of the Larentii Archives has seen time revolve and turn back on itself many times.
Larentii Wise Ones: There are five Larentii Wise Ones and each has a Protector. Working together they are able to change what was, for an individual or incident, reversing any impact on the time line that should not have occurred. They also advise the Larentii Counsel. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
The Five Larentii Wise Ones are:
Larevik: High Demon military captain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lavonna Anderson: Shapeshifter, mother of Cori and Dori. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lawrence Frazier, M.D.: Research scientist for the NSA. (Blood Destiny Series)
Le'meruh: Unbreakable compulsion. If the one placing it doesn't remove it, it remains until one of the two dies.
Le'Vestar Limn: Engineer and weapons expert; Or'myr wyrm-dragon from Campiaa, kidnapped by the Prophet alongside Mae'Sandar Keel. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Le-Ath Veronis: Heart of the Vampire. The name given to the vampire planet. A Reth Alliance world, and home to most of its vampire population.
Le-Ath Veronis Imperea: Heart of the Vampire Queen. The name the Comesuli use for Queen Lissa.
Lee'Qee: An abandoned city on Pyrik, quarantined because of a nuclear accident centuries earlier. Home to the Ke'Leru Pirates, who became the Prophet's minions because they were hidden from the regular population and made themselves convenient for his takeover. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Leigh Williams: Thomas Williams, Jr.'s younger sister. (Blood Destiny Series
Len: Captain of the Furrow, a ship hauling food and supplies. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lenden Stone: Reah's bodyguard whom Teeg hired for her. See Denevik Lith.
Lendevik Lith: Former High Demon King (deceased). Father of Glindarok, once High Demon Queen. (High Demon Series)
Lendill Schaff: Vice-Director of the ASD, and one of four of Kaldill Schaff's sons. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Lenigar: Larentii. An excellent healer specializing in humanoid mothers and babies. Younger brother to Lanigar. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Lenk: Captain of the Palace Guard on Cloudsong. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Leo Shaw, Dr.: Lt. Colonel in the Army before joining the Cloud Dust Program. He is the Program's principal psychiatrist. (R-D Series)
Lera: Black Rose Escort abandoned by her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Levi: Captain, serves as Secondary Advisor to Prince Commander. Chosen by Misten to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lewus: Council representative for Merthis and five other villages. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lexsi Silver: Lexsi is the youngest daughter of Reah and Torevik Rath. She looks much like her mother, with long, silver-blonde hair. Her eyes are blue, however, like her father's. At 5' 7", she is taller than her mother. She is also an accomplished cook, as she has spent many summers working at her mother's and her Uncle Fes' restaurants in Targis on Tulgalan. Grandmother: Lissa. Grandfather: Gardevik Rath (deceased). (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Li'Neruh Rath: One of the Ko'Ahmari—see Hierarchy of the Gods. Asked to take over supervision of the Dark Realm and the god Kifirin. (High Demon Series) a.k.a. Hank. (God Wars Series)
Liam: Kaakos' Chief of Technical Sciences. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lieutenant Marc: Chosen by Wend to be her warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Liffel: Planet outside the Alliances and home to warring races of dwarves. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lilya: North Camp Instructor, Fourth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Limrok: Refizani city near the river. Lies north of Ordinandis, Refizan's capital city. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lion Kleander: Original seven of the Saa Thalarr. Lion used to be a motivational speaker. Shifts into a black lion. Mated to Marliana. Father of twins Rush and Rachael. (Saa Thalarr Series) He is a huge black man. 6' 7" tall and built of solid muscle. Before he joined the Saa Thalarr, he was a warrior priest on Pterak. It was his duty to protect the innocent. (Saa Thalarr Series, God Wars Series)
Lion Snake: The deadliest snake in the Alliances. Its poison paralyzes immediately, and the victim is dead before an antidote can be administered. They are one of three species of snakes that can blink.
Liri: Chief instructor from Cole's village. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lirokalif Cordrifith: Norian Keef's given name. (Leer-ock-uh-leef)
Liron (god): Rogue god, created the Avii race and Quin to keep the Avii and Fyris safe, in the event of his demise. Quin was rescued from Liron's clutches by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Liron (son): Avii; son of Jurris (deceased), former King of the Avii. (First Ordinance Series)
Lissa: a.k.a. Lissa Workman. Turned vampire against her will by Edward Desmarais and Sergio Velenci. Against all odds, she became a rare Vampire Queen on Earth, but had to conceal that information in order to protect her life. Eventually became Queen of the vampire planet Le-Ath Veronis. Is also one of The Five, and Breanne's half-sister.
Lissa's Mates: In alphabetical order.
Lisster: A Leopard shapeshifter who, in his humanoid form, has spots on his back, legs and neck. Retired from the Saa Thalarr and works as a Crown Investigator on Le-Ath Veronis. Mated to Grace and Devin. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Lofflin: Jeweler to the King of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lok: Falchani warrior who served twenty years in the Warlord's army before turning to the Solstice Trials, winning the Trials eleven times. In deference to his ancestor, Dragon Warlord, he received red dragon tattoos. Joined the ASD. Mated to Reah. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Lorvis Verll: (Deceased) Native of Jaledis and former best friend of Sabrina Kend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Louis: Former resident of L'on-Alberr; victim of Kaakos' blood spell. Rescued by Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Louise Worth: Rock Demon. Park's pretty, younger sister. She is studying veterinary medicine. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Luc: Resident of village near L'on-Alberr. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lucas: New Grand Master of the werewolves of Harifa Edus. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Lucas Alford: Werewolf. Denver pack's Second. Married to Corinne Alford. Raised Tony Hancock as his own. (Blood Destiny Series)
Lusern: Resident of a city in Swee'n. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Lynx: (Lynx Elan Rifkit) Originally from Reliff, a member planet of the Reth Alliance. A playboy and a member of the Saa Thalarr, Lynx has sandy brown hair, brown eyes and is 6' 6" in height. His fighting animal is a Lynx, and he was single for more than 17,000 years before Conner reeled him in. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Lyristolyi: They are related to the Sirenali, but they don't have the ability to place obsession. If they fight or want to appear aggressive, they wear scales. Otherwise, they appear humanoid. (R-D Series)
M'chestr: Foreign city taken by Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
M'Fiyah: Neaborian term for mate recognition.
Mae'Sander Keel: Engineer and Or'myr Dragon Queen from Campiaa, kidnapped by the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mak: One of two Blevakian brothers who were hired by Jewl Yarro as bodyguards. Now serves as bodyguard for Randl Gage aboard BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mandil: A non-Alliance world that shares a sun with Tulgalan. Crown City is the largest city. They have Ranos technology and a cannon large enough to destroy a planet but otherwise it is mostly a strange mix of technology and archaic skills. (High Demon Series)
Marc: See Lieutenant Marc. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Marco DeLuca: Marcus DeLuca and Denise DeLuca's oldest son. Werewolf from Old Earth. Co-Captain of BlackWing VIII with his wife, Cori Anderson-DeLuca. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Marcus DeLuca: Werewolf Packmaster for the Cloud Chief Pack. Married to Denise DeLuca, father to Marco and Salidar. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mari: Black Rose girl. Romma's daughter. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Mariana: Married to Brandl Gage, mother of Randl Gage; from Vogeffa II. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Markoff: Roff's younger brother. Dark-haired Comesula. Parent to Dariff. Formerly a winemaker on Kifirin, he now assists Roff at his winery on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Markus: Chief of the local ASD Department in Turbak, on Jaledis. Now serves as Chief of Security aboard BlackWing XIII. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Marliana: Healer and wife of Lion. Mother of twins Rush and Rachael. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Marra: Daria's chosen warrior. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Marta: General Weren's wife. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Martin Walters, Jr.: a.k.a. "Mack". Werewolf. Dark hair and eyes. Justin's best friend. His father is Martin Walters, Sr., Fresno Packmaster. (Saa Thalarr Series, Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Martin Walters, Sr.: Fresno Packmaster. Mack's father. Dark hair, brown eyes and an easy smile. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Matthew Michaels: (Matt) See Jayson Rome.
Mayarok, Lady: High Demon, mate of Lord Fredevik Greth. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Maye Canton: An alias. She was originally Asian and still speaks fluent Japanese. She has unruly red hair and green eyes. Her ability is to hear thoughts. (R-D Series)
Mebbers: Criminal Kingpin from A'pelur. He has successfully hidden from his criminal rivals for decades, behind walls filled with Sirenali bones. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Meerius: Nature spirit; Ar'pex to Vik Roth. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Melis Norwal: Chief of security for High President Edden Charkisul. He has close-cropped dark hair, alert green eyes and a steady hand. (First Ordinance Series)
Melody Patterson: Werewolf, science teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Melton Timble: Native of Pyrik; Shella Karp's fiancé who killed her in a fit of jealousy. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Mendacium: Ny-nes' capital city, renamed after Kaakos took over rule of the country. He named it that in a private jest. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Mendenath: World where Lissa took the quarter blood and innocent Elemaiya in Blood Queen. The surviving Elemaiya, with only a few exceptions, now live in a colony on Le-Ath Veronis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Merrill Leopard: Roman by birth, he is more than 2000 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Turned by Wlodek after the battle of Teutoberg Forest in CE 9. A King Vampire (not susceptible to any vampire compulsion), Merrill's Roman name was Titus Marius Merula. Has jet black hair, piercing blue eyes and a bit of Elemaiyan blood. Mated to Lissa and Kiarra. Member of the Saa Thalarr, and member of the Al'Riyu—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Merrin: Nephew of Hunter and King Wulf; cousin to Drenn and Kerok (on mother's side). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Merthis: Small village where Sherra was born. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Micah Rocklin: Werewolf, Second to Marcus DeLuca, Cloud Chief Packmaster. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mirazal: Rogue Refizani vampire. Now deceased. (Blood Destiny Series)
Miri: North Camp Instructor, Fifth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Miriasu: Elemaiyan Seer or prophet. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Mirisa of Firith: Amlis' fiance (early in the First Ordinance Series). She is quite high-handed and cruel. She is pretty enough, with pale hair and brown eyes, but thinks herself more beautiful than she is. (First Ordinance Series)
Misten: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Miz'Sandar Keel: Comp-vid Engineer and Or'myr wyrm-dragon from Campiaa. Brother to Mae'Sandar Keel. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Montrose: Member of the Vampire Council; French. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Moonstone Casino: A casino on Campiaa, owned by A&M Consortium (Adam and Merrill)
Mora: Comesula in her sixties who serves as Lissa's dresser and suite manager with Taff. (Blood Destiny Series)
Morningsun: Deserted planet, which was once home to the Dark Elemaiya. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Morrett: A mute Sirenali rescued by Corinne and then became her mate. His brothers are Terrett and Gerrett. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series)
Morton King: Homicidal ice demon, related to Homicidal ice demon, related to Cassie. Murdered Cassie's mother and aunt. Father to Dalton King. Works for Black Myth. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Morwin Quiffilis: Commonly referred to as Master Morwin, he works as a private tutor to the children of Kings, Queens and other important people. Amterean Dwarf by birth, Morwin served twenty years in the Amterean military before becoming a scholar and teacher. (Blood Destiny Series, Latter Day Demons Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Naldill Schaff: First-born son of Kaldill Schaff. Older brother of Reldill, Faldill and Lendill. Betrayed the Elven Laws. As punishment, he was stripped of his immortality and imprisoned on Cloudsong, forced to live out a mortal life. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Nari: Powerful relic hunter. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Queen's Holiday short story.)
Narimalan Cordrifith: (Nuh-rim-uh-lan) Norian's mother. (Blood Destiny Series)
Narris: Warrior-turned-traitor who left his Black Rose Escort behind (Hari) when he deserted the army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Narval: Copper Ra'Ak Prince. (Blood Destiny Series)
Narvin: Army deserter who, along with his Escort Willa, chose to follow Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nathan Anderson: Vampire, father of Cori and Dori Anderson. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Nathan Cross: From Old Earth. Now works as the navigator for BlackWing X. Mated to James Draper, pilot for BlackWing X. (R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Neaboria: A dead planet, the first planet destroyed by rogue Copper Ra'Ak. The Neaborian language was adopted by the Saa Thalarr to honor that peaceful world. (Seattle Elementals Series)
Nedevik Weth, Lord: High Demon and Eldest of the House of Weth. Father to Kordevik Weth, mated to Lady Vararok. (Latter Day Demons Series, God Wars Series)
Nefrigar: Larentii Chief Librarian and Archivist. Older brother to Pheligar. Mated to Reah. A.k.a. Honey Blue. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Neka: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, First Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nelimalu: High Demon word for the claiming. (High Demon Series)
Nenzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter, one of eight brothers. Oversaw the maintenance of Teeg's fleet of vehicles. Now Co-Captain of BlackWing II with his brother Farzi. Nenzi is mated to Queen Reah. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Nestor: Member of the Vampire Council; Spanish. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
New Fyris: A kingdom established on Harifa Edus after Siriaa's destruction. (First Ordinance Series)
Nexus Echo: A Larentii trick of listening for key words or names making it easy for them to follow up at a moment's notice.
Nguyen-Mei: Resident of Kyri's City. Caretaker for Mari, a Black Rose girl. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Niff: Name used for Lissa when she wasn't aware of who she was. (Blood Destiny Series)
Niff's Sweets and Goodies: A popular bakery and ice cream parlor. The first store is located in Casino City on Le-Ath Veronis. Many of the recipes used are Lissa's from Old Earth. The business is owned by Queen Lissa, Heathe and Grant. (Blood Destiny Series)
Niles: Cleric who became Ruarke's second-in-command upon Ward's death. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nina: North Camp Instructor, First Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Noah: Former resident of M'chestr. Joins Az-ca's army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Noff: Comesula healer's apprentice. (Blood Destiny Series)
Norian Keef: See Lissa's Mates.
North: Healer in Ny-nes. Changed his name to hide a past identity. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
North Camp: One of four camps where Black Rose Escort trainees are taught. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Northon: Home of WildTree Industries. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Norton: Saa Thalarr healer, originally from Old Earth. He is tall, has brown hair and kind eyes. Mated to Joey, Bearcat and Erland. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Ny-nes: Land of barbarian enemies. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Nyles Abernathy: Vampire. 5' 9", thick blond hair, stocky build. Sire to Edward Desmarais. (Blood Destiny Series)
Nyra: Levi's deceased Escort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
O'Tunne: Presidential candidate on Pyrik, who lost the election to Lebbon. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Olan: Chief Diviner for the Az-ca army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Old Broom: A fat, shaggy, brown gelding Finder rode to an inn with Amlis and Rod for a meeting. Lironis City in Fyris, planet Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series)
Oluwa: Member of the Vampire Council; African, from an area in what is now modern day Kenya. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Ooblerik: A very poor, non-alliance world. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Opal Tadewi: Opal is from Old Earth—a Native American shapeshifting velociraptor. She was a member of the Old Ones—a line of long-lived shapeshifters on Earth who held a place of honor among all shapeshifters. Opal has served in many capacities, including law enforcement. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. Mated to Kell. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Order of the Night Flower: An Order comprised of former kings of Hraede, who have had their steady hand guiding the monarchy through millennia to ensure the safety and stability of that world. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Ordin: Green-winged Avii master healer. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ordinandis: Refizani capital city. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Oren: Messenger for Crown Prince Thorn. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Orliff: Comesula healer's apprentice. (Blood Destiny Series)
Orpali: Planet where Saxom originated. (Blood Destiny Series)
Oskar: Winged guard at Avii Castle. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
P'loxett: A world destroyed by nuclear warfare; home base and hideout for the Prophet and his army. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
P.J. Pitt: Werewolf, Second to his father, who was Packmaster for the Cleveland Pack. His father owned a dojo there and taught Martial Arts, specializing in Kendo. P.J. is a master with a blade, and is hired by Karl Johnson to act as temporary Second in Karl's challenge against Winkler. P.J. meets his demise in Blood Sense. (Blood Destiny Series)
Pa-sen: A small village in southwestern Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Parke Worth: King of the Demons. Chancellor of the Paranormal and Supernatural. Truth Demon. (A Christmas Feral)
Paul Harris: Werewolf, English teacher at Cloud Chief Combined. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Paul Winthrop: Welsh werewolf policeman who helped Lissa solve the child murders in the U.K. (Blood Destiny Series)
Pauley Wilker-Ironsmith: Born a void on Karathia—without even a trace of power. This condition is highly unusual among the citizens of Karathia, and is considered quite debilitating. Brother to Perri Wilker-Ironsmith. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perdil: Advisor to Zendeval the King of Nrath. A Liffelithi dwarf and possibly the last of a nearly immortal race. Master Pastry Cook from Liffel II. Mated to Queen Lissa. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Perill: A highly-placed officer in the Prophet's army. Born on Pyrik, in the poisoned, abandoned city of Lee'Qee. Father: Vrak. Brother: Varok. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perri Wilker-Ironsmith: Fourth-level witch with a power-scenting talent. Abandoned by her parents and abused by her uncle, she completed her degree at the University of Le-Ath Veronis before going to work for the Crown of Karathia, tracking down rogue warlocks and witches. Sister to Pauley. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Perzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Handled supply requisitions for Teeg. Mated to Breanne. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Phantom: See Adahi. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Pheligar: Larentii Liaison to the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Kiarra. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Latter Day Demons Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Pheran Tiger: Falchani, former Lord Marshall to the Dragon Warlord. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is the Falchani Tiger (it had to be, he has them tattooed everywhere). (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Phericia: Planet attacked by Ra'Ak. (Blood Destiny Series)
Phil: (Philip Moody) werewolf, Winkler's Second. Accepts a bribe to betray Winkler in Blood Wager. Lissa takes him down. (Blood Destiny Series)
Phillip: Originally a half-Elemaiyan child born on Old Earth, Phillip was a mountain lion shapeshifter. The tennis ball Ashe Evans once handed to Lissa belonged to him in his ghostly alter ego, as he was killed on Earth and brought back to life by the Mighty Heart. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Phorde Gaster: Imposter placed in WildTree Industries by the Prophet to carry out his plans. Now deceased. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Phrinnis Tampirus: President of the Podl'Morphs. Mated to Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pierre: Resident of smaller city near L'on-Alberr. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Podl'Morph: Rare Immortal beings, more rare than female vampires. Immune to obsessions and compulsion. They are able to morph into any form, animal, vegetable or mineral. Trees and other plant life are favorite forms. Very dangerous when angry or attacked. Home world is Revalus, in the Campiaan Alliance. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Poll Endicutt: Small-time criminal from Campiaa, who is in love with his boss, Charla Dare. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pottles: Blind pot seller and friend to Sherra (see Doret). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Poul: Assassin for King Wulf. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Preliminary (or Prelim): An interim stage before the demon type fully manifests itself. In this stage they are taller and thicker skinned. (A Christmas Feral) [This title is currently unavailable.]
Prophet: a.k.a. V'dar. Born on Vogeffa II. Parents deceased. Has skills of a sorcerer and necromancer. Not much is known about him otherwise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Pyrik: A Reth Alliance world with a dark secret—buried nuclear waste dumps and a hidden stronghold inside the abandoned city of Lee'Qee, destroyed years earlier by a massive, nuclear accident. Lee'Qee is where the Prophet's mutant pirates work to do his bidding to destroy Alliance leaders and their laws, leaving them ripe for his takeover. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Q'elindi: A Karathian Witch with the talent to read people - know everything about them. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series)
Qatti Wilker: Third-level Karathian witch; Perri and Pauley's mother, strongly motivated by money and employed (with her husband, Gillen) by Mebbers. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Querl: Army deserter and Merrin's chief ally. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Quin: Queen of the Avii, a winged race from Siriaa. Began her life as a construct of the rogue god, Liron. Served as kitchen servant and page in Fyris, a small continent on Siriaa. (First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Quin's Mates:
- Daragar
- Justis
- Kaldill Schaff
- Berel
- LaFranza (a.k.a. Lafe)
- Terrett
- Yanzi
- Bel Erland
Quislus: Acrimus' child. Kifirin's parent. Created the Sirenali, Elemaiya and Ra'Ak. He originally made Thurlow. He helped Acrimus recruit and maintain the Hidden, a group of rogue Gods. (God Wars Series)
R.J. Pitt: Werewolf and P.J. Pitt's younger brother. Also good with a blade, R.J. dies 60 years after his brother, at the hands of Kiarra. If you want that story sometime, just ask. I'll do my best to post it somewhere. (Blood Destiny Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Ra'Ak: Humanoid shapeshifters that can turn into giant black or copper colored snake-like creatures. They enjoy eating humanoids. When shifted every part of them is poisonous.
Rabis: Bright Elemaiyan Seer (Miriasu). More is revealed in the Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Rachael: Twin sister of Rush. Daughter of Lion and Marliana. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Rachel Johnson: Company owner and law client of Parke Worth, who is working on a business merger for her. (A Very Paranormal Holiday)
Radolf: Karathian warlock. Son of Garek and Keetha. Master cook. Used to work at the Karathian Palace and Lissa's Palace. Former mate of Reah. Stole money from and betrayed Reah with her uncle Ilvan Desh. As punishment he and Ilvan were banished to Surnath to live a mortal life. (High Demon Series)
Radomir: Originally a fisherman living near the Jordan River in the late ninth century, he was 27 years old and dying from an infection when his brother Rollan, desperate because he saw his brother suffering, actually sought out Wlodek, offered him blood and begged him to take his brother's life. Wlodek took the offered blood and turned Radomir. Radomir served as Wlodek bodyguard for a very long time before Wlodek allowed him to become an Enforcer for the Council. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, First Ordinance Series)
Raedah (daughter): Reah and Tory's daughter, named after Reah's mother. (High Demon Series)
Raedah (mom): Daughter of Denevik Lith and Breszca Loffus. Eighth wife of Addah Desh, and Reah's mother. (High Demon Series)
Rafe Black: See Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Raheela: An elf. Lynx's Healer. Kaldill, King of Elves, was upset when she took the job. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Rahim Alif: Arab terrorist controlled by Xenides. He was plucked by Xenides from the streets in Afghanistan after Rahim managed to bomb a few US installations. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rale Linn: One of the Big Three criminal kingpins to take over after Vardil Cayetes' death. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Randall Smith: (Randy) Human son of a werewolf/human marriage. Forced to attend a human school at the age of 12 and the reason the community of Cloud Chief had to leave their former home in New Mexico and settle in Oklahoma. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Randl Gage: Blind clairvoyant born on Vogeffa II. Father: Brandl Gage. Mother is deceased. When Vogeffa II was attacked by Vardil Cayetes, most of the population was moved to New Fyris on Harifa Edus. Employed first by Prince Amlis, and later by the Alliance Security Detail (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ranger Bel: Warlock from Mandil. 6' tall with short, dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard and green-gold eyes. a.k.a. Wizard Bel. (High Demon Series)
Ranger Delvin: Wizard from Mandil. He is just under 6' tall with dark hair and brown eyes. He is able to sense talent and power levels in other wizards. Turns traitor, joining Arvil San Gerxon. Now deceased. (High Demon Series)
Raona: High Demon term for Queen/Your Highness.
Raoni: High Demon term for King/Your Highness.
Raven Praxa: Captain of the guard for Lord Marshall Pheran Tiger. Falchani army. Terrified at times with Pheran. More terrified of the General and Warlord. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Reah Desh: Quarter High Demon, with the full complement of gifts, plus some. Nearly white hair and green eyes. She was an agent for the ASD before becoming Queen of Kifirin. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reah's Mates:
Reemagar: Larentii See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reena: Former Black Rose Escort washout, reinstated with the help of Sherra. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Refizan: A Reth Alliance planet, known for its production of grain and fruit. Also one of the most advanced worlds in medicine. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reldill Schaff: Second-born son of Kaldill Schaff. Brother of Naldill, Faldill and Lendill. Follows Naldill in betraying Elven Laws. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
René de la Roque: Cousin to Gavin, René is not such a stickler for the rules as Gavin is. Enjoys a challenge and often was sent on assignment by Wlodek, when a bending of the rules might be necessary. Dark blond hair, brown eyes and a sense of humor. (Blood Destiny Series)
Renee Coffin: Vampire, third, and only female, personal assistant to Queen Lissa. Turned by Lissa herself, Renee has no knowledge of that and believes she was turned by Montrose, who acts as her sire and became her lover, once her five-year training period was over. (R-D Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Renegar: Larentii, Liaison for the Saa Thalarr and son of Pheligar and Kiarra. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Reptanoid: Reptanoids are Lion snake shapeshifters genetically engineered by criminals with the intent of making them into assassins. They have humanoid faces, but with golden-brown slitted eyes, narrow nostrils and hiss a little when they talk. 5' 6" tall, brown hair. All but eight of them die at the end of Blood Redemption. Those remaining were sold into slavery by Zellar to Arvil San Gerxon, then later freed by Reah and Teeg. Those who are left are:
Republic of Az-ca: Subversive group determined to fight those with power and bring about civil war. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Reth Alliance: An Alliance consisting of nearly 500 member planets, with a standard set of laws governing trade, humanoid rights, etc.
Reva: Black Rose Escort who, with her warrior, deserted the army and joined with Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Revalus: Homeworld for the remnants of the Podl'Morphs and the Sirenali. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Reviendus: Randl Gage's title, given by the Ar'pexi, which means Soul of the Universes. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rezael: City on Trell, two hours by train from Xindis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rhett: Vampire, turned by Dalroy after being shot outside a bar in New Mexico. Originally, Rhett was from Philadelphia and a medical student at the time. His father, a physician, had given permission for his son to explore the Wild West before returning to school. His exploration cost him his human life. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Rhiza'Sarroulis: (Ree-jhuh Sa-roo-liss) means soul's completion.
Ri'Kita: Elemaiyan term for a myth they call The Changer. A person with this ability can not only see a being's aura lines, but manipulate them, for either good or ill. For example, turning a being's aura lines all black will kill them. The only known individual to have this ability is Kay Zahn, who prefers to use the talent to heal people. (God Wars Series)
Rigo: See Rigovarnus I.
Rigovarnus I: (Rigo) Former king of Hraede and founder of the Rith Naeri, the Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. Adept in diplomacy, politics and poisons. Mated to Lissa and serves as the director of Lissa's hidden spy network. See Lissa's Mates. Member of the Mil'Karha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rik: A Falchani member of the Saa Thalarr. Called upon to heal stress and injury his healing hands are almost legendary on Le-Ath Veronis. Kyler is his mate and his Ai yevu. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Rinnelar: See Corinne Watson.
Rith Naeri: Order of the Night Flower on Hraede. Rith Naeri is a secret group of vampires who were once Kings of Hraede. They all act as advisors to the current Kings/Queens, and only the best of those are selected (when they are dying) for the turn and admission into this elite group. They wear a tattoo of the Hraedan Night Flower on their necks—the flower is such a deep purple it looks black. It hangs from a slender stem upside down.
Rivelodar Cordrifith: (Riv-el-o-dar) Norian's father. (Blood Destiny Series)
Rodrik: a.k.a. "Rod." Cousin, assistant and bodyguard to Prince Amlis. He is compact and muscular from sword practice. Dark-brown hair and dark-blue eyes. Father: Rath—deceased. Wife: Beatrice. One child. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Roff: Comesula, Infilathi. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Rolfe: A vampire, nearly 7' tall with broad features and large hands, who guards Wlodek's home. (Blood Destiny Series)
Romma: Resident of Dar-den, and mother to Mari (Black Rose girl). (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Rondival: (Ron) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rorevik: Gardevik and Jaydevik Rath's youngest brother. Held the High Demon throne for 1200 years. An inexperienced ruler, Kifirin suffered while he held the crown. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ru'Beq: Reth Alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ruarke: Chief Cleric of Ny-nes, and Kaakos' second-in-command. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Rush: Black lion shapeshifter. Twin brother of Rachael. Son of Lion and Marliana. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Russell: Full name Russell William Farleigh, he was a boxer and British by birth. Drew the attention of Xavier (Xavier is Adam Chessman's sire) who was a boxing fan. When Russell contracted appendicitis in the early 1800s, Xavier performed the turn to save his life. Russell and Adam served the Council as Enforcers until Adam was invited to join the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Ruther Kend: Owner of Kend Industries. Married to Barra Kend, father of Sabrina Kend. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Rylend Davan Morphis: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, and King of Karathia. Son of Queen Lissa and Erland Morphis. Over 6' tall with dark hair and eyes and a lazy, beautiful smile. Born at the end of Blood Destiny Series. One son, Crown Prince Bel Erland Morphis. Mated to Queen Reah. Siblings: Torevik Rath, Nissa Grey, Gavril Montegue (Teeg San Gerxon), Travis and Trent Tatsuya, Willow and Wayne Winkler. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Sa'wann: Viliage in eastern Az-ca, nestled in a hilly area prone to predator attacks. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Saa Thalarr: Neaborian term for Hope and Vengeance. Now, a powerful race created to combat the Ra'Ak. Here is a list of the female characters introduced in Blood Queen, and their mates.
- Pheran Tiger
- Flavio
- Rik
- Dalroy
- Meligar
- Xenigar
- Rhett
- David
- Caylon Black
- Harvel Grey
- Garegar
- Lanegar
Sabrina Kend: Genius daughter of Ruther Kend, owner of Kend Industries. Mother: Barra Kend. Kend Industries supplies the ASD and CSD with much of their weaponry and surveillance equipment. First mentioned in First Ordinance Series as an unnamed daughter of Ruther Kend. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Salidar DeLuca: (Sali) Marcus and Denise DeLuca's youngest son and Ashe Evans' best friend. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Salik: Petitioned the King to get the dowry from his fiancee after she ended their engagement. A member of the Republic of Az-ca, he intended to expose Kerok's lack of power. Deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Samm: Lieutenant, warrior in Az-ca's army. Bonded with Glindi. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Sand Swept Casino: A casino on Campiaa, owned by Erland Morphis. (Blood Destiny Series)
Sandra L'Thorpe: Nurse and Nanny for Lissa's twins, Wayne and Wynter. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sarah Fox: See Corinne Watson.
Saxom Melitus: From Orpali, Saxom was chosen as a healer for the Saa Thalarr. Betrayed them and was stripped of his immortality and exiled. Found immortality again by becoming vampire and swearing vengeance against the Saa Thalarr. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Sebastian: (now deceased) Assassin for the Vampire Council. Went rogue. (Blood Destiny Series)
Secondary Camp: Location for final Escort training after warriors are chosen. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Sergio Velenci: Vampire who made a bet with Edward Desmarais about how long it would take Lissa to turn. Sergio is the one who turned Lissa. Black hair, dark eyes, exotic features, Latin background. (Blood Destiny Series)
Serrigar: Larentii. Nefrigar's eldest son. Works with his father in the Larentii Archives. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Seturna: First level High Priest of the Solar Red religion. (Blood Destiny Series)
Seval: Contractor supplying women to work at the main desert outpost. Business partner is Chlind. Planet Mandil. (High Demon Series)
Shaaliveer: Home planet of the Belancour Wizards. (Blood Destiny Series, R-D Series, First Ordinance Series)
Shadow Grey: Master Wizard, K'Shoufa Jewelry Division. Son of Raffian Grey. Grandson of Glendes Grey. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Sharon O'Neill: Shapeshifter (palomino mare) Wynn O'Neill's mother. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Shella Karp: Native of Pyrik, works as one of President Lebbon's assistants. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sherra: Black Rose Escort trainee from Merthis. Sherra discovers her talents go far beyond normal Escorts, one of which is the ability to detect talents in others and instruct them how to bring them to the surface. Sherra is crucial to the success of her class of Black Rose Escorts. Bonded to Thorn Wulfson Kerok Rex; Doret considers her an adopted daughter. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Shirley Walker: Corpus Christi Packmaster, one of the few female Packmasters in the U.S. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Shon: Member of the Republic of Az-ca. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Simmas: Falchani warrior. Fights with one blade. Bad tempered and swears a lot. Pulls his blade too slowly. Lost early in the Solstice Trials. (Other Worldly Ways, Anthologies)
Sirenali: (Pending update)
Siriaa: A planet poisoned so extensively it will eventually kill its inhabitants, unless powerful gods intervene. Home to the people of Kondar, Fyris, Yokaru and the Avii.
Solar Red: A brutal religion, which practices human sacrifice. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Soobi: Kitchen servant in Kaakos' palace. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Soul of the Universes: A title the Ar'pexi have given to Randl. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
SouthStar Groves: Owned by Ashe Evans, SouthStar is a haven and houses many. Those who reside there will never age because of the power wielded by Ashe. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Starr Brothers: Very powerful Karathian warlocks. They were once rogue and worked for the criminal Brothers Hardlow. They all have dark hair and eyes. Given a second chance by Teeg San Gerxon they now work for him in the Campiaan Alliance. (High Demon Series)
Stave: Resident of the far northeastern village of Gaull in Az-ca; Jubal's closest neighbor. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Stellan Starr: Fifth-level Karathian warlock, one of four brothers who protect Teeg San Gerxon. Mated to Breanne. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Stephan: Enforcer for the Vampire Council. Dark-skinned, dark-eyed, tall, muscular. (Blood Destiny Series)
Steven Francis Jr.: Conner's oldest son. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Stone Wicke: Low Fifth-level warlock, employed by Mebbers for decades. Prior employment was for one criminal after another for centuries, after which he faked his own death to remove himself from the Karathian Crown's most-wanted list. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Sursee: Falchani for teacher/instructor.
Sursee Tatsuya: Tatsuya is a last name Dragon often employs when he is on assignment. Means Dragon, to be in some translations. Sursee is Falchani for teacher/instructor.
Susan Plume: Hen shapeshifter (Buff Orpington). ASD agent who doubles as a cook for the crew of BlackWing X. (Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Susila: Female member of the Vampire Council; Scandinavian. (Blood Destiny Series)
Swee'n: A foreign city. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
T'Beq: Capital City of Ru'beq, a Reth Alliance world. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Taff: Comesula in her sixties who serves as Lissa's dresser and suite manager with Mora. (Blood Destiny Series)
Teeg San Gerxon: Founder of the Campiaan Alliance. His given name at birth was Gavril Tybus Montegue. Mother: Queen Lissa of Le-Ath Veronis. Father: Gavin Montegue, one of Lissa's mates. His nickname, Teeg, was given to him by his foster-father, Dormas. He took that name when he was separated from his parents by Kifirin (the god), who exacted payment for a request made by a young Gavril. His last name, San Gerxon, was acquired when he was named heir to Arvil San Gerxon, a criminal kingpin who built the small planet of Campiaa into a non-Alliance gambling mecca. Teeg's siblings include: Rylend Morphis, Torevik Rath, Nissa Grey, Travis and Trent Tatsuya, and Willow and Wayne Winkler. Mated to Reah, Queen of Kifirin. (High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Telling Winds: See Akashic Records.
Tera: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Teren: One of two trusted bodyguards and emissaries who works for Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Terrett: A mute Sirenali whose mother sold him into slavery. Gerrett and Morrett are his brothers, also mute. Mated to Quin. He has dark green eyes, the color of the sea on a cloudy day. His mother is Erithia Cordan. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Terry Smith: Human father of Randy Smith. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
The Five (GW):
The Five (RD): Elite soldiers who volunteered for the Cloud Dust Program. They are considered the talented ones.
The Jewels: The Bright Elemaiyan Queen (Friesianna) refers to these four brothers as her Jewels, her elite guards and enforcers. Head of the four brothers is Diamond, followed by Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
The Mighty:
The Rose Mark: A forbidden book. All copies were thought to be destroyed. Crown Prince Thorn removed its forbidden status and decided to provide copies to all Black Rose Escort trainees. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Theodore Williams: (Teddy) Thomas Williams' twin brother and Second in the Sacramento Pack. (Blood Destiny Series)
Thifilatha: High Demon female's Demon form. Only Glindarok has ever turned Thifilatha (until Reah Desh and Lexsi Silver came along).
Thifilathi: High Demon male's Demon form.
Thomas Williams: Sacramento Packmaster who died helping Lissa fight off a pack of seditionist werewolves. (Blood Destiny Series)
Thomas Williams, III: Werewolf agent for the Joint NSA/HSD. Dark hair and eyes. Member of the Sacramento Pack. His mother is Wynter, Winkler's first daughter. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Thomas Williams, Jr.: Thomas Williams' son and new Packmaster for the Sacramento Pack. Lissa's Pack membership is moved to Thomas' Pack after Winkler is forced to move her (at Kellee's insistence). (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Thorn's Book of Advanced Divination Techniques: A forbidden book. All copies were thought to be destroyed. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Thornson: Kaakos' given name. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Thurlow: Formerly Thorsten, who was originally in charge of the Saa Thalarr. He often argued with Griffin, and was sent back to the beginning for committing infractions. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Tiearan Briar: Chief of the Green Birth Fae. Quite old but looks very young. Long pale gold hair. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tiessa: Hraedan word for Beloved. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tiger: Retired female member of the Saa Thalarr. Bearcat was her healer. Mated to Mavrillek, still an active member of the Saa Thalarr, a Hellcat. Tiger is her shapeshifting fighter animal. She's 6' tall. (God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Tim'Bek II: An abandoned world taken by the Prophet. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Timblor, Prince: Older son and heir of King Tamblin. A chip off the old block. He is 25 years old with black hair and dark eyes. (First Ordinance Series)
Tiralia: World which destroyed itself with chemical warfare long ago. Still has a very poisonous atmosphere and none approach it. Only source of Tiralian crystal, a gem worth far more than any other. (Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tiralian crystal: Crystal mined from a dead world, destroyed by the Ra'Ak. Tiralian crystal is very rare, shines brighter than diamonds and is extremely expensive. It also holds spells better than any other jewel and Tiralian crystal infused with protection spells is highly sought by wealthy rulers.
Tiri: Powerful relic hunter. (BlackWing Pirates Series, Queen's Holiday short story)
Tirlan-dar'miri: Elvish phrase that means beautiful beyond words. (High Demon Series)
Toff: Comesula child. Youngest son of Roff. (Blood Destiny Series)
Tony (Anthony) Hancock: Adopted son of a werewolf mother, Anthony is 1/8th Elemaiya and has mindspeech. He is also Director of the Joint NSA/Homeland Security Department. Black hair, gray eyes, handsome, 36 years old in Blood Wager. See Lissa's Mates. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Torevik Rolfe Rath: Half High Demon. Son of Lissa and Gardevik Rath. Mated to Reah. He has seven daughters; Raedah, Tara, Lara, Kara, Sara, Dara and Lexsi. See entry for Vik Roth for additional information. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trace Gibson: One of Winkler's bodyguards and a member of the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7' tall. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Brother to Trajan Gibson, Winkler's Second. Proficient (like his brother) in Martial Arts. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Trajan Gibson: Winkler's Second in the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7' tall, dark hair and eyes; Trajan is a black belt in karate and a master of several other disciplines. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Travis Tatsuya: He's the son of Lissa and Drake. Grandson of Dragon and Devin. Twin brother of Trent. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Travis Tetsuya: See Travis Tatsuya. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trell: A Reth Alliance planet and home to Pearlina Rin. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series)
Trent Tatsuya: He's the son of Lissa and Drew. Grandson of Dragon and Devin. Twin brother of Travis. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trent Tetsuya: See Trent Tatsuya. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Trevor: Assassin for the Vampire Council. Sheriff of Casino City. One of Breanne's mates. (Blood Destiny Series, God Wars Series.)
Trey Henson: See Ilya Kuznetsov. (R-D Series)
Tulgalan: Birth planet of Reah Desh. Capital city Targis where Desh's #1 restaurant is. Reah worked at Desh's #2 in the city of Shirves as a child. (High Demon Series)
Turtle: Former Falchani warrior, now Spawn Hunter for the Saa Thalarr. Owns a bar on Falchan with his son. Member of the Nameless Ones—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tybus: A very ancient vampire, born long before the destruction of Le-Ath Veronis by the Copper Ra'Ak millennia ago. Le-Ath Veronis lay dormant for eons before Lissa arrived to rebuild it. Vampire architect who designed the palaces on Le-Ath Veronis and Kifirin. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Tykl: Empty world that serves as trash planet to the Alliances. (Blood Destiny Series)
Ula Karn: Native of Jaledis and former friend of Sabrina Kend. Having an affair with Fergue Bing behind Sabrina Kend's back. (BlackWing Pirates Series).
Ura: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee and one of the Bulldog's pet students. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
V'dar: a.k.a. the Prophet. Born on Vogeffa II. Parents deceased. Has skills of a sorcerer and necromancer. Not much is known about him otherwise. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
V'ili: Sirenali Prince before the destruction of Sirena by the Larentii. Was rescued from that destruction by rogue gods, who commanded him to create chaos through the years in order to destroy The Mighty and the universes with them. (God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, Latter Day Demons Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vale: Northernmost supply village for Az-ca's army. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Valegar: Larentii. Nefrigar's second eldest son who also works as his assistant. Mated to Corinne. (First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Vampire Aristocracy: Five hundred of the oldest and most powerful vampires on Earth. Working together the Aristocracy formed the vampire government, administered by the Vampire Council. The oldest became the head of the Council, and the Council chooses who fills the vacancies when they occur. (Blood Destiny Series)
Vampire Laws: These will be posted elsewhere.
Vardil Cayetes: Spoiled younger brother of Hordace. Criminal. He stayed inactive just long enough to make both Alliances think that the Cayetes crime conglomerate was dead, before picking up where his brother left off. He destroyed Siriaa. He employed the kidnappers and murderers known as Cayetes Storm. Responsible for more deaths to count, in or out of the Alliances. Killed by Zaria. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series).
Varnon: Village elder in Merthis. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Varok: A highly-placed officer in the Prophet's army. Born on Pyrik, in the poisoned city of Lee'Qee. Father: Vrak. Brother: Perill. (BlackWing Pirates Series).
Venge: Top General for Kaakos. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Vengeance: Raver created by Kaakos after taking over Merrin's mind. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Veri: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee and one of the Bulldog's pet students. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Veris: Comesula, common demon cohort leader. (Blood Destiny Series)
Veronis Imperea: Vampire Queen.
Veshtul: Capital city of the High Demon world. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, Latter Day Demons Series)
Veykan: Falchani warrior, he was Crane's second when Crane was training students in the Art of the Blade. Grace was sent to learn bladework from Crane and Veykan after she joined the Saa Thalarr. (Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Vhanaraszh: In the Larentii language, it means restorer. The female equivalent of Vhilrilaszh. Foretold by prophecy to the Larentii — What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together (Change What Was) the Vhanaraszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Changer and the Vhilrilaszh. (God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vhilrilaszh: In the Larentii language, it means restorer. The male equivalent of Vhanaraszh. What the five Larentii Wise Ones can do together (Change What Was) the Vhilrilaszh can do alone. Works in tandem with the Vhanaraszh. (God Wars Series.)
Vik Roth: a.k.a. Torevik Rath. Brought back from death by Zaria, he now works under an assumed name for the ASD. High Demon son of Queen Lissa and Gardevik Rath. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vogeffa II: A world which was nearly destroyed by climate change. All polar ice melted, leaving only one small continent for residents to live on. Drew a criminal element after a time, and became home to many who were considered mutants. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vorina: Avii and wife of former Avii King Jurris. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Vrak: There are two, the original, conscripted by the Prophet, and an impostor placed by the Prophet to do his bidding and lead raiding parties to steal food and supplies from passing ships. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Ward: Cleric and Ruarke's second in command. Now deceased. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Warlend Arden: Former king of Karathia. Abdicated in favor of his son, Wylend Arden. He has two other sons, Wellend and Wallend. He was assassinated during a coup. Now a member of the Avii race, through Zaria's efforts. Has red wings, denoting royalty of that race, along with retaining his warlock's skills. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Weldon Harper: Former Grand Master of the Werewolves on Old Earth. 6' 3", tough as hell with dark eyes and hair. He's the only werewolf brave enough to approach Wlodek and the Vampire Council in an attempt to forge peace between the two races. If the peace agreement hadn't been made, both races would eventually have been exposed and exterminated. Weldon had the vision (and the persuasion) to convince Wlodek. Now a member of the Saa Thalarr and of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wellend Arden: Former King of Karathia. Attempt made on his life by his step-mother and her father, who wanted their natural grandson on the throne. Throne eventually taken by Wellend's half-brother, Wylend Arden. Father: Warlend Arden. Now a member of the Avii race, through Zaria's efforts. Has red wings, denoting royalty of that race, along with retaining his warlock skills. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Welton: Chief Physician, military post. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wend: North Camp Black Rose Escort trainee, Sixth Cohort. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wendal: Assassin for King Wulf. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Weren: Former Colonel and warrior trainee instructor. Becomes General of the army. See Colonel Weren. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
West Cana: The area where Kyri's City is located. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Whitney Wynne Winkler: 5' 3", dark hair and eyes. Winkler's baby sister. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wib'burne: Homeworld of Zanfield Staggs. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Will: (William Evans Troutman) Will has straight, dark hair, dark eyes and is Irish by birth. Turned in the mid-1800s, he was quickly made an Enforcer for the Council. Best friends with Russell, together they make a formidable fighting team. (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Willa: Black Rose Escort bonded to Narvin. Together, they deserted the army and decided to follow Merrin. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
William Wayne Winkler, Jr.: Son of William Wayne Winkler. Dallas Packmaster after his father. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wilm Bedard: Noted journalist from Horlak. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wimla: Avii and wife of former Avii King Jurris. Mother of young Liron. (First Ordinance Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Winkler: (William Wayne Winkler) werewolf, former Packmaster for the Dallas Pack on Old Earth. Dark hair, dark eyes, 6' 3" in height, 86 years old at beginning of Blood Wager. Has engineering degrees and is something of a genius at developing security software. Strong, moves with an easy grace. A bit of a playboy at first. Mated to Queen Lissa. See Lissa's Mates. Serves as a Spawn Hunter for the Saa Thalarr. Member of the Ba'Mirha—see Hierarchy of the Gods. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series, R-D Series, BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wisdom: See Charles Hoffman.
Wlodek: Head of the Vampire Council on Old Earth. Became a member of Saa Thalarr. Fighting animal is a Panther. Mated to Fox. Was Greek, original name Aniketos (unconquered). (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series, Saa Thalarr Series, Other Worldly Ways - Anthologies)
Wolf: Original seven of the Saa Thalarr. Mated to Daniel Carey. (Saa Thalarr Series).
Woord'l: Campiaan Alliance world, home to Huyer Food Distribution, which was targeted by the Prophet for theft of provisions. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wulf Tadson Ruarke Rex: See Ruarke. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Wyatt: See Garwin Wyatt San Gerxon. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Wyatt Arden: Heir to the Karathian throne. (Blood Destiny Series)
Wylend Arden: Succeeded his father, Warlend Arden, as King of Karathia. Tall, brown hair, hazel eyes with flecks of gold. 27,000 years old. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series, First Ordinance Series, God Wars Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series, God Wars Series)
Wynn O'Neill: Shapeshifter: (rare unicorn) and one of Ashe's classmates. (Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Wynter Willow Winkler: Daughter of Winkler and Kellee and is the twin sister of William Wayne Winkler, Jr. She is a werewolf with black hair and nearly black eyes. Married to Thomas Williams, Jr. (Sacramento Packmaster), with whom she has one son, Thomas Williams, III. (Blood Destiny Series, Legend of the Ir'Indicti Series)
Wyyld: Home of the Reth Alliance Founder, Ildevar Wyyld.
Xavier (Demon Doctor): Goes to the Worth estate to treat Cassandra King and Louise Worth after they are in a car accident. (A Very Paranormal Holiday)
Xavier (Vampire): Vampire council member. Sire to Adam Chessman and Russell Farleigh. Went rogue and murdered Merrill's child, Jeff. Deceased. (Saa Thalarr Series)
Xenides: Saxom's first vampire child. Originally Greek by birth, his name was Catulus, but took up the name Xenides to hide his identity. Saxom effectively hid his vampire children, and the Council had no idea they existed. Obsessed with following Saxom's orders, Xenides had no thought of the consequences. Saxom's final command to Xenides before he died was "make them pay." (Blood Destiny Series, Saa Thalarr Series)
Xindis: Capital city of Trell. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yandiveri: (Yan) Former king of Hraede and member of the Rith Naeri. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yanzi: Reptanoid, Lion Snake shapeshifter. Supervised farming on Campiaa. Became a Nameless One - See Hierarchy of the Gods. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series, First Ordinance Series)
Yaredolak Cordrifith: (Yuh-reed-o-lack) Norian's brother. (God Wars Series)
Yasa: a.k.a. Bulldog, or the Bulldog. The Bulldog is known to show extreme favoritism toward a few promising students. She has a mean streak and a hateful demeanor, mostly due to having been a Black Rose Escort washout when she was young, relegated to a teaching roll. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)
Yidrizin: Greater Demon. Acting prime minister for Nrath, the Greater Demon home planet. Mentor and advisor to Zendeval Rjjn when he was sent back 25,000 years in the past by Kifirin. (High Demon Series)
Yoff (infant): Comesula child of Giff. Killed in a murder/suicide. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yoff (son): Son of Toff and Nissa. Named after Giff's son as a tribute. (Latter Day Demons Series)
Yokaru: A continent far to Aviia's west on the planet Siriaa. The people are not as advanced as those on the Kondar continent. (First Ordinance Series)
Youon: Black Ra'Ak King. (High Demon Series)
Yurevik Weth: High Demon. Military captain. (Blood Destiny Series)
Yurik: Obsessed minion of the Prophet, placed in charge of getting his starship rebuilt. Yurik was out of his depth, however, and likely would have died sooner and at the Prophet's hand, had Le'Vestar Limn not known what he was doing. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Zanfield Staggs: Trillionaire from Felarku, Wib'burne. Loves to gamble and has a flair for the unusual or exotic. (BlackWing Pirates Series)
Zaria: Also known as Corinnelar the Vhanaraszh to the Larentii, and Corinne Watson on Old Earth. Zaria is a powerful enigma who holds the entire metal library, which contains information on everything in existence. Father: Wisdom. Mother: Unknown.
Zedru: Falchani warrior. He has a full set of coiled snake tattoos. Well-built and wiry. (Other Worldly Ways, Anthologies)
Zellar: Rogue Karathian Warlock. (Blood Destiny Series, High Demon Series)
Zendeval Rjjn: Greater Demon (one of the few remaining). He manages the five best resorts on Stellar Winds. He has dark brown hair and black eyes. (High Demon Series, God Wars Series)
Zis: Warrior-priest in Raver/Merrin's entourage. (Black Rose Sorceress Series)